The following is an excerpted copy of a letter given to the Executive Council of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom on April 19, 1992. Because of the beauty of the message it contains, it is now being shared with all of the chelas worldwide.


Lady Miriam

April 19, 1992

My Beloved Friends and Co-servers,

...The time has come when forgiveness must be given and accepted by each one involved with the work of the Ascended Masters. No longer can walls of human consciousness be built around any activity working for beloved Saint Germain and His Permanent Golden Age.

The birth of new life does not happen without struggle, but when you ask any new mother about the difficulties encountered while carrying to term and the actual delivery; nothing matters except holding dear the new lifestream they have brought forth. At the moment of birth all that was involved was well worth the effort.

Realize that it is the same with this Activity of Light. On September 11, 1954, beloved El Morya placed in my hands, and those who believed in me, a newborn child The Bridge to Freedom to nurture, allowing it, to grow to its full potential. Of the original seven members, all of us have moved on to higher service, except one, who even now, still assists this Activity in her own way.

It is now up to you each one to assist in the continuing forward movement of this Activity. I know to some of you there is a different vibration and feeling than before, and this is as it should be. In the forward evolution of all endeavors things may seem very different and that in itself shows that progress is being made. I ask each of you to become responsible and to be patient...

...As the Divine Complement of beloved El Morya, I represent the enfolding, loving aspect of the Godhead by holding the Immaculate Concept of this Activity as the Will of God is made manifest in this physical world of form. Through the cooperation of the Executive Council, Staff, Guardians, Chelas, Ascended Masters and great Cosmic Beings, the forward acceleration of this Planet and all life upon it is assured. It is now time that We ALL become the Family of Light We truly are and lovingly enfold and support this Activity and those individuals involved in bringing forth the gifts and blessings of God to our beloved Planet!

Now that I AM in this position, I AM enabled to see the Divine Plan, and I must say it is magnificent. Won't you assist in its manifestation?

Truly know me as I enfold you in my love. Realize here and now that this new vibration that you feel within this Activity is that of Divine Love!

Lady Miriam







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