Decree for the Blessings of the Fifth Ray

In the name of the all-pervading Presence of God I AM and through the power of the spoken word, we call upon the Hierarch of Light of the Consecration Flame:

Beloved Archangel Raphael... CHARGE (3X) us with Your momentum of Consecration. Lift and fill our spirits with reverence and dedication, expanding our service.

Beloved Healing Angels, Messengers of the Green Flame; BLAZE (3X) your healing powers through our four lower vehicles and DISSOLVE (3X) any imperfection within our worlds and affairs, transmuting it into Light once more.

Beloved Mother Mary, PROTECT (3X) us and all Your children, especially those who are in distress of any kind. Reach forth Your arms toward the needed areas and touch with Your tenderness the actions of all involved.

May the Peace of the Universe reign forever in our hearts and those of all Humanity.