Assimilation and Expansion of the Electronic Pattern

September 1992


ELECTRONIC PATTERN: Visualize the Earth enfolded within the fiery Blue Aura of Archangel Michael, restoring God's limitless Faith in humanity.

Beloved Friends in the Light,

I AM Michael, Archangel of God's beloved First Ray of Faith, Protection, Power and the Will of God. The God quality which I embody is Faiththat Faith which serves as an impenetrable protection from all that is not of the Light.

I am not merely stating the obvious. I am stating the truth of my Being! I know Who I AM! Each day, as I emerge from the Great Silence. I declare and decree the purpose of my existence in just such a manner. In this way, I remain centered at all times upon the Light which I am privileged to express, and upon my commitment to express that Light as the perfect faith which provides all protection.

Beloved chelas, you areeach onea Being of great Light! That Light can only be dimmed by the shadow of your own doubt. You wield great power of consciousness! You have the Heavenly Host at your command when you stand within your Inner Christ. At times I desire to hold a cosmic mirror before you, so that you can see yourselves as you truly arefree and strong, loved and loving sons and daughters of the Most High Living God! As it is, however, I bow in all humility to Divine Law, which states that I can show you the path, but you must walk forward under the power of your own perseverance!

I am so grateful for each and every step you take! To smooth your upward climb, I suggest that you enter the Silence and appeal to your Presence for a clear recognition of your own statement of being. Find your own purpose, your special God Quality, and then endeavor to express it at all times, in all situations. Waver not from your primary purpose! When you truly begin to live your part of the Great Divine Plan, all endeavors shall express the joy and enthusiasm of the Octaves of Light.

I wish to speak with you again about a matter close to my Heartmy 'littlest Angels'those of the Angelic Kingdom Who have chosen to take embodiment at this time in order to assist humanity. I am thankful for the decrees and invocations you are presently making on behalf of these dear ones. Great momentums of protection and freedom surround each one, and are sustained in great part by your calls. I now ask that you go one step further.

As a chela, one of the greatest gifts that you can bestow upon any part of lifehuman, angelic or elementalis to hold the Immaculate Concept, regardless of outer appearance. As I bring to your remembrance the strength of your own great Light, I remind you of the Divinity which is intrinsic to every lifestream. Your conscious connection with the Great White Brotherhood opens before you vistas of undreamed glory! Share your expanded God consciousness with those lifestreams who live within your sphere of influence. Hold before you at all times your inner vision of the true nature of every man, woman and child upon the planet. Behold the Christ Spirit, and set It free!

A number of my young warriors have chosen life paths which will put them in contact with The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom Activity, so that they may be awakened more quickly to a level of conscious service. Indeed, many of you are personally acquainted with one or more of these angels. They are not distinguished in a physical sense from other embodied lifestreams. They stand behind the same veil. This is their sacrifice.

One of my angels may be your child, grandchild, neighbor or friend. They may be your brother or sister, or even yourself, because I speak of an activity of Light that encompasses more than the newest generations of human embodiment! However, in order to hold the Immaculate Concept for my young warriors, you must hold that concept for all humankind, especially, for those whose paths intersect your daily life.

Some time ago, I offered to give you my Faith in exchange for your own. On inner levels, many of you have allowed me to give you this gift. I now ask that you give the same blessing to your fellowman.

Invoke my Faith through your own Chalice of Consciousness into the I AM Presence of every lifestream whose aura touches your own. Hold the Immaculate Concept for these dear ones, no matter what illusions may be presented! In the Name of the Light of God which is eternally victorious, know that as you act to increase the faith of another, the veil which screens you from the Light shall be further torn asunder, and my own Joy in service shall be yours!

I anticipate your calls with love and thanksgiving! So be it, my beloved friends!


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The Great Beings from the Sun Temples whose radiation and outpouring we will receive during this period:

VIRGO -      August 23 through September 22

Balance of Virgo, the Solidity, the Assurance and the Confidence.

GODDESS OF LIBERTY -    September 23 through October 22

A Focus of Liberty and Freedom to this Earth.


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