
Beloved Mother Mary

March 3, 1991

My Children,

I cherish the Flame of Divinity within you and I AM so grateful as I draw you close to my heart and enfold you within my radiation. My Love for you is absolute and without question. There are no limitations or qualifications placed upon you. It is as perfect as the Immaculate Concept I hold for each and every lifestream upon the Earth.

We are coming to the time of year when the Resurrection Flame blazes forth to bring renewal and hope to all life. You can see it all around you if you but take the time to look. Beauty abounds everywherefrom the tiniest flower to the mightiest of mountains. I say to you: Take this opportunity to impress this beauty within each of your vehicles, and in so doing you will add to your own individual consciousness and assist in raising the consciousness of all life on the planet.

This is but another example of the Law of the Circle. What you give is truly what you will receive. Become the Spirit of the Resurrection, the Hope of Eternal Life and Light. With hope you can have it ALL!all of God’s Supplythe wealth of the universeillumination, purity, health, and peace. The spark has always been within you. Hope will rekindle that spark so that you will blaze forth as the mighty being of Light you truly are. Nothing can stand in your way except you. Take this to heart and remember it always, for it is the Truth.

I ask you now to take time at night to enter my Temples in your inner vehicles, asking that you may do so just before you lie down to rest each night. You will be welcomed by myself, Archangel Raphael, or a member of our Brotherhood who is in residence. Join us and assist in any of the various works being done there if you so desire.

For example, partake of the Flame of the Resurrection and send it out to all persons, places, and conditions that are in need of this activity during this tremendous acceleration of humankind's evolution. Your work will help in the development of man's deep, inner spiritual growth which is absolutely necessary at this time so that the Earth can move forward toward her ascension.

Release into the feeling world of all people the understanding of the importance of their spiritual work and the reality of the Brotherhood of the Ascended Masters, Angels, Elementals, and Humankind.

As you know, my service to life has to do primarily with Divine Healing. By removing the cause and core of all distress, God's Perfection is restored. If you choose to work with me in this way, know that in so doing you are assisting with the removal of any negative karma of the race consciousness, replacing it with a consciousness of brotherhood for all. Invoke, focus, concentrate, and sustain this Flame. It can then go into action where necessary, especially at this time to the areas of the world where forgiveness, purification, and hope are so needed to restore man's faith in God. I thank you in advance for any assistance you can offer to this cause.

Remember, each time you leave my retreat, you take with you the hope of a new day. It is up to the chelas to awaken all life to the Presence of the Christ, culminating with its full physical manifestation within the hearts of all humanity.

Know that I have always loved you, and that I love you now and forever, with the Love and Joy of a Mother.


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The Christ Self, itself, is a gift of Love that is designed to allow a channel into humanity's personal world of this One Force of God existence, reality and Supreme Power. The Master Jesus opened the door for this by proving that his full acceptance of the Christ Self, while in embodiment, would channel through Powers of Love beyond the laws of the physical Plane, so-called miracles. And those great Beings on the Third Ray, who guard and sustain this Focus of impersonal Love, do so with the conviction that eventually, all life will experience this Love flow through their existence as well.






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