An Affirmation of Divine Love

I stand now upon the Eartha chela of the Great White Brotherhood. I am centered within my Holy Christ Self, the mighty Threefold Flame in my heart.

I inbreathe the Crystalline Pink Flame of Divine Love from the Heart of my Father-Mother God. As I absorb and expand that Light, I am enfolded in the peace which only perfect Love can bring. As I project the Flame of Love to all life upon this dear planet, I decree:

Beloved Spirit of the Earth, I BLESS YOU NOW with the full momentum of God's Love. Expand this blessing to enfold all elemental life, as an expression of gratitude for the loving home which you have provided to us.

Brothers and Sisters in the Human Family, I BLESS YOU NOW with the unconditional Love of our God Parents. Share this love, one with another, in tolerance, forgiveness and peace.

Dear Friends within the Angelic Kingdom, I BLESS YOU NOW with the full joy and adoration of Divine Love, in thankfulness and respect for your unceasing devotion to humanity.

Thank You, beloved Presence of God I AM, for this opportunity to express the blessings of Your Love! In humble gratitude, I offer this Love to You now.

SO BE IT, Beloved I AM!





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