Easter Conference

Lady Liberty

March 30, 1991

Beloved Chelas,

I AM so pleased to be able to be a part of the enfolding activity of the Ascended Host for this blessed year of 1991. In the Earth, it is not an easy year of attainment, for Liberty has had to be defended and protected from forces which desire to make it captive to the human consciousness. There is so much that is at this moment hidden from the awareness of the chelas, but I AM proud of each and every one of you for holding the Divine Concept for this planet - in spite of the outer picture upon the screen of life. We have chosen not to speak a great deal regarding the events which are taking place in the world right now. The reason is that we feel confident that all of our chelas are at a point of understanding where they are aware that it is they who must follow the teachings which have been presented over the years.

Beloved Michael has informed you of his Littlest Warriors who have taken embodiment at this critical time in the unfolding plan for the redemption of the evolutions of the Earth. These dear Beings have come - as Pure Spirits of Light - into a situation for which they have no previous experience upon which to draw. Needless to say, he - and I - inform you of this so that you - with your tremendous background of experience within the Earth's environments - can easily understand the vibratory activity into which they have so readily volunteered to embody. It is our hope that you will have sufficient love and dedication to take the time and make the calls   necessary to form a protective forcefield around them, filling it with the transmuting Violet Flame, so that they may not be contaminated with the contagion which is still se prevalent on the Earth.

Beloved Ones, I tell you this, not to make you feel any fear whatsoever, but to let you know that the Earth is now moving forward in Her evolution, drawn gently by the POWER OF LIGHT upon a COSMIC HIGHWAY OF LOVE.

There is so much help that has been offered and accepted on behalf of humanity. However, there are so few of the race that are aware of this fact! My words may seem strong, but it is necessary. You are the few to whom we may speak in this way.

There are many who are predicting, stirring the hearts of humankind to be fearful, but that is not my intent!  I speak not of the end of the world, but of the saving of the Earth! There is a vast difference! This Earth is a treasured and beloved child of Helios and Vesta, for it is not only one of the most difficult schoolrooms of the system, but one of the most necessary. This is the place where the Spirit Sparks come to learn to be Masters of Flame! This is a most difficult task, and must be accomplished without the visible assistance to which most of you are accustomed. I would like to tell you about this, because it is my hope that it will encourage those of you who are experiencing difficulty with this "course" from which you must finally graduate.

In other systems of worlds through which you have successfully passed, you became accustomed to the visible presence of your teachers and the Masters of Energy of those worlds. This has become remote to your memory, but I speak the truth! In those systems, you learned many things to prepare you for the experience in which you are now involved. At that time, you became quite used to depending upon the immediate presence of your teachers and leaders, who were able to answer your questions, and debate with you as to the meaning of the spiritual laws which you were being taught at that time. All this my beloved Ones, was in preparation for the Earth experience!

Now, you seek teachers and leaders, and that has become one of the most difficult tests which face you, for we are your Teachers, and we must now stand aside and let you come to the understanding which is required without our visible Presence and assistance! Beloved, your teacher lives within your Heart, and it is there that you must seek the Truth.

I have a Keynote, and the name of that Keynote is "Fanfare for the Common Man". It is totally significant of that which you now face. My Beloved Children, my Flame of Liberty is anchored within each one of your hearts, and it is you who have now become the Hope of the World!

You are acting literally, and not just figuratively as my emissaries! It is you who have become the focus of the Flame of Liberty and Freedom for the Earth. My Flame is identical with the Sacred Threefold Flame in your blessed heart centers, and that of all humanity. Many of you also carry the Sacred Violet Flame, some as a Radiance, such as my own, and others, an actual portion of the Flame, having made the request that it be grafted into your heart Flames, as it was for Saint Germain. It is your desire which says that you wish to stand for the Spiritual Liberation and Freedom of every man, woman, and child, upon the Planet Earth. As with any other desire, it forms a "petition" upon which your life energy has become focused.

It is the "common man" who will be the savior of the Earth! Remember, dear chelas, that Jesus was a common man, born of common parents, who went to register as any ordinary family in Bethlehem so many years ago! Beloved of My Heart you are "registered" upon the Books of Light as those who have come into the Earth to act in behalf of all life at this time. You have my eternal Love, Devotion, and Gratitude for your every effort to fulfill the Promise of the FLAME OF LIBERTY upon the Earth.

"I AM" THE GODDESS OF LIBERTY - and your Mentor. I Love You, each Blessed Chela of Light.

Lady Liberty


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The Great Beings from the Sun Temples whose radiance and outpouring we will receive during this period:

LORD MAITREYA -      May 21 through June 20

The Focus of Lovethe Christ-man working through personality.

VISTA -                      June 21 through July 22

All the Power of Concentration and Power of Consecration.


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Pentecost                                     Sunday, June 7

Father's Day                                 Sunday, June 21 



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