
Feeling a deep desire to enter the silence, you go into your quiet room. As you close the door, you leave all distraction outside. Sitting down and breathing deeply, you call forth your Mantle of Light protection. Centered now within your heart flame, you begin to blaze the Violet Flame of Transmutation through your body, mind, feeling world, and memories. As you do so, a profound sense of longing wells up from the center of your being and begins to flow forth from your heart center, seeking fulfillment - just as a mighty river seeks the ocean. Suddenly you realize that you are longing for your brothers and sisters of light - the guardian spirits with whom you vowed to serve before you took embodiment upon the Earth. As soon as this realization comes, your consciousness rises gently into the atmosphere high above the Earth.

From this vantage point, you discover you can move freely in any direction you wish. You begin to circle the planet, observing its great beauty with a sense of love, reverence, and awe.

As you orbit the Earth, you are joined by other chelas, some of whom you recognize as your co-servers in the Light. You realize that they feel and are responding to the same longing, as you. As this awareness comes, the Christ Flame within all of your hearts merges in a burst of Light and Love, and as one mind and heart you silently decree;

"I AM Flame, I AM Flame, I AM Flame!

 My Light, My life, touches all!

Forever ONE in the Great Divine Plan of Life,

My Light, My life, My Love!

Hear us, Oh Life Eternal, as we make this call for the Guardian Spirits who sleep! Awaken, awaken, awaken! Remember the Light within your hearts, and claim your Divine Heritage! So be it! Beloved I AM!"

As the decree goes forth, you move out in all directions, over every continent and island, blazing your Light to the Earth below. As the Light from your heart centers projects to the Earth below, it appears as beams from great searchlights. Acting as a magnetizing force, the rays of Light comb the cities and villages over which you pass, searching for the guardian spirits who have fallen into slumber.

Found by the Light, those who sleep now awaken. As they do, a starburst appears in the heart of each one, and the Flame within their hearts is ignited by your love and longing. It begins to rise upward to illumine their consciousness, revealing the Divine Plan and purpose for which they incarnated.

Now a small, brilliant star appears over the head of each awakened guardian, signaling the Forces of Light to come and assist them to fully recall their vows, and reaffirm their desire to serve in the transformation of the Earth.

As you watch the newly awakened guardians, a miracle takes place before your eyes. An angel from the Blue Ray comes first, entering the aura of each one, to protect the newly awakened consciousness from any force which is not of the Light. Then, a golden angel from the Second Ray enters, to nourish the Flame of Illumination in the heart. Finally, an angel from the Third Ray enters the aura of each one, sealing them in the love and comfort of the Holy Spirit. These blessed angels will remain within the aura of each awakened guardian Spirit, to assist in the balancing of the heart flame, while the process of recalling the Divine plan for the lifestream takes place.

Now, a beam of Light from the heart of each awakened Guardian merges with those you and the other chelas are projecting to the Earth. A tremendous network of Light, Love and Power immediately encircles the planet, through which all chelas and Light workers will have constant connection with the Forces of Light and each other.

Knowing that you have truly served as a chela of Light, working in concert with the Ascended Masters, you give the sign of the Heart, Head and Hand to your companions, and let your consciousness return to your physical location. Feeling satisfied and happy of heart, you send a ray of gratitude to your God Presence for this opportunity to serve.









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