Easter Conference

Saint Germain

April 18, 1992

Friends of My Heart,

I greet you today in love and gratitude for the Light of God, which binds us together in brotherhood and service! I am always delighted to participate in the conferences with our chelas at Shamballa. This particular gathering holds special significance for me, for in addition to marking the resurrection of our beloved Ascended Master Jesus, it is also the fortieth anniversary of the birth of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom Activity. The brotherhood between humanity and the Octaves of Light has seen much growth during this period, and I bow in all humility to the tenacity of Our chelas, as you work so ceaselessly to pour forth the Light of God into the hearts and minds of all life on the planet! Please take this moment to enter into your own Threefold Flames, as I reach forth with all the Power of my Being to join my Flame with yours!

Across the face of this dear planet, countless lifestreams are responding to the call of Freedom sent forth by the Presence of God 'I AM' that majestic Presence which indwells each and every member of humanity. As these lifestreams claim the Freedom which is their heritage as children of the One God, the call goes forth from the Silent Watcher in the vicinity of each one, for the appropriate teacher to come forth and take the student in hand. I say to you now that your calls for the awakening of the Guardian Spirits of the Earth are having a marked effect on the forward momentum of this race! As more and more of our chelas become involved in this work, this momentum shall reach proportions We await with great anticipation.

In the Ascended Master Realm, the progress of any one lifestream, and of the race as a whole, is measured in terms of Light - the eternal Flame within each heart, and the outward radiation of that Flame. At the awakening of a Guardian Spirit, we observe a magnificent starburst of light, radiating first upward to its Source, and then outward to bless the planet. Each such starburst is greeted with great thanksgiving in the Octaves of Light, for it signifies a true homecoming, that is, one of our Brothers or Sisters has come Home to the Light of the Presence of God 'I AM'! Each Guardian Spirit thus awakened is then available to respond to the call of the Silent Watchers of the planet as teachers and guardians of the race.

I counsel you to continue your calls for the awakening of these Guardian Spirits. Incorporate these calls into your group work wherever possible, as well, making them a part of your personal application. In this way you shall sustain and accelerate the momentum you have already begun, moving this planet ever more quickly into the Light!

Through our ages of association, you have learned much about the Nature of God in relation to man. You know that the Flame which animates your four lower vehicles is threefold in nature, being composed of the Divine Attributes of Love, Wisdom, and Power. Consistent personal application of Divine Principle will eventuate in the perfect vibrational balance of these three Divine Attributes, resulting in your personal ascension. This process of balancing the vibrational activity of the Threefold Flame is known as spiritual UNFOLDMENT or evolution. When the spiritual UNFOLDMENT of a lifestream has progressed to the extent that ascension is assured on the inner levels, the process then convert to one of ENFOLDMENT. That is, the gifts and blessings from God and his Messengers may then flow to and through the lifestream to enfold and bless all life.

Make no mistake, however! UNFOLDMENT must always precede ENFOLDMENT. This is a Divine Principle applied to all aspects of Divinity. The petals of the blossom must unfurl before the fragrance of the flower can go forth to bless life. Lord Michael has told you that he spends twenty of every twenty-four hours in the atmosphere of the Earth; yet, it is the four hours out of every twenty-four which he spends in the Heart of the Great, Great Silence, which enables him to work so ceaselessly for humankind! Every Ascended Master has set aside a certain portion of every day to be spent in personal silent communion with our Great Source.

Dear chelas, I watch you with eyes of Love as you go about your daily work for our brotherhood! I observe and participate in your group efforts to sustain our mighty Bridge to Spiritual Freedom! I hold you within my Aura as you strive to express God on a personal level in all of your affairs. I have no words to express my Gratitude for your perseverance. It is with the utmost tenderness that I counsel you to take time to just rest in the Presence of God 'I AM'. Seek the Silence every day. Begin all activity with a return to your Source. Make this your first priority, and you will find that all tasks which face you will align themselves in Divine Order, moving smoothly to completion.

Beloved Ones, to complete my message today, I ask that you close your eyes, and breathe upon the beautiful Flame that dwells in your hearts. Let the Light of my Presence enfold and embrace that Flame, for within It, We are ONE! Feel and receive my eternal love and gratitude for your acceptance of my friendship and counsel in your lives. You honor me!

Saint Germain





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