Some Things to Remember

A. This is an all-powerful Plan of Creation that was given to us by the Mighty Elohim Who created the very planet upon which you walk today. It works very quickly, if you are dedicated to using your energies to create this momentum.

B. You must put your emotional and mental bodies into full service as you follow this Plan of Creation, remembering that both Father and Mother are needed to manifest the Son.

C. Your FAITH in the efficacy of these steps must be ABSOLUTE! When you are assaulted by doubts and fears while awaiting the manifestation, you must use the Violet Fire to transmute immediately. A simple affirmation decree works well, such as THE LIGHT OF GOD IS ETERNALLY VICTORIOUS! You must simply and peacefully KNOW, with love and gratitude, that manifestation is a foregone conclusion.

D. These steps must be used RHYTHMICALLY. Set a time each week when you can and will go through this Plan to increase the momentum, and you must hold that time inviolate. Arcturus said that He has seen lifestreams become discouraged and give up just before the cosmically required amount of energy had been sent forth to achieve manifestation.

NOTE: In the Seven Steps of Precipitation, the Seventh Ray of Transmutation is invoked before the Sixth Ray of Peace. Do this in order to seal your service in PEACE.  

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Seven-Fold Plan of Creation

1. In the Name and Authority of the Beloved Presence of God I AM, we invoke the Presence and Assistance of MIGHTY ELOHIM HERCULES! Amplify our power of decision and will. Bring ongoing financial supply and freedom for SHAMBALLA and The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom into manifestation NOW! May our service to the Light move forward in joy and peace.

2. In the Name and Authority of the Beloved Presence of God I AM, we invoke the Presence and Assistance of MIGHTY ELOHIM CASSIOPEIA! Amplify our power to perceive the perfect circumstances for the manifestation of ongoing financial supply and freedom for SHAMBALLA and The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom. See that such manifestation is in perfect alignment with the Divine Will of God.

3. In the Name and Authority of the Beloved Presence of God I AM, we invoke the Presence and Assistance of MIGHTY ELOHIM ORION! Amplify our power of love to draw the manifestation of ongoing financial supply and freedom for SHAMBALLA and The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom into Universal Light. Help us to hold this perfect form within that Light and Love.

4. In the Name and Authority of the Beloved Presence of God I AM, we invoke the Presence and Assistance of BELOVED ELOHIM CLAIRE! Amplify our clarity and purity of consciousness to hold the design of the manifestation of ongoing financial supply and freedom for SHAMBALLA and The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom in perfect alignment with the Divine Plan.

5. In the Name and Authority of the Beloved Presence of God I AM, we invoke the Presence and Assistance of BELOVED ELOHIM VISTA! Amplify our power of concentration on, and consecration to, the Divine Pattern of the manifestation of ongoing financial supply and freedom for SHAMBALLA and The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom until the design is completed.

6. In the Name and Authority of the Beloved Presence of God I AM, we invoke the Presence and Assistance of MIGHTY ELOHIM ARCTURUS! Manifest and hold sustained the Violet Fire, rhythm of invocation, and precision required. May it perfect the symmetry of design for the manifestation of ongoing financial supply and freedom for SHAMBALLA and The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom.

7. In the Name and Authority of the Beloved Presence of God I AM, we invoke the Presence and Assistance of BELOVED ELOHIM TRANQUILITY! Take the form of manifestation for the ongoing financial supply and freedom of SHAMBALLA and The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom. Increase that form in beauty, harmony, and service, and SEAL, SEAL, SEAL it within Your Flame of Cosmic Christ Peace.

We send forth our love and gratitude to the SEVEN MIGHTY ELOHIM for Their service and assistance in this act of creation.

SO BE IT! We accept the ongoing financial supply and freedom of SHAMBALLA and The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom, manifest NOW, moving forward with full momentum in perfect harmony with the Divine Will of God, for we speak as God's Most Sacred Name, I AM!

Thank You, Beloved I AM!




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