
Feel yourself enveloped in an invincible forcefield of Protection. From within this center, ask your Mighty "I AM" Presence to take command of your every thought and feeling, action and reaction, as you travel in consciousness to a magnificent valley of the southwestern desert in the United States of America. Standing upon this silent and sacred ground, feel the wind touch your face and caress your hair. Hear its sound as it replaces the silence with harmonious music, and let your vision be drawn outward across the great valley which lies before you. Feel its strength and calm serenitythe Power of Peace.

Now you become aware of the towering peaks surrounding this valley, and you begin your journey toward the tallest mountain. Feeling the Presence of Beloved Saint Germain, you are enfolded within his ceremonial cloak of the Seventh Ray. Moving upward, your heart is filled with joy as you realize that your dedicated service to the Ascended Masters has brought you to this place. Above you on your path, the luminous form of Beloved Master Jesus beckons you onward. Reaching a small plateau, you rest for a few moments on this consecrated ground.

Mighty Elohim Vista appears before you in all his majesty, and gives you a gift that is known only to you, which you hold to your heart as you prepare to continue your journey. You are assisted now with the power, buoyancy and Light of the Fourth Ray, and your climb becomes easier. You quicken your pace as you see the summit before you, and once again you hear the beautiful healing music that you first heard on the desert floor.

As you reach the summit, John the Beloved meets you, stretching forth his hand to help you take your final step onto the high plateau. Breathing deeply and sending a Ray of Gratitude to Master John, you walk with him to a large healing circle, within which blazes his Pink Flame of Divine Love with an expanding radiance of Pink Light. Beloved John steps into the Flame, and again stretches forth his hand to you, inviting you to join him. Before you do so, you invoke the Violet Transmuting Flame to purify yourself of anything that is of the human.

Looking upward, you see Angels from all of the Seven Rays filling the sky around you, adding their voices to the celestial music. As you step into the Flame with Beloved John, and breathe in its Sacred Essence, you begin to rise gently upward, and you are enfolded within a feeling of Divine Love so great that it is almost more than you can bear. Entering the Cities of Saint John, you are bathed in the harmonious music of Cosmic Healing, and these Healing Tones flow through you to the planet Earth, bringing perfection, and transmitting a tremendous momentum of Healing Peace completely around the Earth.

Knowing that this is done, you find yourself back at the foot of the mountain once more gazing out at the beautiful vista before you. Your heart is filled with happiness and gratitude for the opportunity that was given to you this day, and you return home, following the Light withinyour own guiding star.





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