Assimilation and Expansion of the Electronic Pattern

July 1990




ELECTRONIC PATTERN: Visualize an immense Maltese Cross of Amethyst Jewels, at the center of which blazes the Sacred Flame of Freedom. This Cross is held high on a flaming pedestal of the Green Flame of Truth. All is encircled by a Golden Chain of Unity.

Beloved Chelas; Among the gifts I brought to Earth during my embodiment as Jesus the Christ, one of the most important was the establishment of a focus of the Resurrection Flame, and the Ascension Flame. This was one of the major aspects of my mission, and the one, perhaps, of which most people are aware. However, there was another gift - of which I but planted the seed.

When I spoke the words - "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do! " - they were spoken from a heart which realized, at that moment, that the race consciousness was not yet capable of receiving the understanding of my teachings. I knew, at that moment, that humanity would not comprehend the meaning of my teachings, or of the crucifixion, for much time yet to come.

Still - at the moment those words came forth from my heart, my Father-Mother God revealed to me a vista indescribable to mortal mind! I saw the ages which preceded the Christian dispensation, and I saw ages yet to come! It was revealed to me the way in which my offering fit into a plan of the evolution of humanity upon the Planet Earth! I saw before me the face of the man I loved and trusted more than any other, the face of the beloved Joseph, who had acted as my father-protector, my teacher and guide, who had, in fact, together with my blessed Mother, made my mission even possible.

I saw the SEED of FORGIVENESS, MERCY and TRANSMUTATION planted in the Earth at the very moment that I felt the tides of Love and Forgiveness flow forth from my Being for all humanity! I knew that - even as the Christian Dispensation was at its very beginning the Seed of the Next Age was already planted! I was shown how it would sprout and grow in the hearts and minds of all the people of Earth, so that they would be enabled to walk forward into an age of Spiritual Freedom - grown from the beginnings of all that I, and those who came and worked with me, had begun.

Oh, beloved ones, I was shown the UNITY of all the ages - past, present and future! I saw my beloved Friend and Protector as the one who would receive the love and respect of all the people of Earth, as he led them forward into light they could not have even dreamed of at the time this was shown to me! Such is the Power of Words, especially when they emerge from the very center of your being!

Out of the darkness of my soul-night, when I was not yet sure of the success or failure of my own Divine Mission - let me tell you - I cannot describe the freedom this vision gave my soul! I was lifted up to heights of release and glory I had not been able to achieve during those hours, and I knew I could go on and complete that which I must do, and that I would, in fact, accomplish that which had been set before me!

Oh, beloved friends of the Ages, I realize how difficult it is to let go and let the Christ within you light the way, but there is no other possibility. Of yourselves - remember - you are nothing! It is only the Holy Christ within that knows the Way, and it can only be revealed one step at a time as you move upon your paths, both individually, and collectively.

I ask you to keep the vision before you, and never lose faith and trust in the Christ to guide you through until it can be realized for the Earth! There is a Golden Thread of Love connecting us - one to the other - and it runs through the experience of all men and women through all the ages of this system of worlds! I speak of this to you - and I tell you - it is Truth! Keep fast to the trust established between us, for you have come to show the way, even as I was called upon to do before you.

It is so important to let go of all the past, for all that has gone before is already a part of your being, the truth of which is already incorporated into your soul experiences at the very depths of your being. March steadily forward into the greater light of beloved Saint Germain's New Age! Do not permit the fears and superstitions of anything past bind your consciousness, because human consciousness can never keep pace with those who are called upon to be trail blazers for the New Age of Spiritual Freedom!

There are many in the Earth who still cannot forgive, and let go of all into the Violet Flame of transmutation. These blessed ones need your understanding, your love, and your courage to set the example of Spiritually Free people, who are not afraid to let the past go, and break the chains that bind the consciousness of the race.

I fill you now with my Ray of Unity, Love and Blessing. Remember the Golden Thread of which I told you. It is a lifeline of illumination to your consciousness. Just know it connects my Heart and Mind to yours at all times, and from us all life shall be drawn up from the darkness of human understanding into the Full Light of Christed Consciousness.

In love, "I AM"

Micah Archangel of Unity






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