Assimilation and Expansion of the Electronic Pattern

January 1990


ELECTRONIC PATTERN: A Pure Crystalline Starburst of Rainbow Rays over the Royal Teton Mountains - representing the outpouring of the various activities of The Spirit of The Great White Brotherhood.

Lord Lanto:

Faithful Chelas - Welcome to Our Retreat in Wyoming - a place of great beauty.

Many of you have traveled here, some in your physical garments, others through visualization.

The Teton Mountains are considered one of the most beautiful Earthly expressions in the United States. Our principal Focus is within the Grand Teton Mountain itself. On occasion, some Members of the Spiritual Hierarchy assemble here to participate in ceremonies, one in particular is the changing of the Guard (the Incoming Sponsors for the year).

You are aware also that this ceremony takes place at Shamballa at midnight, when The Enfolding Spirit and the Sponsors for the year are announced; and the Thoughtform and Theme are given.

It is important that you accept and use this activity, for it enables you to serve in conjunction with all the Members of the Spiritual Hierarchy. Truly this is a privilege; for one becomes in attunement with the Great White Brotherhood.

After this information is released and has been imbedded in your consciousness, The Enfolding Spirit for the year gives a message to all present. Then the Directors, facing the Chelas, repeat the Thoughtform and Theme.

Then, an "all night watch” begins. Each individual present, comes to the front of the Podium, where he receives a candle which he lights and places on a table where an Illumined Globe of the Planet Earth has been provided. When this service has been completed, the Thoughtform and Theme is repeated seven times.

Then those who have volunteered for the all-night Service begin their individual watch. The volunteers, in couples, proceed to the Altar; they repeat the Thoughtform and Theme, then this affirmation traverses the Earth where all Foci of Light are Blessed. And of course, All Life is Blessed thereby. Then the couple comes down from the Altar, and facing each other, and sit by the candles and continue their service for the all-night watch. There is always some individual who will receive this message and (regardless of "Time Change") will endeavor to participate for a group or even one individual who is desirous of serving in this manner.

For all who volunteer, it is essential they remember this is not a ONE TIME SERVICE, and should remember that daily sending forth their message BENEFITS ALL LIFE.

I realize that continuity for a yearly Service is difficult for the human consciousness. Remember All the Members of Our Brotherhood at the Teton Mountains will be grateful if you will turn your attention to us and in so doing, we will have the opportunity to assist you; for we can see what is present in your consciousness, and thus endeavor to help you.

The Members of the Spiritual Hierarchy always welcome an opportunity to assist YOU, and ALL LIFE.

Enfolding you in the Love and Protection of All Who Serve at the Rocky Mountain Retreat.

"I AM" Lanto


June and December of each year 1952 to 1979,

September 1980,

January and July 1981 to 1983;

January 1984 to 1989.



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