Summer Conference

El Morya

July 23, 1989

Beloved Chelas,

Now I want to take you on a journey through visualization, so remain centered and listen carefully. I have permission to take you through one of the Temples here at Shamballa.

We approach the steps... seven steps to take to come to the entrance. The doors are open as we reach there, and we are welcomed by two lovely Angels of Light. We see in front of us a tremendous hall, and we are almost overcome with the very first experience there, for seated within a Golden Lotus of Light is our Beloved Gautama, and the Rays of Light coming from Heaven and his Heart are magnificent to behold. ... A breathtaking scene, and we bow in gratitude for the privilege of being here.

On the right side of this beautiful room is a place where people who wish to have some assistance from the Ascended Host are seated, awaiting their turn. On the left side, we see an entrance which leads to the quarters of Sanat Kumara. He always has a focus here, and when he is away from Shamballa on other affairs of light, there is always a representative here, holding that post. It is magnificent, and we feel the Love of that great Being.... that Savior of our Earth.... the deep gratitude for all that he has done for us.

We repair to another part of the building, and we see two great Beings ready to escort us through the doors that are before us. On these doors, written in Sanskrit is; "Only those who are dedicated to, and love the Light may enter here." .....Well, since you fall in that category, we enter. We hear the Music of the Spheres. The music that comes forth is beautiful. We have been told many years ago that we, with our thoughts and feelings, emanate a certain tone, and we always want that tone to be harmonious. I know it is difficult, but try always.

We proceed a little further, and we are escorted to places where we may sit and wait. The reason we may not go past this point is that the Light is too great for us. There is a golden screen before us, and through that golden screen we can feel the radiation of what is taking place. There is a conference of many Ascended Beings, and we are almost overcome with joy... with love ... and some eyes are filled with tears, in deep gratitude.

Having that experience, we are going forth to Beloved Gautama's Focus. We see there a beautiful pedestal, upon which is the permanent atom for this Earth. Beloved Gautama is responsible....and he is glad to do what is required to energize that..... and that Light goes out to all focuses of Light on the planet. We are so grateful to that Beloved Gautama... our beautiful Gautama... who is always, always desirous of helping humanity and all the evolutions of this Earth. There is a focus there where the Three-fold Flame goes right down into the center of the Earth, into Beloved Pelleur's Kingdom, and we know that as we hold true to our love of the Light, we can tune in daily to that activity.

I also wish to tell you (some of you already know) that on this property there is a physical focus of Lord Gautama in the garden, and any of you who wish, as time is appropriate to your activity, may go to that focus, and thank Beloved Gautama. Thank him for what he is doing for the planet. In that focus several stones have been placed that have been brought here from different countries. They form a focus for the Light on the Planet Earth. It is a magnificent thing to behold the chelas there, with their love flowing forth... and their gratitude. It is sometimes much easier for an individual to feel the radiation of something that is tangible, so I tell you, dear Blessed Hearts, to remember that you are walking on sacred property here, so dear to the hearts of all, and Mother Earth is so grateful to have the footfall of chelas who are so dedicated when they come to this class. They are dedicated at all times, but feel the dedication flowing through their beings.

Beloved Ones, I, El Morya, love you so much! I AM so grateful for your activities, and I AM always ready and willing to fulfill a sincere call for assistance from me, for direction. The Will of God shall manifest for you, and through you, to everyone on this dear Planet! This Planet, as you all know, needs peace.... peace. It is evident, as we know through television and through the words spoken by different members of the universe (I say 'universe' because we consider all the Earth a universe). So, Dear Ones, I want you to know that I AM a very loving Being, and I AM so deeply grateful to each and every one of you. As you go forward on your allotted paths, know that I AM ever with you as your think of me. I shall welcome your assistance and attention, as do all Members of the Hierarchy.

We are on a forward path! We are on a forward path! It is up to us to transmute, transmute by the Violet Fire... and by the purity of your beings, and know that WE SHALL BE VICTORIOUS! I SO DECREE IT! I AM very strong when I have a project which I know must come to pass. You are the Legions of Light, bringing your love and dedication to all humanity.


I love you, Dear Ones, and I AM grateful for the privilege of being here and speaking to you. Thank you, and God Bless you!

El Morya

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Beloved Presence of God "I AM" in me, I come to Thee with Great Love and Faith. I affirm my full belief in perfection for ALL LIFE, and ask that you assist in the bringing forth of this Perfection, - I especially ask on behalf of Beloved ... “name”..... that he/she may recognize their own value as a true son/daughter of Light. May they have the desire, confidence and ability to receive whatever is required by them to fulfill their Divine Plan made manifest right new!

I surround..... ”name”..... with the Love of the Presence of God "I AM" within my heart, in the knowledge that this and my every call to the Light is always answered.


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