Assimilation and Expansion

Mighty Victory

October 1, 1989

Beloved Co-Servers:

We know that the word "Victory" signifies accomplishment; so I would like you to know and Accept the fact that I individually, and All who serve at our Focus in the Etheric Realm over the British Isles are desirous of assisting you and All Life to the accomplishment of your Divine Plan.

Any time you wish to turn your attention to us, we will endeavor to infiltrate your consciousness with the feeling of Victory. You, in turn, can render a mighty service to your fellow traveler by calling for his destined goal in the Light. This service is the same as an individual who is preparing for a test of some nature, in a school, an athletic event, or a musical performance. How often it has been said "Help thou one another"? In so doing you can assist him and All Life. You, in turn, can experience the happiness which All Life is seeking. Where there is Harmony, there is Love, Peace and all the virtues life is seeking.

You are aware that our Retreat is in the form of a Clover - three Petals signifying Love, Wisdom and Power. When one is serving in that manner, he is balanced - traveling the Middle Way and in tune with his Indwelling Christus.

These are simple statements, and Truth when understood - and does not have lengthy statements - Truth, when understood, is simple. Though simplicity is the way of Beauty and Understanding and Dignity.

One does not have to embellish Truth. Humanity often feels that by adding an additional statement that the expression will be greater. Remember that a simple statement can convey an understanding that is not confused by wordiness. Sometimes it is the human ego drawing attention to what it has accepted.

Enfolding you in the Love of all the Members of our Retreat, and my individual Blessing.

"I AM" Victory

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Any words that are not words of worship and praise need not be spoken. They shall pass away and be no more! Words of Love, Praise, Encouragement, and of certainty in the absolute perfection of the Will of God in our lives and the Life of our planetary home and our Universe, shall live forever! They shall raise humanity to peaks of Glory never before realized in the history of evolution! Seize, then, upon these words, and harbor no other in your beings!

Contemplate ... meditate and. adore the great Light and Love anchored within your hearts. Give power to none other!                    

So be it, Beloved "I AM"!


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