Easter Conference - Shamballa, Long Island, New York

Saint Germain

March 25th, 1989

Blessed Children of Light, who work so strongly with the Violet Fire of Purification, it is with great joy that I respond to your call.

Of all the spiritual tools that you have been given the Violet Fire is without doubt, one of the most important. Dedicated chelas render a great service to all life whenever they invoke the power of the Violet Fire in their activities. Use of this Sacred Flame will transmute all negative energy, moving this planet one step nearer to the perfection that is ordained.

I have told you many times of the great power of the Violet Fire. Throughout my service to the Earth I have constantly used the Violet Fire to create the spiritual momentum that is carrying us forward to the New Age of Spiritual Freedom. I take this opportunity to tell you once again, to reinforce the request that you use the Power of the Violet Fire to assist in creating perfection.

Many of you decree regularly for the perfection of the planet, and I ask you to continue with this valuable service. Do not forget, however, that the purification and transmutation of negative energies in your own four lower bodies and your own activities is just as important. Many times have chelas been asked to become living examples of the Christ in Action. To achieve this it is necessary to work hard to burn away all qualities that are not of God. You are our Light bearers in the world of form. Glow brightly with the flaming spirit of the Christ, and teach with every release of your energies the Truth which we serve.

I call you now to be a Presence of the Christ. As you decree so shall it be. As a chela of the Great White Brotherhood you should accept this call not with pride, hut with humility. The Flame of the Christ is not a spotlight, but an inner glow. You are called to serve, to make yourselves holy, to give yourselves as an offering to the Will of God, and to become the Tools of God, serving on the physical plane.

Two great barriers stand in the way of all chelas, and they are the barrier of pride and the barrier of indiscretion. The Violet Fire is offered to you as a great tool in overcoming these weaknesses.

You have been warned often of the danger of spiritual pride, but I want also to stress the value of discreet service. It is easy to speak too much, too soon, and thereby reveal truth to those who are not ready. The depolarization of the pure God Light of the New Age is a return to the darkness of fear and superstition. In the hands of the Spiritually untutored the tools of the Great White Brotherhood are used as charms and spells, and ignorance and fear replaces illumined wisdom.

As Guardians of the Three-fold Flame of this Planet, We all share the responsibility for its evolution. Use the opportunities that are given to you by God to manifest and project the perfection that is your true reality. By so doing you will become the full Presence of the Christ, and your true potential will have been realized.

I enfold you in the Flame from my Heart, and bless you with the Sacred Violet Fire.

Saint Germain

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Foci of Lord Michael

There are many Foci of the Archangel Michael in the Etheric Realms, a few of which are given below;

The Focus at Banff, in Canada, with which you are familiar; and we have the great privilege of attending this Retreat in our etheric vehicles during September.

Over the Cathedral of Saint Patrick in New York City, where the daily invocation of the Beloved Michael has formed a tremendous momentum of Faith into which Lord Michael has reached in time of crises, and at other times;

Over the Teton Mountains of Wyoming, where first Lord Michael set foot upon the Planet Earth with the First Manu;

And over Mont-San Michel in France.

The chela should remember that it is wise to build a momentum of a certain Quality, or, Qualities, in his own being so that the Great Ones will  have ready access to that Virtue when it is required in any part of the Planet.






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