Invocation - September 1989

With all the Power of the Beloved Presence of God "I AM" in our hearts and in the hearts of all humankind, we invite and invoke the First Ray of God's Will, Faith, Power and Protection to enter the consciousness of every chela of Light on Planet Earth this day.

Especially, we invite and invoke Beloved Archangel Michael, Lord of Heaven, and your Angels of the Blue Flame. Descend through the ethers now, and place your Shield of Blue Flame Protection around us! Protect us from all darkness with your mighty Sword of Light! Descend! Defend! Free us from any force that would seek to keep us from serving the Perfect Will of God in our dear Earth!

Descend! Defend! Protect and Purify our Beloved Shamballa, and all under this radiation, from any force of darkness that might seek to harm it, until all stand free in the Light of God that is Eternally Victorious!

Oh Beloved Michael, we kneel in humility before you and salute you with all the love of our hearts for all you do to help us always. Knowing our every call to Light is received and responded to in full power, we thank you! Beloved "I AM"!

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Decree - September 1989

In the Name, Power and Authority of the Presence of God "I AM" in us, we call forth the mighty Legions of Archangel Michael to surround all Light workers on Planet Earth within a Forcefield of Invincible Blue Flame. We invoke Beloved Lord Michael and Lady Faith to fill these forcefields with your Momentums of Faith, in ourselves and in the Beings of the higher realms who are assisting us at this time.

Help us to know that the Divine Plan will be manifest through our efforts and that all appearances to the contrary shall be dissolved and transmuted into Pure Electronic Light Substance.

CUT US FREE (3x) from any force which would seek to hold us from the full Light of our own Presence and help us to remain centered within the Three-fold Flame of Life "I AM", that we may succeed in expanding the Light within our Beings and worlds.

We thank you for the answer to this and our every call to Light, as God's Most Holy Name "I AM"!