New Year Conference - Shamballa, Long Island, New York

Master Kuthumi

December 29, 1988

I greet you in the Spirit of Unity. It is so important to be at ONE with the Holy Christ Self dwelling in the Tabernacle of your Divinity.

When one accepts himself as the "I AM" PRESENCE, and remains in that glorious consciousness, he is truly united with all life! Then he can assist his fellow traveler who may be endeavoring to find a way to achieve peace and harmony. In his endeavors, he will attract others to the Divine Realms, for we know 'like attracts like'. The call from his heart draws the attention of others who eagerly await the opportunity to attain higher consciousness.

I have the privilege of serving as a teacher, and you know a teacher must always set an example to all he contacts. This is true for you who are our co-servers on Earth as well. Through your thoughts, words, and deeds, you must remember that you came to Earth to expand... not just your own Light, but to express your unity of consciousness with your Divinity - the Presence of God "I AM" within your hearts.

Express this ONENESS by always being God in Action by feeling "I AM" GOD IN ACTION, with God as the Doer, the Doing and the Deed.  

You are our Bridge builders, especially when you accept this Unity with all life.

It is well to remember that as you draw others to this Activity, and this Unity, that you should use simple terms and not speak in ways that will not be understood.

I wait at all times to give you whatever assistance you might require. I ask that you keep your consciousness high, and feel the radiation with which I bless you.


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Beloved Presence of God “I AM” in me, and Holy Christ Self in my heart, I love, bless and thank you for your great outpouring to me this day! May your Light expand in, through and around me, and move outward in ever-widening circles of expression until all life is sealed within the Holy Flame of Love which Thou Art!


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