Special Address - Shamballa, Long Island, New York

Pallas Athena

April 1989

Beloved Seekers of Light,

I enter your consciousness as Flame, to light the way before the Truth of Divine Love. All seek Love, and some seek Truth... yet without Truth, Divine Love could never manifest within your Beings and worlds. Truth and Love are as ONE.

I wonder at times just how many of our beloved chelas really comprehend the reason for their embodiment, much less the reason for our Presence here. A great leader of America once used the phrase "ask not what your country can do for you... ask what you can do for your country".

Those of you who are deeply aware of the reason you are embodied at this time... you who have volunteered to assume the cloak of flesh to render a service to this dear Planet and the shining spirits who are unable to see their own divinity as yet... you who have been drawn into our Radiation for the benefit of all life should be the first to ask "What can I do for my fellow man? What can I do to merit the opportunities that are presented to me? What can I do to comfort and raise the consciousness of those around me and unlock the door that will free all Life?"

Once you have turned the key and passed through the portals of self into the higher realms of Ascended Consciousness, it takes very little additional effort to hold those gates open for the ones who follow. That is what we are doing for you, and that is what we hope you will do for your fellow man. It is upon those of you who accept this responsibility that we invest our energy, and it is you who will reap the benefits of Harmony, Joy and Opulence within your own worlds. These qualities and momentums are the storehouse of your existence, and it is up to you to dispense these gifts to those who are not blessed with a conscious realization of the Truth that will set them free! Pull Freedom’s Cloak firmly about your shoulders and walk forth among the children of men, and as you do so, your Light will shine before them to guide those whom you contact back into the Heart of God from whence they came.

It is not an easy path you have chosen, but with our assistance it is by far the shortest and most beneficial to all involved. To be enmeshed within the mass consciousness is to blindly walk among the shadows of human creation. Walk into the Light and cast down those chains that bind you so tightly! Take our Hands and ascend the Golden Stairway of our Love and Devotion, because as you do, you light the way for others. Do not let discouragement or fear of failure deter you from your path, because as your Light expands it can be seen from a far greater distance. Your Light will be seen by those who dare to open their eyes, even if they are far beyond the limits of your own sight. You really cannot comprehend how far a ray of light can travel, but we in the Ascended Realm can see these Bridges as they reach from place to place, and from heart to heart. Let me assure you that the Sacred Fire directed by your attention and energized by your feelings will draw all life together into loving cooperation.

One day when the veil is lifted through our combined effort, the masses will be enabled to see themselves and their surroundings from a different perspective, and the forward progress of all will be greatly accelerated. It is only when the motor stops... in a manner of speaking, that the vehicle comes to a halt. Let us fuel your vehicles with Enthusiasm, with Joy and with Love, and you shall complete your journey in this world of form in Victorious Accomplishment.

This we offer to you with all the Love of our Hearts.

"I AM" Pallas Athena


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I have total Faith in the Absolute Power of the PRESENCE OF GOD 'I AM' in me to satisfy my every need and desire perfectly.

(The above may be used as an affirmation for another person as well.) 


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