Special Address -

Shamballa, Long Island, New York

Beloved Gautama

February 1989

There is naught that can stop the forward movement of the Holy Spirit upon the Earth or throughout the galaxy. The age of Spiritual Freedom is at hand, increasing daily and hourly throughout this Planet. The Holy Spirit always follows the awakening of Christ Consciousness, and this awakening has been facilitated through the constant efforts of Chelas of Light in many places around the Earth, working in concert with the Masters of the Great White Brotherhood.

I ask that you not rest before the task is complete, for with all the work that has been done, there is much in the mass consciousness still to be transmuted, and the main focus of work will be the expanding and acceleration of the use of the Violet Flame of Purification in all areas. When I speak to encourage you and let you know of the gratitude I hold for your efforts, I must always remind you to watch yourselves at all times lest you be caught in any snares of human consciousness. It has held you captive for so long, and the lower vehicles are well trained in the art of deception.

You have all heard the saying: "It rains on the just and the unjust alike." Just as this is true, I remind you of the Principle of Cosmic Law involved. The Virtues and Qualities of God as expressed through the Seven Spheres radiate their gifts into, through and around all life on the Earth. Now, according to the consciousness and free will choice of each and every person in embodiment, these gifts of God will be used in various ways. For instance, the impetus and prompting of the Seventh Ray gift of Spiritual Freedom can manifest and in one man's consciousness as a determination to start an organization to promote religious freedom, while in the consciousness of another it could prompt him to start a revolution yet with the same result in mind. It is simple to see in this example which choice (of the two given) the spiritually advanced man would make.

Realize how easy it would be to choose the way that would but lengthen the time needed to learn the lesson of right response. Beloved ones, be wise! Stop and think! Meditate upon right action, and response. Walk the middle path, and above all, do not permit discouragement and disillusionment. These negative expressions abound in the world of form, and though they are illusions created by human consciousness, they can be experienced as very real as you do not stop and think.

Never underestimate the Power of Silence. Work daily to sharpen your abilities to discern Truth from illusion, and in response to the understanding gained from this practice, choose your response wisely. Don't permit the winds of seeming adversity propel you to the right nor to the left, but remember, balance is the keynote of the Spiritual Man, and of the Spirit of God!

Each day, bless the Law of Life, for it is unfailing.






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