Along the Path

Lord Lanto

June 1973


The focusing of tremendous currents of Light into the atmosphere of the physical substance of the Earth is accomplished by the projection of the Spiritual Currents from the Octaves of Light and the anchoring and sustaining of those Currents into the structure of the Earth by voluntary conductors among the human world.

At these points on the Earth's surface where the Light Rays are drawn and condensed, they become magnetic fields of Spiritual influence which radiate force from every Center rendering Specific Service in the raising, transmuting and purifying of the Earth and its inhabitants.

If you were to gaze upon the map at the Royal Teton, upon which every Ancient Retreat and Sanctuary is marked, you would find that the design is geometrically perfect, both as to the scale of miles between Centers and Occult Symbolism.

These great Retreats and Sanctuaries that have been established for thousands of years are not only places of training for evolving humankind and places of storage for the wealth of the world, but living, breathing Spiritual Centers that act as Fountains or vortices of Force to dissipate the evil of man's thinking and to raise the mass consciousness.

Wherever such a Spiritual Center has been established or numbers of people have gathered and drawn Spiritual Forces, you will find that the substance of the Earth has responded by the large deposits of precious metals and jewels, for the Forces of the Elements are most grateful and responsive to the great outpouring of the Spiritual Force.

Let not the human consciousness intrude at this and point and entertain the thought that perhaps it could obtain some of this wealth! Blessed ones, be assured that these deposits are well guarded by the Spiritual Hierarchy and will be released at the time that man has overcome the insidious activity of greed.

Another point which may enter your consciousness, and a good one, is what happens in the case where a Center or Focus is moved to another location? At any location where there has been a Focus of Light established, there is always a group of dedicated Beings who volunteer to guard and hold that Cup of Light, to be used at the discretion of their Director.

Joyous is Light's Service, and as you further proceed upon the journey Home, you will cognize the importance of the development of Happiness, not the frothy, sporadic kind, but the ever-flowing buoyancy of Radiation which exhilarates, but does not exceed the proportions of balance, ever! Yes, balance, in all things, that activity which, as you know, I stressed through the centuries and which I have proven in my own development to be so required in all one's actions. There is a fine line of demarcation between 'stability' and over-zealousness, which places one in the category of the fanatic. There is no room for the fanaticism of the zealot in your advancement in the Light.

You carry within your hearts the Immortal Three-fold Flame of Divinity which is the Balancing Power of your beings, and as such you should realize that Balance is an integral part of the God Power Almighty! Carry this knowledge with you always, and as you heed my admonition, you will grow in love and understanding.

Lord Lanto




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