Summer Conference

Lady Hygeia

July 14th, 1988

Faithful Chelas, all the Members of our Brotherhood at Crete welcome you into the embrace of our Focus.

Please visualize yourselves enfolded in a glorious radiation of clear green, pulsating with an aura of gold. Feel this beautiful radiance of green Light entering your very Beings, filling you with its healing power.

I would like to bring to your attention that it is essential for you to consciously give your power to your own Indwelling Christus. Over many eons of time, man has charged his inner vehicles with the belief in external forms of healing. It is now necessary for you to return your attention to the Indwelling Christ, which has been charged with the INTERNAL POWER to HEAL. To walk the middle path is to bridge the gap between the inner world and the outer world of manifestation, opening the way for the Christ within to assist any outer forms of healing. Many in the medical profession are well aware that true healing comes from within. It is time to make the way clear for the Inner Christ to assist fully in all manner of healing. When you give your attention to this Indwelling Presence, you will find that you receive a tremendous release of God Power flowing forth from your Beings. This Gift from God should be received in a feeling of Acceptance.

EXPECTANCE and ACCEPTANCE go hand in hand, with that feeling flowing from the Christ within…”I Expect, I Accept, and "I AM" the Principle"! All activity should be accompanied by the KNOWING that within the "I AM" Consciousness all things are possible.

Of course, you must remember that until the masses understand this principle, it is far better for FAITH to be projected. The attitude which comes from this activity will prepare them to receive the healing energy required. Without Faith to prepare the way, no lasting healing is ever possible!

Remember, dear chelas, there are few on the Planet who realize the Principle of Healing. We know this is a difficult mission. Remember the great exemplar, the Master Jesus, who came to Earth to show humanity the way! He said "Follow thou me!" Follow the Christ within to the same still road that leads to Self-Mastery!

All who realize this Principle can and will be of tremendous assistance to us in these times of great change, when so much Healing Power is needed on this dear Earth!

In closing, I enfold you in the Glorious Green Flame of Healing and the Golden Aura of God Wisdom!

Lady Hygeia







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