Assimilation and Expansion Class

Djwal Khul

Shamballa, Long Island, New York

January 7, 1985

In the true feeling of Compassionate Love, I greet you.

I wish to speak particularly about Wisdom. You have learned much about Illumination, but it is imperative that you dispense that gift with loving Wisdom. And in that feeling, the radiation of loving Wisdom, shall all humankind feel the embrace of the blessing of Love Divine. Remember daily, let it be in the forefront of your consciousness, that Compassionate Love is a true healer, a purifying agent of the Almighty.

You have done exceedingly well this past year and we look forward with great anticipation to your co-operation in this coming year of Love Divine; Compassionate Love Divine. Love takes many forms but Compassionate Love is feeling from the Great Heart of ”I AM". You have been told time and time again that Love is all there is, and truly having entered into that feeling, that glorious feeling of Compassionate Love, you will attain the goal set for you in this new cycle. And every month as the various Foci are opened to you, remember that each is a center of Compassionate Love.

Understand that everything you say, think and feel goes forth as an unction to all Life. Feel, oh feel the mighty Compassionate Love which is enfolding you at this very moment. And as you feel it, see the many hands of the Amida Buddha reaching out and gathering all the Nations of the World into the Heart of "I AM", in the Oneness of Being... Compassionate Love. Mighty Beings are gracing you with their Presence this year! When ONE speaks ALL send forth their Love.

We are anticipating mighty accomplishments this year. Not only in our chelas but in all Life upon this sweet planet, beautiful planet of Love, enfolded in the mighty Compassionate Love of Amida Buddha. I counsel you to be very careful how you speak, how you feel when you use the word LOVE. Remember the sacredness of the word LOVE. It has been misused through the centuries; now you are ready to experience what Compassionate Love means. Feel that Love as a mighty canopy over this entire planet making her shine forth in all her beauty. And as the hands of all nations are touching one with another, blending as one, feel the embrace of all the planets in this system as one great heart of Love. Compassionate Love.

I wish to impress upon you one thought. I have said it once and I will say it again. YOU ARE HERE IN ALL YOUR ACTIVITIES TO EXPRESS COMPASSIONATE LOVE AND REDEEM THIS SWEET, SWEET EARTH.

I bow to the Light in all Life and I bless you with all the Love of my being. Accept that blessing. Be messengers to all Life and know, without a trace of doubt, that you are ambassadors of Love. Ambassadors of the high vibration of our Lord Saint Germain, Amida Buddha... Thank you.

Djwal Khul




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