Along The Path

Beloved Kwan Yin

Excerpts of an Address

February, 1954

The ceremonial activity of life, of course, has concerned me for many centuries. I held the office as Chohan of the Seventh Ray prior to our illustrious brother, the beloved Saint Germain. In that service to life, I was privileged in many ages, not only in China, but in the great civilizations all over the world, to teach those interested in mastering energy the inner significance behind all the seeming intricacies of ceremonial life - in church, in home and in person.

You might be interested to know that the first Chohans were the seven great Archangels to whom you are now giving such honor and opportunity to serve in the world of form. They were, for the Elohim, the magnetizing centers of the powers of the Seven Rays through the early Golden Ages. They were the radiating centers of those powers in those ages also, until there could be raised up from among the Guardian Spirits - and later from among the earth people themselves - lifestreams qualified to represent those Rays.

After the great Archangels relinquished their responsibility, many among us took over those offices. The Gautama Buddha, whom you know, officiated before myself on the Seventh Ray, although his activity and service now is on the Second Ray.

We are joined together in a tremendous bond and affinity which is the result of ages of common interest, and that is why we have great love for each other, which enables us to work co-operatively in our Realm to serve life.

In Peiping (Beijing), for many, many centuries, I have focused an activity of healing, and within the Retreat, I offer the chelas seven initiations. They are concerned primarily with the development and mastery of the seven bodies which make up the instrument of each "I AM Presence."

Each one of your bodies, beloved hearts, should have full freedom and a natural service to life in one of the Seven Spheres. The consciousness by right should be able to function in any one of those seven bodies as freely as the master of the house performs his service in any one of the rooms that make up his mansion.

The "fall of man," as it has been termed, incapacitated the conscious mind to function and to bring back the remembrance of the activities in higher spheres and for the most part made inaccessible the conscious use of the Holy Christ Self, the Causal and Electronic Bodies of the people.

The four lower bodies were drawn down by the senses into the sub-strata of the etheric plane, and even they do not function in their natural spiritual habitat.

The alignment of the seven bodies, returning to their own sphere and enabling the conscious mind to function in each sphere in an alert, awakened capacity and to draw back the gifts of that sphere and the activities of it into the world of form is the purpose of the Retreat at Peiping and my service in the healing of minds and of bodies.

The Electronic Presence and the unfed Flame are functioning primarily, or are supposed to, in the First Realm, in the Heart of God himself, where the great ideas and the causative centers of the universal First Cause are freely accessible. The Causal Body was destined to function in the Second Realm, where ideas were clothed in form, where they took on specific and definite outline, and where the Causal Body of the consciousness was enabled to fashion clothing, so to speak, for some portion of the Divine Plan.

The Holy Christ Self originally functioned in the Third Sphere, and the etheric body, which functions now mostly in the psychic and astral realm, originally held the Divine pattern in the Fourth Sphere, where the Holy Christ Selves presently abide.

The mental body functioned in the Fifth Sphere where the dedication of the energies and the drawing forth of the plan enabled the lifestream to cooperate both with the inner realm and the realm without. It was the activity of drawing the great services of the inner realms into form. The emotional body was to function in the Sixth Sphere, the realm of ministration presently under the direction of the Master Jesus and its service was to pour forth the qualities of the Godhead, the nature of the God-head.

The physical body then, of course, was to function in the Seventh Sphere.

That is why Saint Germain is beginning, through the contact of the outer consciousness, through the physical body, in the Seventh Sphere to help that consciousness work its way back into the heart of God. Do you see?

The seven ganglionic centers in the flesh body are a focus of connection with each one of the Seven Spheres also and the connection into your physical form of the activities of each inner sphere.

It is a most detailed service, and yet if you understand it fully, you can enter into the necessary personal application to develop your conscious awareness within these inner spheres, placing your bodies again at the disposal of the soul and the Self, and using them as they were intended. When they are in perfect alignment with the Silver Cord running through them, you have the Master Presence, functioning freely, knowing the Will of God; working in the world of form from the consciousness of the Causal Body, and the lowering into physical expression the Divine ceremony of manifesting that Will in every activity of your daily life.

These Temples in Peiping enable us to draw initiates and people interested in re-aligning themselves and awakening the higher consciousness from the world of form. Here we teach them first the control of the physical body; the proper eating and breathing habits; then we develop within them an understanding of the ganglionic centers, the color of them; the connection with each center and the body which it represents. When they are well versed master physicians, we take them into their mental, emotional, etheric and finally the higher mental world and on up into the Causal Body.

Then you have a real "Messenger of Light" who can function in the Electronic Body, who can contact the Masters at will. They can also act in the capacity of the mediator, or step-down transformer, not only for the World but the qualified energy of any Master Presence in the universe.

It is a beautiful service to life and it is one that if it interests you, I will choose to develop and give to you so you may embody some of the application and endeavor to find a way to aligning your blessed vehicles again; developing them, maturing them, and making them your servants.

You know there is so much to any one facet of service. Each one of us has served for thousands of years, hundreds of thousands, sometimes millions, in developing and maturing and perfecting one particular service to life. Then we are given thirty or forty minutes in which to present our activity to the earnest and yet ofttimes confused outer mind.

It is difficult in the extreme to restrain ourselves and to give you just some simple, workable knowledge which can alleviate your present distresses. Yet, that must come first, because there must be a modicum of peace in mind, body and affairs before the deeper activities of the Law can sufficiently take hold of your interest and energies so you may prove them in fact.

I come to bring you the blessings of the Seventh Ray, whose Chohan you have served and which Ray you have served so selflessly through this embodiment... to bring you the blessings of its great Chohan... that being whose next two thousand years of activity in the physical world will be proof to every man, woman and child on the planet of LOVE indescribable... to bring you the blessings and the feeling of my Mercy and Forgiveness to life, which does melt away at inner levels every vibratory action which is a cause of distress.

These I give to you and anchor through you. I invite you to come into the heart of Peiping and into the heart of our Temples where you might perchance pick up something that will be pleasing to you and of workable, practical knowledge in the application of the Law. I thank you.

Kwan Yin

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Previous Openings of The Temple of Shamballa

November of each year from 1952 to 1978

Now to be opened in December - prior to each New Year