Assimilation and Expansion of the Electronic Pattern

December 1985


Etheric Realm over the Ashram, Fort Salonga, New York

(Suggested Decrees, Visualizations and Songs for co-ordinated world-wide Service this Month are Decrees Nos. 102, 103, 104, 110, 311, 1103. Invocation No. 4, Pg. 14. Adoration No. 16, Pg. 52 and Songs Nos. 1-0 and 12).

ELECTRONIC PATTERN: The six-pointed Star (of David) with a Three-fold Flame in its Center, representing the dual nature of the Flame, Assimilation and Expansion, Inbreath, and Outbreath: the perfect Balance of Being.

Beloved Sanat Kumara:

Greetings to you, blessed chelas, who would become Lord of the Flame. You are always in my Heart, as my Love for this planet is endless. I feel as though the planet itself yet revolves at the center of my Being. It was so for eons of time; my Heart Flame One with the planetary Threefold Flame. My Love bond with this sweet star Earth is for all eternity as is my bond with each of you. As it was for my humble Self, so it is now with the great Lord of the World, Gautama. His Heart Flame sustains the necessary Light for this planet with our Beloved Maitreya sustaining the Love nature of the planet.

In this final Retreat Cycle of 1985, it is our combined pleasure to invite the chelas to Shamballa to expose themselves to the Spiritual Blessings of the planetary Three-fold Flame and learn more of its Divine Nature. In so doing, one learns more of their own Divine Nature, as each one is meant to become the 'Lord of their own world — a Lord of the Flame'. Beloved Lord Gautama asked from within the great Silence in which he dwells that I might speak with you about the Flame at Shamballa, especially concerning the dual activity of this Retreat Cycle. So let us meld our minds and our hearts in Illumination.

At the end of each year, when all the harvest of the three Kingdoms is in and the energies accounted for, there is a double Blessing available through Shamballa. Because of the Spiritual Victories accomplished in the year, the planetary Threefold Flame, the governing Authority from the Sun, is allowed to Assimilate the planet closer to its Heart Center, Inbreathing it into a Higher vibration.

Because of this action on the Inbreath, the Outbreath or expansion of the Flame carries an even greater Blessing to life evolving on the planet; Angelic, Elemental and human. This is symbolically captured in the Electronic Pattern of the Six-pointed Star (of David); the Assimilation, Ascending Inbreath (the inward pointed triangle) equal with the expanding, radiating Outbreath (the outward pointed triangle)... the balanced pulsations of the Flame of Divinity. Come and worship this month before the Heart of God...

The Threefold Flame at Shamballa is a planetary version of your own Heart Flame. It too is dual in nature, as is all of Nature; In and Out Breath, Assimilation and Expansion, Absorption and Radiation... perfect balance. Inwardly, the Flame extends in Consciousness to the fathomless Heights of Divinity, endlessly proceeding through great Cosmic Days and Cosmic Nights, representing one's eternal journey through Infinity searching for the 'Source' of this never ending Perfection.

Outwardly, the Flame Radiates its full Blessings, eventually extending its Light through all outer space, as each Outbreath becomes a stronger pulsation of Blessings, further energized by the new Heights of each proceeding Inbreath.

This is why Shamballa has been described both as a planetary Portal Home to the Pure Land as well as the Source of all Divine Blessings for the planet, the Home of the Spiritual Hierarchy.

It is simply the dual nature of the Cosmic Flame anchored here and so it is in your own life. Your Threefold Flame is both your inward Portal Home into the Pure Land of your "I AM" Presence and the Source of all God good radiating outward in your life, balancing your Inner journey and your outer service to life. It is in this balance you will find your True Self, the Master within... the 'Lord of the Flame'. The Threefold Flame in every human heart is a point of "I AM" Consciousness directed downward (into denser vibration) from the "I AM" Presence. The Threefold Flame in the center of your Being contains all the basic elements of Creation in the Light; energy, matter and intelligence or Power, Love and Wisdom.

"I AM" Consciousness always outpictures as a Three-fold Flame at the beginning point of Creation. This Three-fold Flame remains continuously connected with the Universal "I AM" Presence by this Light Ray directed downward, the Silver Cord. The chelas are sufficiently progressed to picture this not in three-dimensional standards, but in consciousness, as captured in the current Trinity picture. Last month in the Ascension Focus, Beloved Serapis created a vehicle for the unified COMPLETE YOU. We shall now use this 'Ascension vehicle' to develop 'Lords of the Flame' in embodiment.

A Lord of the Flame continuously rules his world from the Altar of that Flame Room, the King's Chamber of his ever Ascending Pyramid of Light. He recognizes that his Strength, his Power, his Authority comes only from that Flame as he becomes One with the Flame.

In that Flame, he can make no mistakes, having sublimated his lower will into the Holy Will of the Flame. He becomes the 'Flame in Action', even as the Lord of the World becomes the Vehicle of the planetary Flame. Shamballa is where the Will of God is known and so it is with you, EACH BECOMING YOUR OWN SHAMBALLA.

You have been aware through the years of this Teaching, that the Hierarch of a Retreat "breathes upon the Flame". Are you prepared to become the Hierarch of your own 'Temple of God' and breathe upon the Flame?

Do you realize that the Holy Breath should be the vehicle of the Assimilation and Expansion of your Threefold Flame; continuously assimilating your nature into the Flame on the Inbreath and expanding the Blessings of the Divine Self on the Outbreath, into the world around you? For most of humankind, the endpoint of the Inbreath is simply survival of the physical body and brain consciousness, receiving from God just enough Blessings to sustain life.

For a chela however, the goal should be that with every Inbreath you proceed up into the Divine Consciousness within the Three-fold Flame and with every Outbreath, the blessings are ever expanding, projected out with ever increasing intensity and Divine Force to all your known world. Thus you build your Spiritual Aura through which can proceed the 'miracles' of the Realm of "I AM" Consciousness.

The Lord of the World breathes the planetary Breath! Seated on his Lotus Throne in the Crystal Stillness of his Holy Aura, meditating over the planetary Threefold Flame at Shamballa, he simultaneously proceeds both inward in Consciousness, endlessly toward the Highest Source within that Flame and outward in Consciousness, expanding the Blessings there received to an ever greater sphere of influence, through the vehicle of his Causal Body enfolding all life associated with this planet.

As well however, Light Rays from the Lord of the World proceed through all outer space, connecting with all the planets in the galaxy, for there is a network or lattice of Light amongst all the Planetary Logi making the galaxy One Body, One Energy, and One Vibration... the Consciousness of Divinity, manifesting through all Eternity.

Imagine if you can the Solar Three-fold Flame in the Sun. Helios and Vesta, as one complete God Unit, continuously delve ever deeper into the eternal mysteries of this Solar Fire, balancing the inward trek with an ever increasing expansion of the borders of their Kingdom, filling it with the new found Treasures within that Solar Flame. We are all the beneficiaries of their Spiritual evolution, as we are with the continual Spiritual unfoldment of the Planetary Logos, Lord Gautama, and as we are with continual Spiritual progress of each chela toward becoming a 'Lord of the Flame'.

Will you become like unto Lord Gautama, assimilating all of your nature into the Flame on every Inbreath, raising it up endlessly toward the Supreme Source; while simultaneously expanding out the Divine Essence you receive to your 'world' through the vehicle of your Causal Body enfolding it; interconnected by Light Rays with all other worlds (persons) around you? That is a 'Lord of the Flame'! If you can even perceive this you see our vision of the Group Avatar; interconnected Light Rays between Foci of the Threefold Flame, each a source of Specific Divine Blessings into the overall matrix; One Energy, One Body, One Vibration of Divine Love.

Imagine the entire Human Family expressing this Divine Pattern; each and every one a Lord of their own Flame, assimilating their nature into that Flame, dispensing more and more profound Gifts of its Blessings outward, interconnected by Light Rays with each and every other one in a planetary matrix of Light. This is the Light Pattern of the race as held in the Heart of the God Parents, of Holy Lord Gautama, and all Silent Watchers.

It requires a mighty Being of great spiritual Strength to become Lord of the World and it requires dedicated chelas to become Lords of their own Flame... finding the strength of their own Divine Character. This strength is built on a Universal Foundation and is only found in the Eternal Flame of Life at the center of your Being.

Like the Ascended Masters Who dwell in that Consciousness eternally, this Inner strength is unified with boundless Compassion, a desire to serve, in order to create the perfect balanced Being; Assimilation and Expansion. Do you know your own Divine Strength? If not, seek it out so you will fear nothing. Do you know your own Divine Compassion? If not, seek it out as well for then you will Love everything. These are the lessons of the Mighty Victory this year and I encourage you to look to Lord Gautama as an example of this perfectly balanced dual Victory. In the great Gautama, there is both Infinite Strength, upon which a planet evolves fearlessly, and boundless Compassion which unconditionally Loves every particle of Creation yet abiding within Earth's evolution.

I leave you now to come at will in the vehicle of your own Flame to the Retreat at Shamballa. You are our invited guest. The Planetary Three-fold Flame pulsates here, waiting to reveal to you all the secrets of Perfect Being. Come, listen, learn and assimilate the Gifts. In returning to your own outer sphere of influence, dispense the Gifts here found at Shamballa for the benefaction of all life everywhere.

Yours in Eternal service and in Love Divine...

“I AM”- Sanat Kumara

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The Great Beings from the Sun Temples whose radiation and outpouring we will receive during this period; 

Beloved Zarathustra - November 1st through December 21st

Spirit of Fire, of Enthusiasm, Home of the Salamanders and Fire Elements.

Beloved Minerva - December 22nd through January 19th,  

Discrimination, Discretion, Perception and Intuition.



December 25th  Wednesday              The Feast of the Angels



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