Summer Conference

Serapis Bey

Shamballa, Long Island, New York

July 8th, 1985

From the center of my Being, I greet you, for always you are in the Presence of Light and Love, "I AM" .

Surely you all feel and are enjoying the great service that was rendered yesterday by the mighty Hercules and Lord Michael and their Legions. Think for a moment how much more Light is emanating from this Earth because of that tremendous service, which was given as a gift to this Planet. Now, having been present and been the beneficiaries, as is all Life, it is up to you dedicated chelas to continue to remain in the Temple of Supreme Harmony and bless all Life at all times.

For in the purity which has been established through those mighty swords of Blue Flame you can expand that Light until our blessed Earth is entirely purified. When we receive a gift of any kind it is up to us to take care of it, or it disintegrates and that, I know, will not be the case in this instance. Know that the purity of the Light is the ascending of energy at all times, raising, raising all Life into its true estate. Please remember that daily.

I know with all the conviction of my Being, from the very Heart of the Ascension Flame, that you have come a long way and you will continue in your mighty endeavors. But it is so easy to "take it easy" on your journey forward in the Light. NOW IS THE TIME. We have said repeatedly, NOW is the time. The entire galaxy is depending upon people, dedicated ones, in all faiths to raise the vibratory action and to purify this dear Earth. And I know that you will be among the leaders. It is entirely possible. You know that you can do it. So do not be lethargic at any time. Not tomorrow! THE TIME IS NOW!

Each and every ounce of energy raises the vibratory action when it comes from the deepest recesses of your being, because We know that is the abiding presence of "I AM". And "I AM" consciousness is everywhere. "I AM" consciousness is the heart, the center of all Life. From that consciousness of "I AM we know, we have been taught through the years, through the centuries, that "I AM" Presence is all there is. Convince yourself.

Register deeply upon your consciousness, that "I AM", "I AM" present. "I AM" present in this universe through the grace of the Supreme One. The All encompassing Father-Mother God, "I AM". Treasure those sacred words. Treasure them. Hold the gift close to your heart and feel the pulse beat of the Immortal, Victorious Three-fold Flame.

Expand, expand, and expand onward, upward, forward... everywhere until you come to the final resolution. You have been told to abide from the center of your being, "I AM". I speak of a definite part when I speak of the center of your being, because in that centeredness, in knowing that "I AM" is all there is you encompass all Life and bless all life with the chosen gifts which you wish to give to Life. And that is Life, that is Love, and that is Light blending together in some form in true consciousness, "I AM".

So saying, I know we can count upon you and I bless you with the Love of my Being.

Serapis Bey


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The Great Beings from the Sun Temples whose radiation and outpouring we will receive during this period:

Beloved Apollo - August 1st through August 22nd

Temple of Royalty, of Courtesy, of Dignity, and of Princely Charm

Beloved Virgo - August 23rd through September 22nd

Balance of Virgo, The Solidity, The Assurance And The Confidence


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August 6th, Tuesday                Transfiguration of Jesus

August 15th, Thursday             Mother Mary’s Ascension