Lady Hope

May 1985

"I AM" the Cosmic Spirit of Hope and you, the embodied chelas, are the Hope of this planet. Together we are One continuous vibration from the Realms of Light into the hearts and minds of humanity.

I represent True Identity from the Fourth Sphere of Love, the Hope of every man's salvation. I wield the Fire of Immortality, which Transfigures all into the eternal Reality of perfect Love, Resurrecting here and now in humanity the God-Being he truly is, the Christ... perfect Love made manifest.

I come at the command of the King of Kings, the Father of Light, to a soul who signifies to the Father through Adoration and Gratitude that he is ready for Illumination. For God Illumination is the result of my appearance to a soul, instantaneous remembrance and becoming the Immortal God that that one is. Through each of your seven Bodies, physical through to the Electronic "I AM" Presence, flows the same powerful God Acceptance of being Spiritually Free; God externalizing on every Realm.

I bring remembrance which is your Hope. I come to reverse the flow of God Light through the human senses which keeps you magnetized and bound to the human condition. I come to draw your Light upwards in thought, feeling and action into the Heart, Mind and Hand of God until you are bound no more, even by gravity and Ascend into Permanent Mastery. Such is the quickening action of my Fiery Vehicles.

You will only recognize my Vibration and my Hope if you are Harmonious, in a state of Listening Grace. In this state of Grace, opportunity is yours to reverse the currents of energy that keep the masses pinioned and bound. Life will not remain static. It can be lowered in vibration through misuse or, if totally left alone, will slowly fulfill the Will of the Father in continuously raising itself up. But you, with your Illumination, can raise up life miraculously, as did the Christ before you.

My CLARION CALL, like unto the Horn of my beloved Gabriel, is the call to the dead (slowed, lower vibration) to arise into eternal Life in the natural Immortality of Love Divine, the quickening action of the Fourth Sphere. Do you want to dwell in the Fourth Sphere or do you want to dream about dwelling in the Fourth Sphere? I come to those whose desire is all consuming to actually manifest that Reality while in embodiment. Will I be allowed to visit you?

You decide your heritage, the heritage of karma (individual, racial, national and planetary) or the heritage pulsating right within that filmy exterior of illusion, the Fourth Sphere of Immortal Light of the Christ. "Where your attention is there you are".... in chains or in a Christ-Free estate. You sometimes feel you are victims — I say "you are Gods and Goddesses of the First Cause" and you decide which it is to be! "I AM" free and I desire you to be free so that together this Earth can be free and we can all go on to Higher Galaxies of Light in the world beyond the Central Sun Itself.

I have worked closely with Lord Serapis all through the centuries, in training humanity to accept the Reality of the Christ and finally in the Master Jesus, One actually did, in full observance of others, to be recorded by the outer sense and thus believed. Can you do likewise?

Choose your Heart Flame of Freedom over the chains of disease and disintegration of the lower thoughts and feelings. Be ye not dead but quickened by the Light into Eternal Life. Your eventual Resurrection into full Freedom is an Eternal Fiat written upon the stars of every galaxy for all to know and see. Claim it now and become REAL.

"I AM" one with your every effort, for you are the Hope of the World and "I AM" the Cosmic Spirit of Hope. You are the final link in consciousness, connecting humanity to the Eternal Throne within the Great Central Sun and thus we know our Victory is assured.

Lady Hope




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