Easter Conference

Pallas Athena

Shamballa, Long Island, New York

April 20, 1984

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. When you sing the song, "Truth is so Precious to Me", you pull strongly on My heart, and the heart of all the forces of Truth throughout this Universe.

There are not many places on this planet where Truth is precious. And not only to hear the words, but to see and feel and know such sincerity in the search for Truth and in the expression of that found Truth, is such joy to Our hearts on the Fifth Ray of Truth and Science.

Allow Me to reminisce. We are in the culmination of a very Holy Week leading up to Easter Morn. Approximately 2000 years ago, when the actual Passion of Christ took place, in the physical sight, I was then Chohan of the Fifth Ray, and My relationship to that event at that time was to ensure that through that action in the physical and all the Spiritual Forces being poured into it, that there would be the greatest quantum leap in consciousness since the fall of man and the previous Golden Age.

Long had We struggled to re-establish The Christ and the full Resurrection of all that is dead, into The Christ. And it was accomplished! That is why this week is such a Holy Week and the currents are so strong, and that is why We want you to take advantage of the Currents. Since then the Spiritual Hierarchy has worked with humanity to build toward an even greater expression of the Truth of "I AM" on this planet, through the Master Jesus and the entire Christian Drama anchoring the Truth of The Christ.

Of course, the Master Hilarion now is in charge of The Fifth Ray, and the "scientific accuracy" leading up to the next great quantum leap in consciousness of this planet. And, as you are aware, it will be a quantum leap into the permanent Golden Age of "I AM" Consciousness on this planet. Instead of it being three years of service through one single Divine Individual , there shall be many years of service through many Christ Selves and, yet, at some point as it did at Easter 2,000 years ago, it shall reach a culmination and the Truth shall be presented! As you feel in your hearts, we are now approaching that culmination.

You are aware not to think of it in terms of time in the physical plane but, rather, as a vibrational lift in the race of humankind. Before this culmination can take place we must have, as the Master Jesus became, examples of Truth. God only knows who has sought out the Truth and found It as the Master Jesus did, but failed to express It through their vehicles.

We have counseled you time and again that for the Christ to manifest on the Screen of Life around you, you must reverse the flow of the outer senses so that instead of the outer senses simply registering the death and decay of your environment into your vehicles, the reverse be true; that the Eternal Life, Glory and Perfection of The Father-Mother God flows through you and registers on the Screen of Life around you. And when We have an anchorage of the flow of Truth onto the Screen of Life, then, we will be ready for the quantum upshift in consciousness of this planet.

So now you see why it is such a joy to see such sincerity, for Truth is so precious. Visualize with Me for a few moments, and see through My eyes the glory of Cosmic Truth that pulsates out from the Central Sun, in streams of multi-colored Light, sound, symphonies, fragrances; all the feelings and virtues of The Godhead, and how carefully those of Us in the Spiritual Godhead dispense this Sacred Truth. It is Our intent to assist you with your mind and your outer feelings that they do not contaminate or tamper with this Cosmic Truth in any way, but simply be the empty Cup of Love through which It might flow. Life around you will make the call, for it is evident wherever you look that Truth is so necessary — yea, even begged for unknowingly — by the confused masses on this planet.

Those of Us in the Spiritual Hierarchy Who hold this Truth so precious, will look to you, Our dear and consecrated chelas, to find anchorage for this Truth, this Glory, This Reality of Perfection that has all the answers, all the security, all the love, all the comfort this Earth so requires. We look to you to reverse the flow in your vehicles and allow Truth to flow to you, and through you, to register on the Screen of Life around you, and then you become One in the natural vibration of the Spiritual Hierarchy and your Ascended Master Teachers, for that is Our purpose to life — to be a flow of some aspect of the created Universe from the Central Source of all things.

And even yet, the greatest bulk of My attention is spent on this sweet planet Earth, in whom I have invested so much of My own personal energies through centuries and centuries of time, as the Earth has spun around Its God-Parents, Helios and Vesta. And, believe Me, We of the Spiritual Hierarchy know that the culmination will come and a quantum upshift in consciousness has been decreed and will occur on this planet, for the edict of Divine Order has gone forth and all other planets and systems have aligned in order, and all, as you know so well, are awaiting the Earth.

On behalf of the Spiritual Hierarchy, thank you, thank you, thank you for being Our anchorage so that We may say back to the Great Source of all Life, "It shall be done ere long. We approach Divine Order through Truth on the planet Earth." I add My all; all My momentum as the Cosmic Goddess of Truth to that perfect thoughtform. SO BE IT! Good Morning,

Pallas Athena



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