World Teacher Academy

Beloved Archaii Faith

Shamballa, Long Island

April 20, 1981

I am an Angel come from the Heart of God - come from celestial heights this morning. I am the Angel of the First Ray that guards the first door of God; and before humanity can enter the second door of the Mind of God; he must pass by me - he must have built enough Faith in the Divine First Cause of the Godhead. Would you be seated please.

I come to you today with a full and complete Legion from the Sun itself of Angels of the First Ray and one might ask "why is a Being such as this opening a Seminar dedicated to Healing?"

Because children of God, we will not coddle you longer. It is the intention of the Spiritual Hierarchy for this Group Avatar and its individual cells to learn the reality of God Qualities and it matters not that you have aligned yourself in other ways (with organizations or people).

It matters that you have aligned yourself with the God Qualities and in using those God Qualities can this Group Avatar, as the great Master Jesus did before you, bring the fullness of the Christ Presence into the human world. That beloved Master Jesus, Micah the Angel of Unity, is my cosmic son. He shares many of the Qualities that I and my beloved Michael have given him through eons of time during his evolution, and it warms a mother's heart to know that one of the Qualities that served him best, during his greatest tests was Faith.

You see before you an urn of blue fire. I shall give you the opportunity at the appointed time during this Seminar to place in this urn the names of those for whom you would like to see a healing and then we shall see your Faith. It matters not so much (for success of the Group Avatar) that I and the Celestial Hierarchy have Faith. It matters that you have Faith and that Faith is the cornerstone upon which everything else is built. If you could leave this Seminar with nothing else than Faith, never having heard of herbs, of oils, of colors, of aromas, of all the wonderful aspects of healing, you would still be healers par excellence; for the cornerstone of all God-manifestation is passing through the first door of Faith, and I guard that door!

So the names will go in this blue fire. The important thing, though, will be that you have built into your characters, into your spiritual characters, the bedrock of Faith.

In watching the world of humankind from our Angelic view, we see you work in the concrete world. Literally, we watch you work with wood and concrete and the things that seem so solid to you, and children, they are but dust in the face of the God Force called Faith. Is it any surprise to you that our beloved Master Hilarion who is the Chohan of Science, in his last embodiment as the Apostle Paul, lived, moved, breathed and had his being anchored in Faith? And we want you to learn the science of Faith, (the science of several God-qualities during this Seminar). I hope I am not being too powerful. It is an initiation for us, you know, to come from the Heart of the Sun where there is naught but the most effervescent light; Blue Lightning; Angels and Devas of the highest orders around the throne of Helios and Vesta, and we come to you, and we would not do anything else, for we live to serve humanity into his incoming Golden Age. That is the reason for our journeys to the Sun.

So I will leave you now, but I will leave you with one of my Angels. They will be yours permanently according to your Faith. I am aware that each of you has a Blue Ray Angel from my beloved Archangel Michael. Most of you turn to that Angel for protection and so be it; it is very necessary. This Angel, if you can sustain a presence for it in your aura through Faith, will be the powerhouse of Faith in your worlds.

When you seem to need a helping hand, there will be a pulsating battery of Faith. I was aware in celebration of Easter of all the glorious transitions that occurred; that beloved Lady Donna Grace, my sister from the Sun, also presented you with an Angel, and you might gather now that as the Angels attended the Avatar of the past age, so shall the Angelic Host attend the Avatar of the New Age.

I give you my deepest blessings of Faith, all the protection of Lord Michael, the Archangel all the momentum of the Sun itself, for if you could see where I see, you will need much Faith in the days ahead in manifesting the glory of this Avatarship; and So Be It unto you...

Good Morning,

Lady Faith

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DEFINITION OF FAITH ( Following Lady Faith's Discourse on Monday of the Healing Seminar)

FAITH: Is Knowing that God's First Cause is perfection for all things.

And by knowing, living moving and breathing the Reality of that First Cause, you create the opportunity (or the 'space') for the First Cause to naturally occur - to have its natural effect (restoration or healing.)

The First Cause is continually pushing on this Planet and its evolutions, looking for a place to have its effect (to manifest) and we need to create that place or that space and this is called "keeping the Faith".

Faith is continually projecting the conviction of our inner reality of perfection ( that is so real to us) on to the screen of life around us until it manifests (until physical, elemental or atomic matter coalesces around it).






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