World Teacher Academy

Beloved Mother Mary and Beloved Micah

Shamballa, Long Island


April 22, 1981

I am the Ascended Lady Master Mary, your mother, and it is your deep devotional commitment to being a healing presence on this planet that has drawn me to be with you this afternoon. Would you kindly be seated.

It was the ability of my precious son two thousand years ago to sustain that deep devotional commitment to being a healing presence and it was my privilege to help sustain that in, through and around him. I helped him as a young boy become a healing presence in his own body, repairing that body when it was render. We then graduated as he grew older and I grew more experienced as a mother to healing the elemental, animal, bird and plant life around him. And eventually he grew to become a healer of other souls, and by the time he had made his Ascension into the Light he had effected a certain healing of the very planet itself.

And I am here this afternoon to offer you the same 'mothering' that I was fortunate to give to the Master Jesus. I will be with you in your learning to heal yourselves, to heal the elemental and environmental life around you, to heal the bodies and souls of other men, and to effect a certain healing on a planetary level. I might say I have some experience at 'mothering' an Avatar. And we all need mothering once in a while. It may seem strange to you, but I am mothered by Lady Vesta, and I too require mothering sometimes. I only wish to give you my deepest blessings this day and to remind you of the Angel of Grace dispensed with great ceremony at the Easter Classes by the gracious Lady Donna Grace.

And in my role as Queen of the Angels. My power and momentum of Grace shall flow through those Angels as well. So think of those special Angels often, for Grace is not a gift generated by humanity. Grace is a gift given of God, from God, for humankind. And this Group Avatar shall grow in Grace according to your acceptance of the power of these Angels in your everyday lives. Having blessed you, I give you now my beloved son, Micah the Angel of Unity. 

Beloved Micah

Greetings co-servers in the Group Avatar. For I choose to consider myself one of those cells. Please be seated.

As the gracious Lady Mary has alluded, I received in that embodiment two thousand years ago similar training to what you are getting now. And I can remember it was fairly strange to me, a Hebrew amongst the Persians or in Egypt or in China or in India or with the Llamas, and they would teach me their healing ways and they would seem very strange sometimes for it was not my culture. But as I learned and as I walked from town to town, I would practice (as the need was great). I would practice and practice and practice, for I was in the business of learning then.

And though I was not only learning healing, healing is one of the greatest gifts that we can give to our fellow men to allow them to know the nature of God and to open them up to learning more of that nature of God for themselves thus allowing us an avenue of being the teacher as well as the healer. I, too, simply came to Bless you today, for you to know that my larger identity as Micah, the Angel of Unity, is with you at all times...

You are developing the community of Christ consciousness that I desired for the early Christian dispensation. We had it for a while, but with the withdrawing of my immediate pressure of Light, there came some disunity. Now however, because it is being done through you this time, I can remain close by as the Angel Micah continuing to give you the pressure of my Light... and more of my Light... and more of my Light and I will not need to withdraw it; I will make it stronger and stronger.

So yes, we will build a community of Christ Consciousness. We will build into this community the thousand or so ways, as my beloved brother Serapis said, the thousand or so ways to manifest Christ on this planet and so that every man, woman and child can look unto this Avatar and see that part of themselves that they recognize to be perfect and follow that in themselves. And is that not the goal for every man, woman and child to again follow the Christ within?

I will lend you at your heart's call the full power and momentum that I have as the Ascended Master Jesus, the Christ, in the work of healing. And I will lend you all the abilities of my Being as Micah, the Angel of Unity, to express this unity of Christ Consciousness as the Group Avatar. And as I bid you adieu, on behalf of all the great and Cosmic Beings who have visited with you during this Easter Class and Seminar, I call to my Cosmic Father, Michael the Archangel, to see that you all are blessed with cosmic protection, and sealed in the Blue Light that is sustained by your own Faith.

You shall be taken back to your personal orbits guided, guarded and protected by that Light. So Be it! I love you. I cherish your commitment to the Group Avatar, and together we shall be victorious! Good Afternoon.

Micah, Angel of Unity






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