Beloved Lady Pallas Athena

Shamballa, Long Island

May 7, 1981 

"There is no deeper death than ignorance and unbelief". So said the Avatar of the last Age, and so it has been throughout time. The so-called change of physical death is but a gentle sleep in comparison to the deep death of ignorance and disbelief, when viewed from God Reality.

It has been my honor to represent Truth to this planet and others over much of my own evolution. I might humbly inform you now that when my beloved Holy Ĉolus was elevated to Cosmic Holy Spirit, I began the training required of me to become the Spirit of Truth to the entire Solar System of Helios and Vesta and have recently graduated into that position. So beloved Holy Ĉolus and myself are tied once again by an even closer bond of spiritual service throughout this system of worlds. And I come again to you - children of Saint Germain's Golden Age on Earth - to raise humankind from the deep death of unbelief. You have a phrase in your language "to tell the Truth" . Well it is now my more pointed avocation to see that cells in this Group Avatar really do know and experience "telling the Truth" from the view of God Reality. You shall be my representatives of Truth on this planet.

Beloved Mother Mary represented "telling the Truth" to Beloved Jesus, as he grew into Spiritual Reality. As a young boy, if he came home with a bruised knee, he might have thought "my knee is bruised", but his mother would immediately switch his context to telling the Real Truth, "your knee is perfect in every way". They then learned how to quickly manifest that Truth.

We now expect those who represent the growing Group Avatar to "tell the real Truth" in all areas of life - at least to yourselves all the time (if you lie to yourselves you cannot help but lie to life). And to others, when it will not stir up too many negative emotions. Balance and Harmony remain the keynote of this growing period as well. However, to always tell the Real Truth to yourselves, from God's point of view, will be to live the quality and experience of Truth and will attract others to that Reality in you, effortlessly, as happened with beloved Jesus.

We are firmly beyond the point in Ascended Master assistance to this Earth where correct knowledge suffices to remain a true chela. QUALITIES built into the character of this world-wide movement is the absolute order of the day. Hence your own spiritual growth, each one of you, is inextricably tied to the spiritual growth of this Avatar, each one as important a link in the chain as anyone else - each one adding his or her own spiritual momentum to the WHOLE.

And please call to me. Call and call for my momentum of seeing the Truth - God's point of view in all things. I will flash it through you in an instant! I hope to do for this Group Avatar what beloved Mother Mary did as the Guardian of Truth of the growing Master Jesus. Please let me help you raise humanity out of their deep death of ignorance and disbelief, together we can. Please be aware that all of the great Beings of Heaven are prepared to attend this growing Avatar in its development of Spiritual Qualities.

Your Guardian and Co-Server in this Group Endeavor,

Pallas Athena




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