Re-Consecration to the Principle of the Sacred Heart

(A Visualization given by Beloved Kuthumi  -  to assist our understanding of this service, especially in the Month of May)

I ask that we now take a trip in projected consciousness together, as we make a unified group and see our Flames growing and expanding until the room is filled with one gigantic Flame of Love, Wisdom and Power. Feel yourself in that Flame - part of that Flame - that you ARE that Flame - as is everyone else in the group this morning. And we go off in this Flame - which is our flying saucer - and we are whisked immediately to the Temple of Mother Mary, of the Sacred Heart, over the beautiful Tyrol Mountains, on a gorgeous winter morning. We find ourselves in the higher etheric planes, in an ante-chamber watching the Sacred Heart Flame and the process of consecrating the incoming children. Feel yourselves there as Light-Bodies — visualize the children there kneeling before that Flame — the very last thing they do before they go to their physical bodies for re-embodiment, consecrating their lives, their energies, to the Sacred Heart — some of which they will take into their very physical bodies — which shall be their Spark of Divinity — see these children kneeling before that Flame, a beautiful Three-fold Flame — yet it is completely pink from any distance because of the nature of Love within it, enfolded in a scintillating white radiance, which is the Sacred Heart being held in the Immaculate Concept.

And fairly soon we are asked to line up, (the flow of children coming to that Sacred Heart is stopped for a few moments) and we begin to proceed one by one down the corridor toward that Flame and as we come across it we feel the Force and we re-consecrate ourselves to the Sacred Heart - to the principle of the Sacred Heart - to our own Sacred Hearts and with Mother Mary directly in front, watching over us, we vow to bring this Force, the Essence of our Sacred Hearts, through this physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicle which we have inhabited. We are privileged to come again and re-consecrate ourselves, as we did before we took embodiment, to the service of the Sacred Heart expressing itself through our faculties. Feel yourself for just a moment being swept up into that Flame — as if it completely surrounds you — and you are enveloped in a magnificent Three-fold Flame of Love, Wisdom and Power, spiraling from your toes to your head, expanding out through your physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies — all enfolded in the scintillating White Radiance of the Immaculate Concept — held for us by beloved Mother Mary. Feel, feel the consecration take place. It is no wonder that the Divine Complement of beloved Mother Mary is Lord Raphael, the Angel of Consecration, for it is at the Sacred Heart Temple that we are consecrated - consecrated to becoming Christ Beings by living the principle of the Sacred Heart.

Feel, the Divine Essence of Consecration flowing through your bodies like waves of energy with this music - Consecration - Consecration - Consecration to the Sacred Heart expressing itself in our lives, throughout our thoughts, our feelings, our actions and reactions — through our voices, through our movements, through all that "I AM". Our consecration is simply an acknowledgment of the link we have with our Father-Mother God. And who do we find this morning at the gracious Retreat of Beloved Mother Mary but Lord Gautama. Please visualize him on a raised dais, behind the Flame, on a throne chair of lotuses, sitting in his lotus position. He has much to do with the consecration of these children for he has charge of these Spirit Sparks as they have been sent from Helios and Vesta, or any of the Sun Gods and Goddesses who belong to this system of planets, and therefore Lord Gautama is extremely interested and committed to the service of consecrating children before they come into embodiment, to the Divine Remembrance and inner reality of their link with the Universe — that they are Children of the Universe - we are all Children of the Universe.

And while we are with that Flame, each of us individually, Lord Gautama flashes into our being his own Balance and some assistance in remembering even in our present embodiment that we are children of the Universe — the Spirit Spark that we represent evolving on this planet as sent by some God-Parents, being in the embrace of his Balance. And, just as Lord Gautama holds the Threefold Flame at Shamballa, he also holds the Spirit Spark of every man, woman and child in embodiment in that Balance, so we can remember our link — Children of the Universe. As we kneel, each of us, in front of this Flame there is such a current, an electric current that we feel we might burst, flowing through us, consecrating us to the Principle of the Sacred Heart; our connection with our Father-Mother God; our connection with the family of God — as Children of the Universe...

And then we step back from this Flame and we step off to the side and Mother Mary touches our foreheads, and we feel her thumbprint almost burning upon our foreheads, as she re-consecrates us to expressing the Divinity of our own Sacred Hearts and to the principle of the Sacred Heart that flows throughout infinity, which is the very last thing a child experiences before embodiment.

And then we step back to the ante chamber that was first presented to us, and Mother Mary continues with the process of consecrating children. Hundreds and hundreds of children come by every hour and there are many coming into embodiment through dispensations by the Karmic Board this year, with this precious Lady as its spokesman. And just view these children as they go by and we will see magnificent Beings, some of whom we know - tremendous Causal Bodies, tremendous Solar Lords, and even some Buddha’s from other Stars, Planets and Systems who have been granted embodiment by the Karmic Board - who are going through the last consecration before taking physical embodiment and stepping into the life of their parents, their homes, their physical environments. Our heart goes out to these Beings, to their parents, to see that all the glory we look upon now comes to full fruition through their Sacred Hearts.

And now we gather about us all the feeling of consecration to the principle of the Sacred Heart flowing through us. And now we step back into our Flame which took us to this Retreat. We bid adieu to Beloved Mother Mary (who does not turn around, who is with her children) to all the sisters and brothers who serve at this Temple and we are withdrawn immediately back to our Sanctuary here. And as we step back into our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies, while remaining in the higher etheric plane of consciousness, we bring back this conscious remembrance — this feeling and experience of being consecrated to the Principle of the Sacred Heart — and breathe it in deeply and rhythmically. Remember this is a re-consecration of the same vows that each of us took before we stepped into this very embodiment! And it is so good to have a refresher. We feel the extra added impetus of Beloved Archangel Raphael when this beloved Retreat is open and so active. And we remain in this complete union with Christ Consciousness on the higher etheric plane, working out in our lives the Principle of the Sacred Heart.

(Music: IASOS— Crystal White Fire Light)




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