The Enfolding Spirit of the Year

The Beloved Archangel Jophiel


 Year of Illumination and the Thought Form for 1980

(Shamballa, Long Island)

August 27, 1979

Good evening, my friends of Light. Please be seated. There are some things that we have to talk about and as you know I am a Being of Wisdom, and you will be feeling my Presence very, very strongly in the months to come. I will be the Enfolding Spirit for 1980, along with those magnificent beings Beloved Helios and Vesta, and I will tell you the Thought Form for next year. Describe it any way you like, but picture - if you will - a crystalline globe. See it now in your consciousness. . . a crystalline globe of Earth, so pure, so clean, so iridescent and so perfect that you can see right through to its heart center.

[The background music ceases] . . . Leave that music on. . . I am a Being of music, and I love it. It fills my Being. I thank you, dear one, for your consideration while I am talking because there are some Beings in Heaven’s Realm that prefer silence, but wherever I am you can fill the room with music. Music. . . what a blessed thing music is, and next year we will be using much music. Now, back to this - magnificent globe.

Picture the Earth in her crystalline glory. Piercing right down to the center with your consciousness, just see the Threefold Flame - the permanent Atom of the Earth - blazing from its Heart Center. And outside that Flame, filling it now is the Violet Fire. See on top of the crystalline globe the land surfaces, and coming up from underneath the surfaces of the various land masses is the Violet Fire . . . constantly coming up through the earth. And constantly in the center of that Earth is the Threefold Flame of Love, Wisdom, and Power. The balancing Activity for this magnificent Planet of mine. I say "Mine", because I am so much a part of this Earth.

As you well know, I was the first Chohan of the Second Ray. I have been here for many, many years. Now picture this magnificent globe, and see the Light coming down from the Suns. Picture the Light from Aureole and Aurea coming into the North Pole: The Light from Dawn and Luz piercing the South Pole, assisting Beloved Polaris and that Blessed Lady Magnus with the straightening of the axis of the Earth. See now the Ray of Osiris and Isis going into that African continent in the country of Gabon, outside Libreville on the equator. See another crystalline Ray going into the island of Sumatra, just north of Padang; the shining crystalline Ray from those magnificent Beings of the Sun, Apollo and Diana. Also on the equator, between the Baker and Jarvis Islands, see another Ray from Beloved Krishna and his dear Lady Sophia. Finally I want you to see the Ray from Beloved Hercules and Amazon going into the Middle of the World Monument outside Quito, Ecuador. See those Rays . . . this is part of your Thought Form. And enshrouding the entire globe is a magnificent aura of the Golden Ray of Illumination. And there is this glorious Planet pulsating in the heavens . . . all crystalline . . . as if it is made of glass!

ILLUMINATION . . . that will be the Activity for the entire year of 1980, and let me dwell a little on Illumination. Few realize its importance. So many of the students talk about the "Will of God", but the Will of God IS Illumination! Because without Illumination there is no "Will" of God. It is merely power spent forth in useless pursuits, because Illumination is of God. It is not of the human. And through Illumination you know how to wield the Power of God Almighty. Love, Wisdom and Power. . . have you ever thought about that? LOVE, WISDOM and POWER. The students say that over, and over and over again. Love, Wisdom, Power . . . the balancing Activity, the Threefold Flame. Love on the left, Wisdom in the middle and Power on your right. It comes to you on the left, and it leaves you on the right (that is if you use your hands). Receive with the left Love; through the Wisdom; and out with Power. You provide the Power, because you are God!

Humanity is constantly creating — every second, of every minute, of every hour — constantly creating. They know not the power that lies within them, and constantly they are sending forth creation; creation that is less than perfection. In this ensuing year we will blaze the Flame of Illumination into every mind and brain consciousness of every man, woman and child on this Planet in unprecedented quantities! And to assist the chelas in really coming to know the Truths that are to be imparted, in this New Age Church of the Christ, (especially at the Convention next September, and the Seminars that are to follow after that) I am going to give on New Year’s Eve - to each member of The New Age Church of the Christ, a personal Angel of Illumination. And each one of these Angels will look after their charges throughout the entire year. Through this special Gift, the entire membership of this magnificent Activity will be raised to unprecedented heights of consciousness, the like of which will surprise you.

If you don’t have Illumination, you don’t have the Will of God! The Will of God is the WILL to create perfectly. If you do not have Illumination you do not KNOW how to use your Power. Everybody has Power. Everybody has the ability to create. But without Knowledge, and Wisdom, and Understanding of the true Laws that govern this Universe - that govern you and I - that govern every living thing on this blessed Planet . . . without Illumination of these Truths humankind wanders through life want only creating anything their heart desires: whether it is of good or evil, and we will not tolerate this any longer: The Will of God WILL manifest on this Planet Every man, woman and child - every lifestream evolving on this Earth - will act as it was intended they should act . . . willing into being things of perfection as God does: As God wills!

Think of the expression: THE WILL OF GOD. It has been thoroughly overplayed, and overstated, and how many really understand what the Will of God is. Think on it. The Will of God [pause] ....There is the "Will" of Archangel Jophiel; there is the "Will" of Beloved Lord Gautama; and there is the separate and individual “Will" pulsating within each one of you here present. Even though you are individuals in your own right, if each one of you are walking the Path that God has laid down for you, all of you will (in essence) have the same “Will" . . . the will to do it God’s Way. As thus you WILL into being, as God does. But what is "Will"? Will is Precipitation. You will something into being. And how do you "will” it? You WILL it through your Heart Center through desire, and through feeling.

In your consciousness there first arrives the idea. That idea is born in your mind before you even “will" it into being. So, in essence, the First Ray should be gold! It should be Illumination, because that is where the seed of an idea first germinates. This is where it all starts. The power, and the willing into action does not come until later. Now I am not saying that the Illumination Ray is necessarily the First Ray. We know, from the Teachings that you’ve had, and from the structure of the Seven Spheres, that the First Ray is known as the Will of God. But really, what does actually come first . . .  in your being that is? Thought, right? And thought stems from thinking; using your mind (we hope!), as opposed to your brain. And depending on your Illumination and your understanding of the world around you, and the Laws, depends on what gets WILLED into action. That is the whole key to your Threefold Flame. It is perfect balance! Love on your left; Power on your right; but the biggest “plume” of all is Illumination. And I want you to really understand it, and think about what I have just said. It is very, very important. Illumination is far more important than people realize, and you are all going to get a big dose of Illumination this coming year.

Some of the leaders within The New Age Church have had certain training at Inner Levels, as well as subjecting themselves to many hours of harsh training in the outer world. There was a lot to that training, and those who were Spiritually motivated received great benefit; tremendous Illumination! And all of your key people that are to go out and assist in teaching the members of the Church, as well as those that are invited to the various seminars - all of those have been through that training. And therein lies another subject: Discipline.

You have to learn to discipline yourselves; discipline your minds; prevent your thoughts from wandering; and really hold a tight rein on your consciousness. If you let it wander in all sorts of directions you will find it very difficult to attain the level of understanding that I wish you (particularly) to reach. You’re not doing very well at the moment, but I know that in the months to come you will do even better. Discipline is very, very important. VERY important! And I don’t want you to feel for one moment that each one of you are not reaching heights that others have yet to reach . . . you are. But you have to really reach, and reach, and reach for those New Age Truths . . . and we will give them to you. Pass them down, no matter who disagrees with what you have received from us. You will be contradicted. You will be disagreed with, but no matter. Both of you, as our oracles, will receive the information from various Members of The Great White Brotherhood. Give it out. We are going to give you an extraordinary amount of material and to a certain extent seeming contradictions to what you have had before. But when you really study what you have had before, and really get the true meaning and the true essence out of those magnificent Teachings that came through in the early years, you will realize that it will be no contradiction. They will all blend. A higher Teaching.

And so, dear ones, it has been good to be with you. It is not often that I come, and even less often that I am invited to speak. Please feel free to call on me at any time, and whenever the opportunity presents itself I would be delighted to speak with any group. And while I am here, my dear Lady Constance has told me to tell you that she is absolutely delighted with what is happening in her blessed New York City. I have seen that dear Lady literally wring her hands with agony at what was happening to New York, and watching much of the work that she had so patiently done just literally drift away. And she was watching that city crumble. But now it is "on the mend", and everything in New York is on the "upbeat”, and she is so happy for that and I thank you, blessed lifestreams, for your Service in New York City because now (to put it in your vernacular) my blessed complement can now sleep at night!

So thank you, blessed ones, God Bless you and I flood your vehicles with the Illumination Flame. Good night.

The Archangel Jophiel

The Spirit of Illumination for 1980