"How are you - Where are you going?"

Beloved Lady Miriam

March 21, 1979

We find it necessary from time to time to refresh the consciousness of the chelas with Elementary Lessons, and this is my purpose in the following:

God IS. All the manifold beauties and intricacies of our Universe point to the existence and imminence of a Great Intelligence whose creative capacities are unfathomed by the mind of humanity.

You, too, ARE. The Presence of God and of yourself, as a thinking and feeling individual are self-evident truths. The relationship between God and you, his Will for you, his interest in you, form the basis for your present investigations and ultimate liberation from the unpleasant experiences of life... here and hereafter.

The Presence of God in humanity raises man above the animal and through God within him humankind may become the Christ, immortal, the worker of miracles, the undying.... The relationship between humanity and God determines how much of this Great Presence is not equalized in every man, for each age produces a saint, a sinner, an average man.

How then is the intensity of this Presence cultivated, expanded and nurtured? How is the individual life of man tied into the greater Life and Gifts of the Father, which the Master Jesus credited with the Miracle Working Powers that flowed through Him to the amazement of the world of men?

Would the Great Parent be any more selective in the conferring of his Gifts than a human parent among his family of children? Could the miracle working powers which Jesus tapped be withheld from any seeking, earnest child of the Homeland? Assuredly this could not be so.

"It is not I, it is the Father within that doeth the works" was the constant word of the Master, that the onlookers might not confuse the Powers with the instrument. Herein lies our hope, for these great powers.... by which Lazarus was called from the tomb of death.... the blind man made to see... the deaf to hear ...the leprous and decadent made whole, areas universally ours as the electric current, the waters of the oceans, the air breathed in common by the select and the serf.... BUT each man must breathe for himself, lest the air encompass his body round, and he die for lack of air within his lungs.

Each man must select and consume his own food, and assimilate the strength giving energies that are within it. So, too, humanity must first become aware of the PRESENCE of these Powers. Then he must accept the POSSIBILITY and the POSITIVE CERTAINTY that these Powers can be tapped and grafted into the energy of the individual's own life, flowing forth for the enrichment of the race in a liberating stream.

The use of the Presence of God's Powers is your Divine Birthright, the heritage of every man. Some men choose to claim their birthright. Others remain, indifferent, in their limitations and their wealth lies dormant awaiting its summons into use.

When man refuses longer to be misled by the superstitious belief that the God of Mercy and Love is constantly inflicting upon him all the ills and vicissitudes that are his common lot, that man places his feet upon the Path which will lead him to understanding and ultimately to Liberation and Freedom.

The Seekers of every Age have endeavored in some way to connect their consciousness and self with this Greater Presence, to achieve this Divine Union, through which the Presence of God might enter into the individual life, and flow like an un-dammed river, into the world of humanity. Many are the roads that lead Home, many the spiritual practices that cultivate the entrance of this Presence of God into the life and world of humankind.

The simple acknowledgement and realization that the Presence of God is within you, awaiting the invitation to intensify his Power and Presence, will begin the release of his Gifts, his Powers and his Miracle Working Presence into your world and affairs. This ever-presence is alive within your heart. You need no mediator to call it forth. From within its blessed self flows comfort, peace, understanding, directive intelligence - which reveals the solutions to our daily problems.

Cultivating the Invocation of this Father within increases his Presence and Power in your affairs, and makes you a greater and greater channel for the infusion of his Grace into your own life and the world of men. Thus, the seeker after Godliness cannot pursue a selfish road, for his Light and Radiation become the common property and heritage of all humanity.

Now, let us consider your Mental and Emotional approach to the Path... When humankind has expressed a desire to know more of the Universe, its Laws, and his relation to the great eternal scheme of things, he has signified to the Watchers that he is ready to enter the Path.

Many life experiences form the motivating power behind the SEARCH, and each unhappy experience that turns the soul toward God is a blessed one. "Humanity's extremity is truly God's opportunity." Suffice to say, you have now become a Seeker. The particular experience which has awakened your soul and made the innermost self of you no longer content to remain a victim of circumstance, will play an important part in the mental and emotional condition in which you approach The Path.

Let us stop right here and examine ourselves to find whether bitterness, or resentment, despair or confusion are the background of our present seeking. It is not unnatural to find these conditions alive within the soul of the Seeker.

This very discontent has marked the Seeker out from the race, for the self-satisfied and lethargic are not yet ready to change their lot by self-effort. But in order to receive the greatest benefit from our studies, it is required that we are calm and poised and receptive to the Truths, so we must take time to set our mental and emotional house in order and approach the Science of living dispassionately. The consciousness of the Seeker will most benefit if he be: Enthusiastic and Eager in his interest in the Search. Humble and Gentle in acknowledging his ignorance of laws, powers and presences, which to his present knowledge have no substance in fact. Pliable and Willing to accept New Truths, confident that time will prove or disprove their worth. Patient in acknowledgement that many centuries of ignorance cannot be wiped out by a cursory perusal of the Laws and Truths which the Sages of the Race have contemplated for centuries.

Pure in motive, desiring to secure powers and mastery only for individual peace and collective service to the race and to harm no man. Peaceful in intent, desiring to injure no part of life. Constant in application, pursuing the middle course which grows not overly exuberant nor easily despairing. Energetic and Vital, pouring the energies of life joyously into the prescribed exercises of mind, feeling and body, willing to invest in the endeavor to become Master.

To make a thing your own, you must accept it. The Law of Acceptance is proven in the natural kingdoms, for if the body refuses food it dies, and if humanity refuses aid - human or Divine - he suffers from lack or the absence of Good in his life experience. So we must cultivate the quality of Acceptance of gifts, powers, and assistance, the full nature of which we may not yet understand.

The capacity to assimilate nourishment - food, or instruction, will determine how much and what particular type of nourishment is best for you. Here on the Path, your soul instinctively seeks its own proper food, and if you harmonize with the message, it is right for you at the moment. If not, it may be your soul and vehicles will have to be educated toward such assimilation.

All this is a process of growth, evolution, and BECOMING.






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