Summer Conference

Beloved LaMorae

Shamballa - Long Island

Tuesday, July 12, 1977

Beloved children, beautiful flowers garden of God's Heart....

Oh, lovely ones, the flowers of your beings are open wide, gradually revealing the Christ Presence and I, LaMorae, am so grateful to see as I look upon you, each dear one, the Three-fold Flame blazing, blazing - revealing in the center the glorious Christ Self - the God of Love. How I love you, each dear one.

As I came to Shamballa today I was accompanied by many Angels of my Legions of Harmony and we brought for you, each dear one, a Lei of magnificent Blessings which they shall now place about your shoulders... Feel the soft caress as this is done and know that they shall stay with you all this day to help you to sustain the glorious Harmony which you have exhibited thus far. Oh Harmony, that beautiful Gift from the Heart of the Supreme Source upon which all life revolves. Harmony of Nature, of all the Kingdoms is necessary to sustain any manifestation.

I wish each of you to consider yourselves a note in the great Scheme of Creation, serving with the Almighty to make of this dear Earth truly a God World which shall remain for all Eternity, taking and sustaining its rightful place in this glorious Universe. Each of you, as you know, has a keynote, a tone, to express - no two alike and I, at this moment, wish you to consider me as a director of a great Cosmic Orchestra. And I look upon you each one and ask you to play this note; add it to the Symphony of Creation which you are destined to express, I raise my hand and we shall perform.

See and feel blending the tones of your own Beings, being truly directed by your own Christ Self, who serves in the world of form through your physical garments when you are in a state of Harmony, I see the blending of the beautiful colors of your auras and the blazing Light of the Cosmic "I AM" Presence pouring down streamers of Light like the gentle rain which has fallen from Heaven this day.

How beautiful to be obedient to the Directives of your lifestream... feel the Harmony of your fellow traveler blending with your own. And as this great Harmony expands, the Angels will carry it round the Earth to bless not only those tuning in to this Class, but all life as well. This day, through the Grace of God and your kind cooperation, the Earth is truly saturated with Love Divine, with Wisdom and Power, thru the Light of your Beings.

I am sure by now you appreciate the privilege of serving with the Spiritual Hierarchy to make this Planet Earth truly the magnificent garden which she is destined to be. Beloved Clove, the Silent Watcher of this Holy Isle, is so grateful, so grateful to each and everyone of you and all tuning in for what you are doing to assist the mighty Virgo to express the Light which she is.

Since the beginning of these Classes on Sunday, the Corona around the Earth has increased ten-fold. I see as I look upon this sweet Earth, all the Seven Rays, like the Causal Body of the Earth, in brilliant pulsating colors of Light, and it is through your efforts that this has been made possible.

0 dear God, help us with the assistance of the chelas to keep this a sustained activity!

With the gentle rain which fell this morning, all the little Beings of the Elements began to feel the anointing of Harmony... each raindrop was filled with the Essence of Love Divine... and you will see ere this week is out, the flowering not only of the gardens which contain the plants and shrubs and the vegetable, but the flowering of your fellow traveler. You should be very happy, my lovely ones, and I am so grateful for the activity which has taken place at this Class and all the Foci throughout the Earth where Harmony has been established. The Light is blazing with great intensity because of the energies which you have released.

And I want each of you to feel free to come to my principal Focus over Waikiki, and if at the moment I am engaged in Cosmic Service, you can be assured that any member of the brotherhood at our Focus will be happy to receive you and bathe you in the Essence which is so characteristic of our beautiful Islands - where Peace, where Love, where Harmony are flowing forth from our Retreat at all times. No wonder people gravitate to the Islands, because of the beautiful radiation which flows there at all times... to any and all who are sufficiently harmonious and quiet to receive it.

Will you, everyone, as you say your daily prayers or are meditating, think of Harmony - and thinking upon that Quality, you will be immediately connected with my Focus over Waikiki, and as there is no separation, every Focus of Harmony throughout the Planet will enfold you in cascading Light... the Light of the Eternal... and will you please accept my deep gratitude for the Harmony which you attained, and will sustain I feel sure, preparing you for the Cosmic Event of the Inbreath tomorrow!

Think of the Harmony and Balance required in this mighty Inbreath... and the Inbreaths which have and shall be taken in the future.

Be sure to remain in a state of Joyful, Buoyant Happiness this day so that you will make it more facile for us to accomplish that which is in accordance with Divine Law!

Beautiful Cosmic notes in the Symphony of Creation, feel the Love of my humble self who am privileged by the Supreme Source to release Harmony and Balance to this Sweet Earth and all her evolutions. I stretch forth my hand to you... take it... and walk with me forever in the Garden of the Gods! Thank you!


LA MORAE! Thine's the Way!

Great God Harmony!

Wills all bend, Tones all blend

In God Harmony! 

One great song sings all day long,

Mine now to be

All Harmony! 

LA MORAE: Thine’s too, my WAY:

In God's Own Great HARMONY!





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