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Beloved Sanat Kumara

"Beloved and blessed of the Light, I, the Regent of this planet Earth, who so long since foreswore life upon my planet Venus to be among you, and who for so long have remained as the love and the heart and the Spirit of Shamballa, I do greet you, in my name and in the name of all those who gathered around the seed of my love and became the Brothers and Sisters from the White Island who were the Cosmic Emissaries as well as the unascended emissaries that went forth, North, South, East and West to be the leaven in the loaf and to carry God's Love and his Light, his gifts and his Blessings to all that be.

When I returned to Shamballa, as I do at this Holy Season, there are many memories within my heart; memories of the first stirring in the souls of those who I was calling to become part of this Great White Brotherhood - a Universal Brotherhood of Angels, Elementals and men; all free of distress. There are memories of my own Star and my Lady Venus; there are memories of the bringing forth of the Sacred Fire Which again now you, blessed ones, have the privilege and opportunity of magnetizing here on Earth.

These memories come to mind every time we have the celebration at Shamballa; every time that I, as well as my successor the new Lord of the World and others have the opportunity of accepting the sheaves which are the harvest of your good services rendered during this past one year cycle of 1958. Oh, how happy is your Sponsor and your Guru and how happy "I AM" as you come to the great central Temple and, kneeling in homage before it, place the sheaves of your year's service. Some of that service is seen in the outer; some of it has been manifested as physical works and much, much of that service has been on mystical planes and at inner levels.

Even though, in the measuring yourself by outer consciousness, you do not find the fullness in yourself of those sheaves, as you place them before the Immortal Threefold Flame of God as it blazes high into the atmosphere, yet do I tell you, my beloved ones, your harvest is great and that each one's harvest is lovingly received by the great Lord Gautama, placed in his hands. Then the Angels carry that harvest to either side of him upon the flower strewn altar and each one is blessed by my Presence, by Gautama's Presence, and by the Sponsor who has guarded and guided you through this year.

It is lovely to see the Earth's Aura growing brighter and more and more peoples all over the world becoming interested in the activities of the Light! We who are in the God-free estate give them blessing and benediction, each and every one.

Please cognize the upper part of your body as a magnificent Threefold Flame, forgetting for a moment that you are a physical being, and just feel the upper part of your body a magnificent Flame of Light, golden in the center, pink on the right and blue on the left. Then feel that Flame is active, directing itself through you to bless all of life wheresoever you shall pass by. I want you to become a Lord of your own Flame; that Flame that is within your heart, referred to by many as the Holy Christ Flame.

It is a Flame that is already yours, not something that must be born within you, but it must be expanded through use until you have become the Master control of all energy that you contact wheresoever you find it, through the power and wisdom and Love all within you, which is more powerful than all human creation whatsoever it may be.

Beloved ones, so are we, the Lords of the Flame from Venus, interested in making unascended chelas earnest, honest, sincere and devoted to the Light, Lords of the Flame through your very selves; Lords of God active through your minds and bodies; Lords of Light here and now, wheresoever you dwell. That visualization, beloved ones, brought to you again and again reminds you that you are not a physical vehicle alone, but you are in reality a magnificent Immortal Three-fold Flame and that Flame is connected with the Three-fold Flame in the Heart of Shamballa as a power to render EVERY God assistance to you, to your loved ones and to all life everywhere.

Beloved ones, so many individuals, well-meaning in the extreme, think only of their own service to life and forget the life and love of those who have passed beyond the veil of so-called death and those who have not yet come into embodiment.

Let us use now that glorious Flame which is yours to touch the hearts of all, particularly those who have no one to pray for them; if they are coming into embodiment to give them assistance; if they are leaving embodiment to help them to go into the highest possible estate when they appear before the Karmic Board so that they may be easily placed in an Ascended Master Temple of Light for instruction.

That is Universal Brotherhood - it is the interest in the unfolding Christus and the transmutation of the soul, of ten billion souls belonging to this life scheme, even though there be only some three and a half billion people in embodiment at one time. Oh, your blessed Earth has carried a heavy load and carries it still.

Yet, we who are Lords of Love are willing to sustain her, helping her to right herself on the axis, helping each of you who love life to love and understand this seemingly invisible Flame as the Real You. It is that which lived before you came into embodiment. It is that which lives during the course of your embodiment inside of you and gives you animation. It is that which animates the soul when you pass through the change called death in the other realms. It is the only Real and Permanent part of you.

So on behalf of Shamballa, founded for me, made in the image and likeness of our city on Venus, built and sustained for nine hundred long years by unascended chelas, I give you my blessing on this Holy Day. I turn the Address now to the Great Lord Gautama, who is the present Lord of the World."

Beloved Lord Gautama


"Beloved, blessed children of God, how great is my love for Sanat Kumara, for I have stepped into an orbit already filled with his graciousness and his Light. Although it is my service to act as the Lord of the World, so kindly he comes, so often he serves in all of the great ceremonies and rituals and so often does he counsel with me about the cosmic activities of an age, an era, which will bring great Light to this Earth, great Light to her peoples and, with God's Holy help, quickly straighten the axis of the planet itself and relieve and release all from distresses of every kind.

To Sanat Kumara and the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood which is oneness and unity, to the great Beings on Venus who graciously acquiesced to Sanat Kumara's coming, I give my gratitude, and to the chelas who bring their sheaves of accomplishment, I give my blessing and my love for your constancy of endeavor and the expansion of your light.

Thank you, beloved, each and every one, for that God assistance."

The Daughter of Sanat Kumara, Beloved Meta Speaks:

"Beloved ones, "I AM" interested, of course, in my father's great service here when we were active primarily in Shamballa in endeavoring to bring Light to a darkened Star. I was, like unto my mother, delighted indeed when I was enabled to return with my father to the planet Venus; yet, I, too, like many others, who have enjoyed the glory of Venus and other Stars, return again and again to bless the planet Earth and her evolutions.

The glory of Shamballa is part of us. The Spirits who created it in my father's honor are always held close to my heart as well as his, and the beautiful new Lord of the World - oh, so magnificent and yet so humble, how can I describe him? I know you feel that magnificent Presence, for he is truly a Lord of Love and that Love was and is so great that he did qualify and become ready to accept my father, Sanat Kumara's place, allowing my beloved father to ascend to his own Star and help us on Venus where so many changes are taking place, where so much Light is being expanded and so much Love is being radiated toward the Earth by a God-free Star.

This evening, again the Transmission Flame at Shamballa is honored throughout the entire world. It is a most magnificent thing to see the chelas coming individually and collectively into Shamballa and bringing the harvest of their own accomplishments. It is glorious indeed to see the chela meet the Ascended Master that he loves most dearly and as they sit together on a marble bench beside one of the beautiful pools chatting one with another.

Ah, it is magnificent indeed to see the actual Ceremonial as it begins this evening, when the Elohim, the Cosmic Beings, the Archangels, the Archaii, the Cherubim, the Seraphim, the Ascended Masters and all Beings begin that Cosmic Ceremony as they walk over the marble bridge into the Heart of the White Island followed by their chelas.

Then as they separate at either side of the magnificent pools, walking upward giving homage to the Beings in the Temples of the Seven Rays, and converging again as they walk up the steps of the main Temple into the beautiful, magnificent Temple of Lord Gautama now, but where still my father and others of us, Lords of the Flame, dwell from time to time.

Accept it and enjoy being a part of that glorious activity of the balance and poise of the Middle Way. And remember that we, Lord Gautama, our beloved new Buddha (Lord Maitreya), all of us live but to bring to you the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, that it may be for you an impetus strong enough to overcome prejudices of every kind, and to charge the energies of your minds and bodies and worlds with that Light which sweeps away all shadows, and makes on Earth for our Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain, the same glory that there is in the Heavens that are above.

This glory must come as a cosmic tide, for it is ordained by Cosmic Law, and the Earth, too, even as Venus, becoming ready to move into a new point on its cosmic journey towards its own Solar Lords. All of the Nature Kingdom is alerted; all of the elemental life is alerted; all of humanity will be alerted through those chelas who understand something of how Light, True Light, can and does ignite from one lifestream to another until it becomes a great chain of Light around this Earth, enfolding all its peoples and setting all eternally and completely FREE from distress of every kind.

It is part of my service on the Fifth Ray, you know, to direct Cosmic Light Rays to the Earth from the Etheric Cities and it is my service also to you, to ask you to become one of any group of seven who are desirous of learning how to first generate and then expand your Light to a specific point for a God purpose of blessing, benediction and illumination for your fellowman, for world conditions or for anyone or anything that desires or requires assistance. This is a possibility, beloved ones. There was a time when those of you in this room used that Light as freely as you use your hands and that Light, flashing forth from you on the instant, gave the God assistance that was required, and where there was shadow, Light took its place. It is that of which my father, Sanat Kumara, speaks; it is that of which all the Ascended Host speak.

Until you have magnetized and radiated enough Light, until you can and do dissolve shadows, you have not become fully a Lord of the Flame, but you are learning, and your Light Rays directed, silently or audibly, as conditions permit, will change the vibratory action of shadows into sunshine when utilized.

You have received a very clear picture in your consciousness, for which "I AM" grateful, of that mighty Light as it blazes forth into all the things of shadow, and that shadow within the Light is just changed in vibratory action and raised into greater Light and greater happiness."


Beloved Holy Ĉolus Speaks:

"As we again approach the Holy Season and prepare for the outpouring of the Divine Beings whose radiation, blessing and love are to be intensified beyond all previous eras since the actual Nativity itself took place, let us contemplate the Ones who have tread before you and achieved the Ascension in the Light.

Through the kindness of the Cosmic Law, there is always provided a way and means wherein and whereby the outer consciousness can learn to enter into and become receptive to this radiation. One is to practice the SILENCE and learn to remain in a constant state of alert and listening grace to their benediction. It was not the potentates upon thrones of Temporal Power, but the simple shepherds on the hills who heard the Angels of the Most High Living God proclaiming the birth of Beloved Jesus. It is the same today - the simple, but worthy chela, intent upon spiritual understanding, who rises into the mystic Upper Chamber to meet the Lord (The Law) and return, as the simple shepherds, long ago, filled with awe and grace to perform Divine Service in his name.

Another activity is that of gratitude for gifts received (human or Divine). As such acceptance becomes the natural way of life for the chela, more and more of the Divine Virtues of the Heavenly Father, his Divine son, Jesus, his Holy Mother Mary, flow into and become a part of the chela's feelings and by the natural course of events, also radiates from the chela to those he (or she) hold near and dear. Thanksgiving is a feeling in the heart of the chela which should remain with such an one throughout the year.

Soon the great Shamballa opens her doors to the Divine Ones, and the worthy chelas as well, and through those Open Doors all will come rejoicing "bringing in their sheaves" (which is a Harvest of service well accomplished in the name of Heaven's Sons).

You, too, shall bring in your sheaves and, joining with Sanat Kumara, Lord Divino and the sons and daughters of Heaven, you will rejoice at the added impetus of your Flame as it joins with the glorious Immortal Three-fold Flame, brought by Sanat Kumara from Venus, and anchored at Shamballa. This Flame has been guarded by him and other Kumaras until there is truly a great Light in the Orient.

Recently Sanat Kumara was released from his office of Lord of the World because of your sheaves, each and every one, increased the Light at Shamballa (Foci for the Spiritual Great White Brotherhood) and also because of the love of Lord Gautama for the Earth and her attendant evolutions. He, qualifying for the position of guarding, protecting and expanding the Foci at Shamballa, released Sanat Kumara, who returned (temporarily) to his native Star, Venus and to his Divine Complement, also bearing the name Venus. Sanat Kumara, however, always comes Earthward for processional activities of the Great White Brotherhood.

He will, therefore, preside at this Thanksgiving (as in previous years) to accept your "sheaves". He will meet with the Brotherhood and with you, too, and give impetus to the Spiritual Growth of your consciousness, so that it is most receptive to the blessings of the Holy Season."


Beloved Lady Nadja speaks:

"Love melts away all that is less than Perfection! Enter the Flaming Presence of God within your hearts and feel the pulsation of Love, Wisdom and Power in Perfect Balance... Love Supreme.

O, the ecstasy of being at ONE with the Christ within, and through that Love you can join with us in any activity which takes place in Heaven's Realms. You will enter the Cosmic Christ Consciousness! I plead with you, my dear ones, to enter that Estate... melt away all thoughts that are less than Christ Perfection and come and dwell with us in the Kingdom of Heaven, while yet walking the Earth."







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