Easter Class

Beloved Lady Nada

Shamballa - Long Island

April 8, 1977

Yes, my dear brothers and sisters, "I AM" your sister of love and I was deeply touched by the reverent Love which you have sent and are sending to me, and I hope to return it in kind.

You know my story very well and how I was the lesser one, so to speak, in my family - not having the accomplishments of my sisters and you know that the mighty Charity was my teacher and she helped me so, and I feel I owe the Beloved Charity a great debt, so I offered to be your teacher, in order that you may learn the Law of Divine Love. Accept me in your hearts. I know you will.

We are all cells in the great Body of the Eternal and when one has a gift he really is obliged to share it with another, and so it is with you. Each of you has a particular gift to life which only you, you alone, can give. As you plant the flowers in God's great garden you are truly flowers in the garden of the Gods.

Now it is very important that those who are associated in any way with Shamballa, and that means all who subscribe to our publications, learn and put into practice every day, that you are required to restore this Holy Island! This Island is going to be, and is even now, the Beacon for all upon this Planet. You should see the glorious Rays that go forth from the Hearts of the mighty Gautama, Sanat Kumara, Lord Divino and all the brothers and sisters at Shamballa in the Etheric Realm....

They send forth their Love and their Light constantly to all evolutions on this Planet and the chelas still walking the Earth must also add their energy to restore this Island... it is taking place, it has not manifested yet but the time is drawing nigh when through the Love and dedication of the chelas, Shamballa, the physical substance of this Island, will be a magnet to draw Good, and you know Love is the Heart of all things, Love Divine is the sustaining power of any manifestation - be it visible or invisible. Speed the day when your inner sight will be opened and you can see the glorious Shamballa which is held in the Heart of Beloved Clove. What a glorious Lady of Light, our beautiful Silent Watcher of Long Island.

This Island was, as you know in ages past, so powerful in its Radiation that no one unless they had reached a certain vibration of their vehicles could set foot upon it, I repeat this to you to tell you that you are privileged to come to this Holy Focus - you who abide on Long Island are indeed blessed and it is imperative that you love one another and see that Love expand and expand from one end of the Island to the other. I know you can do this - and I ask you to think of the magnificent Lady Charity, because her momentum of Love Divine is so very important to you.

And now I have a surprise for you... our Beloved Charity will speak....

Beloved Charity:

I do not know, children, that there is any greater Love in Heaven than that of our dear Nada!

What a privilege it is for me to be in your midst. I come because I see your expanding Light and your dedication to service of the Almighty. Now you know, the Virtue of Charity is misunderstood... Charity is Divine Love - giving to your fellowman that which he has not - whether it is spiritual or temporal, and the more Love that you can engender within your own beings - you need not speak a word - just radiate that glorious Elixir of Love Divine and it will draw more of its kind from the Heavenly Realms. Think how the little elementals in your beings feel when you are expressing Love... and don't forget they have made a loving sacrifice to compose your vehicles. They are indeed happy when you are harmonious. It helps them so, because they have been pretty battered thru the ages. "I AM" sure you will agree.

Now think of Charity as adoration to the Almighty... adoration does not mean falling on your knees in physical gesture to adore Life - for all Life is One. We are all the Body of the Supreme Source and every activity in which we engage - every prayer that goes forth from our hearts is love Divine - and this harmonious radiation is adoration to the Father-Mother God.

I love every blessed chela - I love every particle of life - for all are my brothers and sisters. You know there is no separation in life - you only shut yourself off from Divinity when your feeling worlds, shall I say, take a nosedive. Oh yes, this does happen and we know that you are not yet perfect. But I wager that if you will accept our dear Nada's Love - oh it is so all-encompassing - that you will go forward very speedily. And do not think because she is small in stature that she does not have great influence on the Karmic Board, of which she is a member. To be the Goddess of Love is one of the highest designations that anybody - anyone in the Universe - can attain or receive, our Lady Nada is truly the Goddess of Love from the Heart of the Eternal!

And isn't it wonderful to have her as a dear sister who wants to take your hand and escort you on the Pathway of Light? "I AM" sure you will agree. It is not just happenstance that the Pink Heart of Love is part of the Thoughtform for this Class... and as you send forth the Harmony of your Beings, it is gathered up by the Angels and taken to the glorious Thoughtform and at the close of these Classes the Elixir of Divine Love will blanket the Earth and all hereon. Is that not a Blessing!

And it will be well received in the hearts of humankind because the majority of people on this Planet will give some recognition to the Master Jesus through the Easter Season and the Resurrection. And even though they be of some other Faith - everyone is searching - searching - and in their own way reaching up to the Creator.

So, my lovely ones, I hope that you will accept the Blessing which I give to you: In the name of the Father-Mother God, the Supreme Source of all Life - the very Heart of Love - I send you, I draw from the very Heart Center of Creation, all the Love that you are able to accept... and Beloved Chamuel and all on the Third Ray are indeed grateful to give you an anointing of the Elixir of Love Divine.

Remember. . . I, Charity, Love you.







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