Our Cosmic Library

Beloved Lord Lanto


Blessed and beloved ones, I bow in reverence to your Light... that reverence which I have developed through so many ages recognizing the power that is within the Immortal Threefold Flame which is the very individualized Intelligence no matter how low the soul has seemingly sunk in degradation of a temporary nature. Within that light principle, beloved ones, is every God virtue, God-gift and God-power in the Universe because you cannot separate life from God. God and Light are ONE.

We who are in the God-free estate, we who have felt the fullness of life expanding through ourselves for our own benefaction and that of all humankind, know that that same Life is within the beating heart of everybody belonging to this evolution and that Life is in itself not only the redemptive process of discordantly qualified energy but the expanding of the precipitating power of perfection into this world of form.

There is no Ascended Master, Cosmic Being, Angel or chela anywhere throughout the Universe who does not honor the gift of Life, knowing that it is part of the great universal First Cause. Seeing with the inner sight the beautiful flow of that Life, there is always a reverence and an  acknowledgement to that Life, even though the individual, through destructive use of free will, has not yet allowed Life through him or her to find full and perfect expression.

Beloved ones, the gardeners and the farmers who prepare their plantings in the Autumn for the Spring, Summer or next Autumn have a reverence for the gift of Life that is within seed and bulb as it is placed within the bosom of Virgo, there to remain until its proper time to come forth as a beautiful harvest. That is a reverence, that we, who are the Spiritual Hierarchy to the Earth have for all Life, the Life in your heart, as well as the Life of all the masses who do not even know that we exist, do not know our names or our purpose or our service. It is our responsibility and obligation to give them the feeling of the power and the good that is within the Life that beats their hearts, that they may let loose that power, which is the God Power Almighty. Let loose the God-Power! Allow it to resuscitate the flesh, clarify the mind, balance the feelings and purify all the etheric bodies of the memories of the discord in the past!

What can do this for you? Only Life! My Life, as I give it to you in worded expression, in radiation and with as much conviction as I can anchor into your minds and feeling worlds. My Life given to me of God is helping you to raise yourself and your life energy which is one with my own. Your Life when, through our radiation and proximity, we can convince you that within your own Life is that infinite power, that can transmute everything in your world that is less than perfection into the fullest perfection of Divinity here and now.

Please, in the soft radiation that is drawn and manifesting in these Transmission Classes, accept the joy of having a beating heart within which is a current of energy which is the Life given to you by God. The same Life which Jesus whom you all honor used, by which he overcame even so-called death itself, by which he transfigured his human form, by which he performed every so-called miracle and by which he stands yet today the great example of the proper use of Life.

No different Life flowed into Jesus than is flowing into you, beloved ones. It is all the same essence from the universal First Cause, all released from God the Father, the Cosmic "I AM" Presence. That Life is the Gift of God who has given individualization to you, to me, to every Divine Being that has been and who will be in the future. That Life is so precious. Tap the resource of all Life! Not through effort of human will, but by allowing that Life which is intelligent and responsive to your direction, to begin its expanding process through you, making all things right, emotionally, mentally, etherically and physically while you still wear a flesh garment.

It is sad indeed when we see so many of humanity in some distress of their own human creations, that they desire no longer to have the Gift of Life. There are Great Beings particularly concerned with the protection of individuals who come to that point of despondency; lest through violence they should shut off temporarily the flow of the greatest gift in the Universe - Life itself into their physical form - and not complete the magnificent manifestation for which they were created and sent into physical embodiment. Then they have to stand before the Karmic Board and make recompense for their refusal to accept and sustain the Gift of Life in so far and in so long as the God that made us, each and every one, desires to serve on any plane or in any sphere in which we have become fitted to dwell.

I have chosen, beloved ones, to keep my own vehicle at the Royal Teton for a specific reason. I have such reverence for Life itself and I have such confidence of the power of Life released constructively by the individuals free will to resuscitate the human form and make things right that I want to keep that feeling in the physical atmosphere of Earth and by so doing I am remaining presently as Hierarch of this great Retreat.

The beloved One who has prepared himself to be my successor is acting tonight on my behalf at the Royal Teton. We have been very busy, as you know, since the fifteenth of the month, welcoming all of the visitors from all the other Retreats, welcoming these beloved ones, Ascended Masters, Cosmic Beings and Angels, who have come with petitions to present before the Karmic Board.

We have in attendance the beautiful Angel of the Scrolls and we have available the council rooms which are open in order that the beloved friends who love the Light may present their scrolls and petitions and those who have an affinity with one another's project may counsel together in order to present to the Karmic Board the greatest possible unified request for benefactions for this Earth and all Earth's evolution. This year, beloved ones, there has come out of the Great Silence a Being who will be of great benefit to you individually if you choose to call upon him. You have heard the phrase often that "order is Heaven's first law". This Being is the God of Divine Order. Order in your personal affairs, order in your emotional reactions, order in your thinking facilities, order in your physical world and surroundings. They are yours if you choose to invite him. We know him in our realm as the Beloved Principa, the God of Divine Order. Those of you who desire to be the forerunners who carry the Kingdom of Heaven to the people of Earth will want to represent Heaven's first law which is Divine Order.

Therefore, this great Being has come forth for the first time since the laggards came and disorder began to manifest upon the planet Earth and its inner atmosphere. He has not returned until the 15th of December of this year (1957) and he is now willing to give to you his assistance of his directive ray.

This Divine Order of which I speak is very important, and I want you to think upon it in regard to yourself. The Divine Order is that to which you aspire. You aspire to become one with our Divine Order. That is an aspect of the law which you have confirmed by your presence in the groups throughout the year. Next, to bring Divine Order into the chaotic conditions of the planet Earth at this time is to be a messenger of this Cosmic Being. Your measure of your own world will tell you quickly how much or how little you require of his assistance.

When you are faced with a specific project whether it is a group project, whether it is a personal project connected with your home, your business or your affairs, if you will invoke the great God who represents Divine Order before you so much as raise a hand or even go through the process of dressing, you will find that everything in that day, everything in that project, everything in that activity will move along smoothly in Divine Order and each portion of your pattern and plan will mesh perfectly with the others.

This will do much for you in the control of your feelings particularly - because your feeling nature will not have that sense of struggle. Let the Law and Lord of Divine Order merge into, through and around you and into through and around whatever activity or project upon which you are working. If you choose to, ask him to start twenty-four hours before that project is to begin, and see how real and tangible such an One can be. In the Higher Realms, beloved ones, everything follows Divine Order. You are entering into the Seventh Age, and the Seventh Ray is Ordered Service. Ceremony in which Divine Order is acknowledged.

Divine Order is essential in drawing the specific radiation of the Angelic Host or any of the perfected Ones who are desiring to give you assistance or who you desire to assist you in some special service, because order being Heaven's first law, all of the Angels and all of the Divine Beings serve in that promise. When they are serving unascended beings, They can conserve more of their energy if they do not have to create the pattern, but it is already created in Divine Order.

For instance, if your service is to the beloved Jesus, the Divine pattern should be created from the very moment that every individual belonging to or connected with a group activity is cognizant that they are going to reverence Jesus, the Christ. From the time that the platform is magnetized from the time the leader begins the service, all is built in Divine Order around the great Officiant, who in this case would be Beloved Jesus. Therefore, then more of the light radiation, visualization, song and thought of Jesus that can be drawn by the leader and by those in the group, into the forcefield, the greater the radiation of the Master Jesus and the Angels from his Temple when it is his opportunity to give the blessing to you.

All of the energies you release are very beautiful and it gives a great blessing to Life but the Ascended Master who is giving the address must wait until the moment when the attention of the congregation turns toward that One. At that moment the Angels begin through Divine Order to form the pattern of the class and the radiation and grace is prepared for the Ascended Master's blessing.

As you are interested in becoming and as you are destined to become teachers of many people, remember to follow the pattern of Divine Order in your ceremonial service. That is not only necessarily true in group activity, it can be true of your daily activity. There are some of you who devote your attention to one Master every day, not necessarily the same Master, but for a twenty-four hour period you devote yourself as being a cup for the radiation for that Ascended Master.

In your case, as individuals, if you will begin your day after your attention goes to your "I AM" Presence by sending a thought to that Ascended Master, and then fashion your day; your reading, your words, your activities as closely as you can to that Master's personage, you will receive a tremendously greater release from such an One than if you scatter your energy all around to all the Hierarchy of Heaven. We know that it is your earnestness, beloved ones, and your interest in the various Members of the Spiritual Hierarchy which causes you, from time to time to so scatter your energy. You see the beloved Master Morya, and Saint Germain drawing back the human veil further and further have given to you on the screen of Life more and more of an understanding of the various Ascended Masters, Cosmic Beings, Angels and Devas.

This has increased your interest in them and naturally your attention. You feel, perhaps, disloyal if you do not cover the entire spectrum of the Spiritual Hierarchy within your adoration. You can easily remedy this, beloved ones, by sending your attention to the "I AM" Presence and then the Great White Brotherhood and every Being who composes it. Then specialize your devotions on your Master or Angel and see if you will not find that that will assist you in ordered service. This ordered service, is learning to consciously qualify your energies and it will be of assistance to you in the most mundane activities of Life, as well as the most Celestial ones.

Beloved ones, at the other side of the veil millions are begging to come into embodiment and yet you here who have physical vehicles must become more and more cognizant of the magnificent opportunity you have in Life itself on this Earth plane, and in using that Life constructively.

You would be surprised, beloved ones, when a lot of thought forms that have cluttered up your minds were removed through this Divine Order and how much easier it will be for you to concentrate. You will be surprised that the emotions that have filled you from time to time which are not of God intent are removed in Divine Order so that your own Holy Christ Flame can expand through you. How much that service will assist you in your endeavors.

You are very familiar with the magnificent Teton. Many of you came with the beloved Master Morya to the very vicinity of the Grand Teton Range, rising like great fingers of life out of the plains of the Wyoming Rockies. Some of you have seen it only in picture form. All of you have been within it many, many times. I have been your Host before, and I shall be your Host, God willing, until the strain and stress of Earth is over, her axis is straightened and you are all a happy people - people that love life.

Inside of the magnificent Teton, there is the great central chamber. The altar has been woven all around with white, green and golden flowers in honor of the beloved Sponsors of 1958.

We have endeavored to give them preference and honor, allowing them to take their places on the altar. The green Precipitation Flame burns upon this altar. The Cosmic Beings and the Ascended Masters are seated in the central room. The seven ante-chambers are open, the beautiful mesh curtains with the Archangels and Archaii upon them pulled back so that the various chelas of the various Chohans can be in the Retreat itself.

The Builders of Form are already creating the seats for the Karmic Board, they will be Crystal for beloved Gabriel and Hope, and they will be studded with green emeralds representing beloved Vista and Crystal.

We are entertaining at the Teton beloved Helios and Vesta, and I am hoping that before the end of the Seven Sacred Weeks we shall have all of the Sun Gods: Alpha and Omega, Osiris and Isis, Apollo and Diana, Krishna and Sophia, Helios and Vesta, as well as the Sun Gods of the systems below that to which Earth belongs, Please visualize the magnificent Chinese green Flame of Precipitation. Visualize that on the center of the altar in the heart of the Royal Teton and realize that you are a part of that power of precipitation because you have life and a beating heart.

Thus you will help us as we endeavor to direct the Flame throughout the entire world, giving a feeling of reverence for life; a desire for Ordered Service; a feeling of gratitude for the gift of life; a removal from every embodied lifestream and all who come here in the future, of any desire to take life, their own or any others, through violence or subtly, through vampire activity; and then that joyous consciousness that life in itself can and does, when given an opportunity, expand perfection in every sphere.

The green Flame is on the center of the altar - the white lilies, the green vines and the golden wire around it. The beloved Gabriel and Hope, beloved Vista and Crystal are on the altar and, acting for myself, the beloved Being who has qualified to be my successor, whom some of you know as Confucius, and who is wearing Chinese green at this moment, is rendering the service of Host while I am here with you.

From the Great Rocky Mountain Retreat, your Sponsor for the month is a lovely Lady, and because your Cherubim return home tonight for their surcease and rest, we have asked that your Sponsor from our Retreat stay in your auras during the entire time while your Cherubim are at Home. In this way you will not feel a sense of loss in the freeing of these blessed Beings, who will return to you on Christmas Eve (Dec. 24, 1957). They are all happy! They have all come here tonight and they are enjoying their release, and yet they will all return to you with renewed interest and renewed love, and they are bringing back to you, individually, the specific gift which will be an active feeling in your world, which I know you will enjoy for the year 1958, particularly as it is the year dedicated to the Angels. In the year of 1958, the great Angelic Host shall have active expression in the world of form. Please accept your Sponsors and I will give into their keeping that consciousness of reverence for life. They have been trained in our Retreat for many years, Also, I will give into their consciousness, for your acceptance, a desire to have order in your world and affairs.

Please accept our reality; please let your Cherubim go home happily. They will go on the first breath (at the Transmission Class, Dec. 21, 1957) back to the heart of God, but your Sponsors are with you and your Cherubim will all return. They carry your love to God and to all the Divine Beings at inner levels, and they will carry back to you from God and these Divine Beings their gifts of life.

Now, so that I may join my own beloved members of the Teton, I will bid you adieu for the evening until you put your bodies to sleep for the night and come out to us in person.

Please feel free to use our council chambers. Make your petitions and use every facility that is ours to offer during this thirty-day period.

If you think I have anything to offer you in the way of understanding, invite me, or come to me at the Teton. I have a lovely room. I must confess to you, though I have given up the Orient as my abode for the Occident. My private room is most oriental, but very comfortable and you are welcome to enter in. I think you will love the deep yellow rug, the beautiful green drapery and soft comfortable chairs, and some of the lovely ivory carvings which have been carved by my chelas, taking a whole lifetime to do just a fan.

Sometimes a whole family for generations combine their energies to create the carvings in one chair, several of which I have in this room. I would like you to place your hands in those grooves and feel the love of those dedicated beings. My reverence for life is so great that I brought those objects with me, as well as many more interesting ones.

To me, my life in China and in the East was so happy, and I am sure it is interesting to you too, most of you having lived in China in her glory. Often Kwan Yin is with me there, and the beloved Confucius, beloved Fun Wey, and all those who have particularly oriental backgrounds. You will find us, I think in this respect, comforting. We are wonderful listeners. It is an oriental custom. God bless you."

Lord Lanto