Summer Conference Address

Beloved Lady Miriam

Beloved El Morya

Shamballa : Long Island

Saturday, July 17, 1977

My dear, devoted, dedicated Heart friends, I am so privileged to say a few words to you before the illustrious El Morya... and while he appreciated that song, you did not have to soften him up... he is in a very gentle mood! All I wish to tell you is that I love you.

I am so grateful that you are expanding the Bridge of Light into Heaven's Realms and I want you to always understand the so-called "fierceness" of the Chohan of the First Ray, for I am in training... oh my, what a training to take to serve as Chohan of the First Ray... it is quite an assignment... so, I will just tell you again that I love you, and let my El Morya, my Beloved... Beloved of my heart... speak to you.

Beloved El Morya:

Right she is... you didn't have to soften me up, but I thought it was nice. Please be seated!

As you all know and have heard many times, I sponsored you before the Karmic Board, and in you, each dear chela, I am well pleased! You have to give a lot of energy to get commendation from the Chohan of the First Ray, I assure you. Maybe I have a purpose... to spur you on to greater service. I think you know me well enough for that.

If there is anyone who loves to scoop the other fellow, it is yours truly. So, I am going to scoop, as it were, the Executive Board of The Bridge to Freedom, and they know they would not have a chance in bucking me...

So this year we began what we said was a Retreat... it was a Retreat, in a sense, and everyone carried out our wishes in a commendable manner, but next Summer we are going to have the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings speak in the morning and after a short Intermission, we will have instructional and informal Classes in the afternoon, to make this a real Retreat... retreat from human to learn more of the way of God's Will. I think you will find this a very enjoyable manner in which to spend the eight days that you are here.

And I have something more to tell you... this will be announced shortly in THE BRIDGE.

Each and everyone of you in the United States and Canada who now hold Groups, or are endeavoring to get Groups together, please send your name into Headquarters... and after due consideration, we shall send representatives to your individual orbit and assist you to expand your Activity... and we think expand the Radiation of your Group. I think you will all like that... Like it or not, you are going to get it.

You know me... you should by now... but we think this is much needed. There are so many dear glorious hearts of Light who say, "If only someone would be near me to help me," and they are sometimes alone, with great merit in their Causal Bodies as a result. But when you can join forces in the Light, the expansion is tremendous.

Now do not wonder who is coming; what's going to happen, or when. We shall tell you.

Don't send in requests: "I want this one or that one." You will get who I send, because I know the requirement of each locality - I think you believe that.

As Chohan of God's Holy Will of the First Ray, it is my privilege to know the Will of God for all humanity and this dear Sweet Earth.

Well I thought last night, "What can I do especially for the chelas who have spent time and money and energy and made sacrifices to come to these Meetings." So, off I go to the Karmic Board... and I could feel them think... "Oh, here he is... " Of course they can read my mind; I just can't cover it over. They know what is in my mind. So, Beloved Portia said, "All right, El Morya."

As of this instant, half of your remaining Karma has been transmuted! (Chelas stand.) Be seated, Beloved Ones.

And don't you think I have an ace on the hole! That is to make you give more service... but I think with less weight your karma is light now... but there is still some there, I assure you of that. You never know when that stone will be on your path and you have to transmute it by Light. Well, I think that the Gift of the Karmic Board and my humble self will assist you.

Now beloved ones, I know that you are eager to get going, as it were. You have planes and plans to take care of this day but I do wish to extend to you the deep gratitude of the entire Spiritual Hierarchy... down the line from mighty Alpha and Omega to everyone of us who have been privileged to speak to you... we are deeply grateful, and I also thank you for coming in the name of the Staff of The Bridge to Freedom, all who are here at Headquarters... we bless you and we are so grateful for your loving kindness, one to the other... for Love is the Keynote... and I assure you I have a good measure of Love within my Being.

Now kindly stand and turn your attention to the Force field over this Building... see there every Being who has addressed you this week... and then see the Seraphim holding that Grail of Light into which has flowed the Blessings which we have released. See the Cosmic Dove of the Holy Spirit... and now the Beloved Seraphim will invert the Grail and the Holy Essence of the Ascension Flame will flow through your beings and be taken by the Angels of Light all over the Planet.

Be seated a moment... Just be quiet a moment... and feel that Sacred Essence of the Ascension Flame ascending your vehicles into light. Feel the Joy of all the electrons and atoms of your beings raised in vibratory action!

And now I wish to tell you, my lovely ones, as you pass from this Sanctuary today, standing at the doors will be the Legions of Lord Michael's Angels who will place a Mantle of Protection of Brilliant Blue Light about you, and they will escort you, individually, to your own orbits!

I AM ONE HAPPY MAN! You have made me so.

Thank you.

El Morya





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