The Temple of Freedom

Nestled deep in the beauty of the natural forests in the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains near the Hungarian-Rumanian Border, we come upon the mellowed Baronial Manor House of one of the great benefactors of the human race, whose service and mission it is to play a predominant part in the immediate future of the Earth and its peoples.

There are specific qualities and activities required to sustain the spiritual impetus of the race upon the planet Earth. These qualities and feelings are energized through the establishment, at certain points of the Earth's surface, of a concentration and gathered momentum of Hope, Peace, Healing, or any other unseen but potent factor that distinguishes the soul of man from the unreasoning passions and lusts of the lower nature.

Great Beings, seeing far in advance a specific requirement that will be apparent in an age yet unborn from the womb of time, offer to draw and concentrate that quality through their own life's essence and prepare for the day and hour when humanity will cry out for such a gift of spiritual force. These souls will then be fed at the Cosmic Fountain established and maintained in sanctified locations, called the Retreats and Sanctuaries of The Great White Brotherhood.

In the case of the home of the Master Saint Germain in the heart of Transylvania, his service to life began long before the crying need of the peoples of Earth for Freedom was aroused. He incarnated again and again, always choosing to live a life whereby he might increase the consciousness and momentum of Freedom's Flame through his own lifestream. Many of these embodiments were in the immediate neighborhood of this estate, which is to be the Host of the Great White Brotherhood and humanity at a time when world conditions require the balancing Presence of Good in the heart of the tinder box of world affairs.

Thus the very atmosphere and inner akashic records of the Transylvania home of Freedom, are powerfully charged with a momentum which is to be expanded through the hearts of men by the combined efforts and energies of the Brotherhood and the Volunteers among the sons of men who gather here consciously during this period.

Many individuals seek knowledge, power and supernatural accomplishments for personal motives. The few seek these gifts in order to become a merciful Presence to their fellowman. It is with these few that the Hierarch of the Temple of Freedom works. In every century there are born into the world some devotees of Freedom who feel a spiritual vocation, a consecration of the using of their lives to further the evolution of the race. By the law of attraction, such individuals are drawn into the radiation of the Temple of Freedom.

Through the ages, some individuals in their waking state have been guests at this Temple, absorbing the courage, strength and power which would be required of them later in the outer world to perform some great service in the Cause of Freedom. These guests were not always aware of the subtle vibrations from this Flame of Freedom which permeate the atmosphere of this beautiful old manor house and its Host. However, these vibrations were absorbed by their minds, bodies and worlds in the natural enjoyment of the leisurely life they experienced there. After leaving the radiation of this Temple of Freedom, these people found themselves inspired to lofty ideals and incorporated them into works for the blessing of the race.

The Princess Louise of England, the Marquis de Lafayette, Napoleon Bonaparte and Mme. Josephine, Catherine of Russia, and Baron Von Steuben are among the more illustrious of the visitors, as well as thousands of seekers after Truth, whose work and service to life is recorded at inner levels more than on the pages of world history.

Among its many interesting features, the lovely old home houses some of the priceless treasures that mark the milestones and progress on humankind's journey, as well as those which have particular sentimental value for our kind Master. For instance, the round table of King Arthur, the rough drafting of the Magna Charta, Roger Bacon's picture designs for aircraft and his formulas for explosive (gun) powders; also crude maps of Galileo, the old compass readings of Columbus, unpublished manuscripts of Bacon's New Atlantis, an old grey riding habit of Queen Elizabeth, the sword and shield of King Richard, the Lion Hearted, a worn habit of Saint Francis of Assisi, as well as countless other mementos of the great and the simple. You are invited to enjoy well your visit here for you are sure to find many things which will attract your interest and fancy through sympathetic remembrance or otherwise.

Because this Retreat has not been particularly used for such tremendous gatherings, the Master has prepared a lovely wooded glen surrounded by the Sylvanian Woodland, which you can re-create in mind and heart through playing or listening to the music of Johann Strauss, who loved so well the gentle beauty of this section of Europe... the gentle, soothing beauty, velvety green grass and the soft bird song. Whether by moonlight or under the leaf-sifted light of the sun, there is something ethereal and mystic about the natural beauty of this out-door Cathedral.

During each twenty-four hour period of this month's cycle, the Masters and their chelas will gather here in different groups and those among humanity who wish to attend these Councils, in spirit, may bathe in the Light of Freedom and become active, conscious co-workers in carrying the very substance, nature and ideal of Freedom into their individual orbits. These aspirants are requested to direct their consciousness and being toward this Sanctified Home before entering sleep at night and as often as is conveniently possible at other times.

The first One whom you will meet in spirit is the smiling, gracious Presence of your host, whom even the Brotherhood, call 'The Prince' because of his natural courtliness and gentle dignity of Love Divine. You will be imbued with his enthusiasm and love for his fellowman and will come away enrolled upon his ever growing list of Loving Chelas who are desirous of serving as he serves and of becoming that which he has become.





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