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Attaining The Ascended Master


In treating the eternal realm of human consciousness, one must spend time in silent contemplation until he re-orients his thinking and feeling processes and puts them in agreement with the realization of the ever present abiding good.

The cause of the imperfect experiences of life through the centuries is wrong belief. The consciousness, which is the instrument of creation, has detached itself from what has become known to you as 'the Ascended Master or Perfected Consciousness'. Therefore, as the craftsman sharpens his tools or the musician tunes his instrument, so must the aspirant upon the Pathway of life prepare the tools of Thought and Feeling before entering into active creative service and the fulfillment of his Divine Plan.

To sit quietly, undisturbed and offer one's consciousness to the glorious God Self or an Ascended Master is similar to the Elevation of the Host and draws through the darkened, benighted consciousness of the unascended being the illumination from above which floods into the individual's consciousness and puts him in a right perspective towards God, the Universe, and the Powers of Creation within his personal power to manipulate and manifest.

The invocation of the Ascended Master Consciousness is a repeated necessity because of the fluidic character of the unascended consciousness which has not yet found anchorage in the heart center of Light Eternal and which, by reason of its vacillating characteristics, is in a constant state of change.

If a musician were to play upon an untuned instrument, the resulting harmony would be distorted. The approach to spiritual mastery is far more exacting than any physical accomplishment and requires at least as much preparation in order to facilitate perfect expression.

In contemplating the Ascended Masters' Consciousness, one becomes aware of the presence of ALL GOOD, in the ETERNAL NOW. He recognizes that supply precedes demand and is really the pressure behind the demand. The aspirant becomes aware that every external circumstance is but the out-picturing of an inner state of consciousness which, if out of order, must disappear.

As the inner cause is removed by Light, he recognizes further that the tremendous spiritual vision flooding into his consciousness when he invokes the Ascended Masters' Consciousness can no more fail to express in his life than the water would fail to reflect the light of the Sun when it shines unobstructed by the clouds in the heavens. He knows that no external force can keep his good from him IF there is good within his consciousness and that no matter how he may try to draw good toward himself from the outer, unless there is an internal consciousness of good within, it cannot remain as part of his permanent experience.

He knows that doubt, fear, uncertainty, anger, resentment, criticism, condemnation and judgment are seeds of decay within his consciousness that are in a constant process of dissolving the manifestation of good and that in order to remain identified with the Christ Consciousness and to have his appearance world completely free from imperfection, his consciousness must be unable to record, entertain, acknowledge or feel any of these disintegrating forces.

Such an individual soon comes to a place of great Peace, for whatever the appearance world offers him, he knows that the remedy lies in the changing of his consciousness and that he has the limitless consciousness of the Universal Good to draw on which will bring every wrong effect into Divine Order, in harmony, as he abides within that risen consciousness of perfection.


Referring to this chaotic world-image which is thrown by the outer consciousness upon the screen of life, I would like to show you the power of the soul, which is the creator and sustaining power of this distorted image. It is the soul which has created the outer consciousness in which the majority of the lifestreams live to date.

Looking at this from the standpoint of the personality - the soul has not known a cessation of being since it was first created, whether on this Planet or in other realms. It has continued existence and, in every life which the soul has lived, it has externalized a personality, composed of the nature and tendencies of the soul.

This personality ceased to be the instant the soul is called from the Planet Earth by the Angel of Liberation at so-called 'death' of the physical body.

The personality, then, has no continuance, no lasting permanence, nor permanent importance, and really no enduring power, being but a garment earned by the soul in previous lives. Those who have traced the pattern of re-embodiment will find that, although the geographical location, the world position, the family of the personality has changed, as well as its seeming power to act as a force for good or evil, according to its nature, the soul has usually taken a vehicle that expresses many of the same or former tendencies which shine through the garment of the present personality.

Individuals hold personalities so dear, and yet they are but a projection of the soul's concept of the Individual "I AM" Presence. The soul, itself, is not constant, but ever changing. The Individuality and "I AM" Presence are changeless. The Sun and the Moon are significant of the Spiritual Light and the light of the evolving soul-self.

When the individual comes to the point where he recognizes that personality is but a thought-image created by his soul and thrown on the screen of the world as himself, he can, at that instant, repudiate this erroneous image and purify the soul and externalize the Holy Christ Self. Then, in the authority of his own Divine Godhood, he can command that his soul be illumined with relation to his True Being, and the Light of God entering into and illumining the soul will throw on the world's screen the revelation of the Christ. The soul itself is the channel through which the Spirit of God radiates, just as an electric light is but the means through which physical light is drawn into a room. It is neither to be despised nor mistreated. The accumulation of the centuries of experience forms the state of the soul through which this Spirit Light must flow.

The arrogance, egotism and stubbornness of the soul is not to be minimized, for it is not eager to have its world-image destroyed. The struggle to save the personality of which the individual becomes a part, is a projection of the feelings and thoughts of the soul who wants things to remain status-quo. Beloved ones, remember it is the outer personality which carries the proverbial chip on its shoulder to preserve its own feeling of importance; it is the personality which is so easily offended; it is this personality who criticizes and brings seeming suffering to others.

Why does humanity reject change even for the better? Why have they fought progress and the vision of the "awakened" from the beginning of recorded time? Because the soul, temporarily holding the reins of authority, is not eager to give authority to the Holy Christ Self. How truly spoke the wise Being who said that humanity could know the whole world but few know their own outer natures.

"I AM" bringing Light into your soul. The Spirit of God, "I AM", is already alive within it, else you would not have placed your feet upon the Spiritual Path, but the Armageddon, which forms the spiritual lot of the seeker after God Truth lies within the pressure of the Spirit desiring to possess its Temple against arrogant domination of the soul, the soul is not eager to relinquish its authority over that Temple (physical body).

This fluctuation in the chela's vehicles is a most difficult period - sometimes the Holy Christ Self is allowed to express, sometimes the soul dominates the personality. It has been wisely said, humanity's only enemy is himself, because individuals, through a sense of wanting to hold something of themselves inviolate, become tremendously attached to their personalities. They are not at all acquainted with the power and domination of their souls nor with the cunning and wisdom the soul has developed through many centuries of living. This is the "dweller on the threshold".

Through the purified soul you alone can reach God. Your Holy Christ Self and your "I AM" Presence through the purified soul can reach you.

The "I AM" Presence is wiser and more powerful than the outer intelligence called 'you'. We do not wish you in any way to attack nor battle evil, but rather call your Holy Christ Self into action to help you transmute these temporary unhappy appearances. An understanding of your soul, and the souls of all humanity, and the calling for Light, Grace and Peace within them, and an alliance between your desire for God's Presence active in you and your soul's desire to return to this Holy Alliance will prove beneficial in your Spiritual progress.

The prayers for all suffering souls in embodiment or having passed through the change called 'death' are truly prayers of Mercy. So, dear hearts, in calling for the Light to illumine and purify your own soul and the souls of all humankind you will indeed be Angels of Mercy; and I assure you that you will be amazed at the changes swiftly wrought in your immediate environment and your world.


The Realm of Ascended Master Consciousness is the only true and lasting sphere of activity in this Universe. All who abide within that state and realm of being equally share the knowledge and powers of God, which form the creative activity as regards inner and outer manifestations. The Ascended Ones are Beings of Cause alone.

The realm of human consciousness in which the outer selves of humanity live and move at the present hour must be infiltrated by the Light of this Higher Consciousness in order for the bound souls to know Freedom and to become Truth. The Higher Self of every individual belonging to this system already abides within the Realm of the Ascended Master Consciousness, yet the outer self has no access to the Truth contained in the aura of their own individualized God-flame, as is witnessed by the continued chaos and darkness and ignorance of the masses.

The Great White Brotherhood has taken upon itself to bring this Ascended Master Consciousness before the intellectual Consciousness of the unascended humankind by presenting Truth, in the hope that once these Realms and this State of Being are described, the individuals themselves would be spurred on to a point where they would seek to explore and discover for themselves that Realm from whence we come and to which we bear witness by our natures and our Presence.

Already through the good offices of various branches of metaphysical activities the outer consciousness of the masses has been lifted and new thoughts and horizons have been anchored into the darkness and chaos of human thought and feeling. It is for the Valiant and bold lifestreams to draw from their own Higher Consciousness the fullness of Light. We have opened the Way. We have brought you a description of that which is there. You have accepted that radiation.

But our greatest good can be served by those who will draw the actual Light Substance of their own Ascended Master consciousness into the mental, emotional, etheric and physical world through the cooperation of the outer consciousness that they now possess, and which forms for them the periphery of their worlds. It is not enough to admire our consciousness, for our consciousness is likewise the property and possession of your own Godhead - freely yours to enter into and use and enjoy while completing your earth experience.

I might add, that in the particular band of students drawn together at this time for my service, I chose to offer them a direct line of communication with my Cosmic Consciousness through the medium of these instructions. In that way their consciousness has been enlightened and raised far above the possibility of unfoldment that would come merely through my radiation or impression. I have more or less forced the consciousness of each one, because I knew the time was short, the work great and the hour to strike should be as long as possible before they would be ready for world service without super-human help.

Blessed ones, you would be amazed at the amount of Light that is in your consciousness because of these instructions. I want you to use your consciousness more freely now to enter into the Higher Realms where Truth lives, and to begin to draw the Ascended Master Consciousness into your daily activity and affairs.


As has been said over and over - consciousness  externalized becomes form, All materialization, all physical objects, all third dimensional matter, is but externalized consciousness of one kind or another, and its nature and form are dependent upon some cause set up within some focus of consciousness throughout the Universe.

There is no externalized form that has ever come into being, or that has ever been sustained even for an instant of mortal time, that is not an effect of an invisible cause. You will see then that to widen one's consciousness and increase its capacities to entertain and create designs that will be pleasing and beneficial to Life should become the paramount issue of one's being.

As the consciousness cannot soar beyond that which it is aware of within its waking state, there must be some means provided by which the higher Life may be presented to the intellectual self for assimilation.

The natural activity of levitation that is within the consciousness cannot be a useful part of the unfolding of the Spiritual Nature until the consciousness becomes aware of the Spheres and Realms to which it may aspire. For instance, a man must know there is a Rome before he can journey there, or even intelligently plan such a journey.

You will therefore see, that when you take the consciousness of the human race individually or enmasse, although there is within that consciousness the capacity to rise into Spheres and Realms that the physical body itself will never know, the Hierarchy must find a way and means to give to the intellectual self an understanding of the reality and presence of these Spheres. Then the natural interest and desire within the self will raise the consciousness, spasmodically at first, unto such Spheres where great illumination, great peace and great expansion of the inner nature will take place.

It is difficult to correlate within the mind-consciousness the Oneness of All Life, the indivisible Nature of the Godhead, with its All-encompassing Consciousness, which must be contemplated as individualized Foci of his nature. Yet such a composite does truly exist. In the Great Universal Heart of God there live innumerable, intelligent Foci, all representative of his nature, yet each such Focus is an Authority drawing on the Powers of the One, and each can and does expand the manifold expression of the Kingdom.

This, dear ones, may seem a little involved, but in your contemplation studying the Oneness and Indivisibility of God, every such Ascended Focus, representative of his nature, is liable to lose form and distinctness in being merged with the One.

Yet, when such vision is cleared, as the evolution of the perceiving nature raises the capacity to understand and know, within that Oneness can be found the Members of the Brotherhood of whom you have studied and with whom you have learned the Law.

Individuals experiencing a raising of consciousness, almost without exception, describe the first sensation as one of light and formlessness, yet when they have become accustomed to the brilliance of that High State, they are able to distinguish outlines of form representative of some very high and beautiful manifestation.

Conversely, I might use the homely illustration that almost everyone has experienced when he enters the darkened interior of a cinema. There exists for the individual as he steps from the outside light only an indistinct sea of darkness in which there are neither seats nor people. Then, as he becomes accustomed to the new surroundings, he finds great numbers of people and many inanimate objects around him.

Therefore in your study and contemplation of Truth, when various phases of that Truth present themselves to your consciousness, know they are not in opposition to each other, but parts of a great whole that can fit together, and will, as more light is cast into the orbit of your being.

The rigorous exclusion of the worship of the Saints by some orthodox denominations is a result of the consciousness of the Leader, who, in his search for Truth, began to draw away from form and to universalize the Spirit. This is a step through which all must pass until form again appears, but only, dear ones, as the clothing of the One.

My Love and Light shine upon your Path.

The Cosmic Holy Spirit

