Rays of Spiritual Illumination

The Maha Chohan

The Redemption of the Parents

of the New Generation

The Activity of the Third Ray is primarily the development of impersonal pure Divine Love, therefore we join the worthy chelas wholeheartedly in bringing forth a feeling of loving cooperation with us in preparing the parents, the guardians and the teachers of the human race to properly train, guard and protect those beloved Spirits belonging to the Seventh Root-Race.

Let me say here that True Divine Love is not a reflection of God's Love or even our own, but it is a generation and sustaining of that feeling of Love from within the Holy Christ Self within your own hearts. A reflection is merely a mirror of that upon which the sense consciousness dwells. A conscious generator of Divine Love becomes ourselves in action here in the world of Form.


The Will of the Heavenly Father is to have each child born on Earth express the fullness of its Divine Plan. This is often interfered with by the prejudices of the parents, guardians, teachers, and all who are concerned with the molding of the outer consciousness of children.

To remove such prejudice and to consciously educate the individuals who guide and direct the sense consciousness of children giving opportunity to work out their unredeemed karma on this Earth, is a worthy cause indeed. Pursue it.


True Wisdom is, of course, conscious cooperation with the Divine Plan of the Heavenly Father. Such Wisdom reaches the outer consciousness of the few who can accept our instruction, radiation and cooperate with us NOW, in this Cosmic Hour. For this was the Bridge originally created and is now sustained, so that those few can know the particular requirements of each minute, hour and day. Wisdom is a delicate and sensitive attribute which makes it possible for the worthy chela to use the compass of his or her own consciousness to discern Truth from fallacy.

We, on the Second Ray, are dedicated to the development of such latent Wisdom for the furtherance of the Redemptive Process even now going on upon the Earth.

All pressures of energy from within or without the individual are not God-inspired. Many of these directions come from the astral plane or from the untransmuted desires of individuals themselves.


It is to teach the children of Earth to become strong enough not to reflect the mannerisms and emotions of those who are, temporarily, their guardians, that we serve. As the mass of humankind prefer to accept and reflect the conditions in which they find themselves, it is only natural that children, who are naturally sensitive to their immediate environment, are most influenced by this negative and reflective attitude.

When such children find constructive environments, it is much easier for them to remember, sustain and outpicture the Divine Plan for which they were born and given opportunity by the Karmic Board to express their various talents, gifts and powers for the impersonal benefaction of the entire human race.

As Beloved Kwan Yin is a Member of the Karmic Board, we shall all do her honor at this time, particularly, in assisting the embodied individuals who are to be entrusted with the bringing forth of the Seventh Root Race, to learn and to feel the Law of Divine Love, and to give to the incoming generation the impetus of their encouragement, purity, and wisdom.

The incoming generation will then be free of reflections of the past, and more able to manifest the perfection required here on Earth RIGHT NOW.


As I am so well acquainted with the souls of men and women who have re-embodied through the centuries, I can speak with authority upon the subject of active Redemption of all human creation, visible and invisible, prior to the fullest release of Light through the parents and children presently using the Earth as a schoolroom, as well as those who will so use It in the future.

The loveliest Spirit who embodies upon this Earth is presently subject to the vibratory action surrounding it. Beloved Mother Mary and Blessed Saint Germain (as Saint Joseph) did greatly assist their son, Jesus, because they taught him from infancy to MAGNIFY THE LORD and to minimize human creation (unmitigated karma).


Divine Love is an Activity of Mercy and Compassion, Which is the FEELING of Beloved Kwan Yin, who has served for ages in the rather neglected field of protecting and guiding unwed mothers, removing the cause and core of scorn of illegitimacy, and stimulating an interest in newly born children. It is not necessary to know the individuals for whom you call forth Kwan Yin's Legions of Mercy and Compassion. It is requisite, however, that you do follow her example by giving the assistance of your own dear energies in this Redemptive Process.

Remember, always, curiosity as to exactly whom you have so assisted and when that assistance took place, is another subtle test upon the Spiritual Path. The earnest desire to love life free, without any thought of personal reward, should be the motivating power of every God-Service, and particularly the One of which we speak today.


I cannot emphasize too strongly the assistance that both Beloved Mother Mary and the Beloved Saint Germain (as Saint Joseph) gave to me in helping to provide such a loving Home on Earth, and when my consciousness was enabled to retain their instruction and to deny the human appearances which assailed My senses, and to rely upon the Powers of My Heavenly Father to dissipate all human creation when the hour of my Mission on Earth came. I ask that all children now living upon the Earth, and all who are yet to embody, be given such assistance by an Illumined humanity. Let us all cooperate to make every family a holy, blessed family unit at this so important hour in the Earth's evolution.


I am so grateful to the Ascended Host and my unascended chelas for actively participating in the Redemption of parents, guardians and the teachers of the human race. Thus shall the Spiritual Utopia come into manifestation more quickly, and the Beloved Divine Director will be allowed to send forth through the gates of birth his Spirits primarily charged with the momentum of the Seventh Ray over which I am presently Guardian.

The very simple service I rendered to Mother Mary and Beloved Jesus was a pleasure indeed. I want the entire human race to share that pleasure now.

Elementals are natural mirrors of their environment. Humankind are destined for a higher expression of Divinity. Angels, of course, are loaned to the Earth to keep her and her attendant evolutions as free as possible from human effluvia. Some of the Angelic Kingdom, however, have temporarily fallen from their natural God-estate by allowing themselves to become entangled with the discord of the very evolutions they volunteered to serve.

Now, with the assistance of All of the Spiritual Hierarchy, as well as the loyal and the worthy unascended chelas, we shall quickly REDEEM THE EARTH AND ITS EVOLUTIONS and establish the Permanent Golden Age on Earth as it is in Heaven.