

Tranquility, blest Elohim of Peace,

Thy Cosmic Power release

Throughout all the Earth.

Thus shall it be, that Christ within all

Men shall come again

In glorious rebirth.

That from the Realms above,

God's Omnipresent Love

May manifest through -

All we think, say, and do.

 Tranquility, Thy Peace on all bestow,

'Til all mankind shall know

That God's Will is GOOD!

So shall it be through all Eternity,

When men shall know of Thee

And Thy service true,

That Peace and its Power -

Shall be understood.

 Pacifica, Love's Complement of Peace,

May Thy great Light increase

In our hearts today;

That all desires may Heavenward incline,

And ways Divine .

With us ever stay.

So that the Host of Light

May stand forth to our sight,

And God's Divine Will

Help each one to fulfill.

 O Prince of Peace, to Thee our prayers ascend,

And as our voices blend

In praises to Thee,

Thy Power release that discord now shall

cease, mankind shall swell in

Peace, - forevermore free;

And Heaven's Kingdom fair

On Earth shall ever be.