Rays of Spiritual Illumination

Beloved Archangel Zadkiel

The Power of Invocation

Hail to thee, children of Love and of Light who have foresworn a happy existence in freer planes to serve a Planet in distress! Great is your personal darsham, gathered through your individual and collective sacrifice, particularly during a time when the Planet Earth is going through a period of Cosmic Initiation and planetary crisis.

Little do you know from the outer how strong the Ray is directed through your own emotional, mental, etheric and physical vehicles. That Ray, beloved ones, is concentrated and positively charged with qualified Life that can never be misqualified, no matter what the antics of the human personality.

The Ray, which the Karmic Board took into cognizance before the Guardians of the race were allowed embodiment, is an already fully gathered Cosmic momentum of a quality, a virtue, a gift and a power that is needed to sustain Life on the Earth today, as is the Sun, and the very body of Virgo beneath your feet. That has nothing to do with the misqualified energy which is subject to the use of your free will, and which still flows through your emotional, mental, etheric and physical vehicles.

There is a part of the Master Ray from the heart of your own Individualized "I AM" Presence which is energy which you have consciously generated, magnetized, and qualified with some God virtue at inner levels on different Planets, in different spheres, in different Universes sometimes. That Ray is the property, shall we say, of your Individualized "I AM" Presence, and is directed into and through the lower strata of which we have spoken, so long as you remain in embodiment here on Earth.

That Cosmic Ray of your "I AM" Presence carries the particular gift which is part of the Universal Tapestry required, in order to seal the Earth round in the magnificent Violet Fire and make of it Freedom's Holy Star, so that every man, woman and child born in the future, as well as those who survive through these present changes, may truly be born to the Royal Purple and wear it in dignity and honor.

So sometimes when you feel very insignificant, when you feel individually that your part in the God-plan is very small and would not be missed, remember, please, this Cosmic Ray directed from your Presence through the emotional, mental, etheric and physical substance of this Earth is for a specific reason which is the nourishment of the souls of humankind as well as the nourishment of the elemental life that serves humanity, and the nourishment of all the God qualities that are required to manifest, in time, from the Holy Christ Selves of all who inhabit and are to inhabit the Earth.

You hold that Ray within the Immortal Three-fold Flame within your heart, just as if you held one end of a scepter in the hand, and the other end was in the hand of a God Being. Only in this case - that Master Ray, the upper end, is in your own Presence and keeps drawing from your Causal Body, as the lower end is anchored in the Immortal Threefold Flame within your physical heart.

When the Beloved Polaris and Magnus have completed the task of straightening the axis of the Earth, when the individual and planetary strain of such a tremendous task is completed, some of the incoming children and some of those who already are in embodiment will have the opportunity of being 'drafted’ you might say, and to them can be transferred that Ray which you have guarded, guided, magnetized and radiated for a specific God purpose.

You have been told, beloved ones, how even the Ascended Masters, who take the obligations of holding the focus in any Retreat, can never leave that Retreat in honor until a successor has been found, and is qualified to render the service through that Retreat.

This is equally true in regard to those individuals who have magnetized specific Cosmic Rays through their own physical vehicles to hold the balance for the Earth’s evolution. When there is raised up another soul who is developed emotionally, mentally, etherically and physically to a point where the Karmic Board itself feels that through such an one the Ray that you have guarded may be sustained, such a Cosmic transfer can take place.

It is a mystic and little understood subject so far as the outer mind is concerned, but it is very important to us; just as important as it is to hold the Ascended Masters Retreats as focuses throughout the world; and wherever we can, in order to encourage the sustenance of the Sanctuary and group endeavor.

I, as you know, am the Teacher of the powers of Invocation, One of those Teachers at least.

Most of you, during your long and intricate course upon the planet Earth, have more than once been my pupil. You have developed to a lesser or greater extent, of course, according to your understanding to magnetize life, and how to invoke the unseen powers which can be of a blessing or of great distress, according to that to which you have tied your attention and your feelings.

As I have described to you before, on Atlantis many, many very dear children of God had learned the power of invocation, but then chose to use that power in order to invoke unseen influences which were not of benefit, either to themselves or to the race as a whole.

Even today there are in embodiment many good and sincere lifestreams who gathered that momentum of the power of invocation throughout many centuries of study, both in the physical body and at Inner Levels, but whose ultimate goal for which they direct their attention is below the Ascended Masters level, and their motive for invocation plus their capacity to connect with the powers beyond the human veil, determine the type of manifestation that they will draw forth.

Some of these good people have invoked the spirits of the departed, sincerely, honestly and faithfully, and have had a measure of success in connecting with those individuals. Many more unconsciously used the power of invocation to connect with mass entities of a discordant nature, such as war, pestilence, fear and any number of the negative activities that form the effluvia around the planet Earth. These individuals invoke these very activities upon the screen of life through their attention upon them, through thinking of them, through feeling violently about them, and they manifest them as distresses to themselves and to other people. They are unconscious of the power of invoking anything or anyone, or any activity UPON WHICH THEIR ATTENTION DWELLS!

For instance, beloved ones, take the mass entity of fear, it has intelligence - because it is God's Life that has been misqualified, it has a name - fear! When you speak that name you draw the attention of that entity just as when you speak the name of Jesus the Christ, you draw the attention and the momentum of love and light which are the Power of Jesus the Christ. Now this is more important than you will perhaps understand until you think it through. War has a name; pestilence has a name: and those names invoke the very manifestation of the conditions that are distressing.

So if you can enable yourselves as priests and priestesses of the Order of Zadkiel and remember that the NAME OF ANYTHING OR ANYONE is a part of the presence of that one, and will surely draw the attention of that one as though I were to speak any one of your names here this morning, those of you hearing your name would turn and respond by the flowing of your energy toward me as I speak.

Therefore, let us endeavor in the invocation of the Power of the Ascended Master Saint Germain and his order to keep our invocations, our decrees, our visualization, our songs and our activities connected with a POSITIVE virtue, quality or Divine Being, and thus avoid unnecessarily tangling with the momentum of some discordantly qualified mass entity which answers your call! It directs its attention at you and immediately begins to act.

Beloved ones, Life is so precious; Life in itself so precious, and that Life is given to every human being in physical embodiment, and is intended to express the beauty and the perfection of life, but that Life is stolen by every type of seen and unseen force for the magnifying of distresses. You know that in your constant vigilance and guard to connect yourself with your own "I AM" Presence and our Realm, how much of that essence of life leaks away from you and becomes part of the rip-tides of distress.

You are the ones who have learned, to a degree at least, through magnetization of power, of the light, and through the use of your Mantle of Light, you have learned how to prepare your life essence so that it may, through you, fulfill the divine plan.

Take measure of yourself, without condemnation. We do not condemn you, for no Ascended Being or Cosmic Being, or anyone who is in the Realm of Perfection condemns any unascended being for any error, even conscious mistakes, let alone unconscious ones. You can begin to take a measure of what you are invoking, what you are giving your life to, and you will see how much more vitality, spiritually and physically, you will have, as you do not let your Mantle of Light be a sieve, and your attention be easily distracted from the constructive manifestation, and your energies flow through the vampire activities into these rip-tides of distress which leaves the physical vehicle exhausted.

Beloved ones, this point of law I have longed to put before you for some time, and this is an opportunity to do so. Call to any of the Divine Beings, the Ascended Beings, the Angels, all the Powers of Light, and call to, and call for their virtues, gifts and powers, and you shall have them! Call, or think, or speak, or write about anything that is less than harmony and you will draw that momentum of discordantly qualified energy toward you, because it also has intelligence, it knows who sent forth the call and it will use the speaker as an outlet.

This is part of another activity which we on the Seventh Ray are particularly concerned with, the dissolving of it, and that is the vampire activity of the humanly created mass entities. They live only upon the life of individuals, those individuals being fed constantly by the various media of expression, with the ideas of war, pestilence and distress, are really the subjects of the subtle vampire activity, for their very life, as they read about it, think about it and feel about it, flows back into that entity and it blows up and enlarges, growing strong upon the life energy of the masses.

Therefore it is our endeavor, as you have been endeavoring in your capacity, so it is our endeavor in our capacity to, as quickly as possible, place before the chelas first, the students and then the masses, something that will uplift them through the mind, through the sight, through the hearing, through every medium of the senses rather than that which allows their life to pour out from them to increase the mass entity that lives on the fear and the various emotions engendered by unconscious and not always fully cognizant lifestreams.

The concentration of your energies upon the Ascended Host of Light and on the Divine Beings will raise the energies in your individual worlds and will vitalize all of your garments, even your flesh form, bringing it back again into a state of beauty and perfection if you do not let the River of your Life flow forth hither and yon without channeling it. This I impress upon you.

Those individuals, who have, in the past, used the powers of invocation for unseen forces that are not constructive, particularly on Atlantis, are now in embodiment, and there are a great many of them. They have learned that power of invocation, and let me tell you, my beloved ones, they are again using it to channel energy into the White Order just as they did when we had our beautiful temple in the vicinity of the Island of Cuba.

More and more of the individuals who at first adhered to the White Order began to enjoy the phenomena created by those who wanted to increase a sense of power and personal glorification and financial support. The masses, interested in the phenomenon which was of a temporary nature, did not adhere to the principles of purity, selflessness and godliness which are the absolute requirements of the true priesthood of the Order of Zadkiel.

Phenomena naturally comes with spiritual development as you go higher in consciousness, that is the Ascended Master Phenomena, the Light which you see, the magnificent Violet Fire, and sometimes the Face of One of the great Ascended Ones, true, but that is a result of application and a means of a conviction of a consciousness that is not merely seeking curiously for something new.

So these individuals who produce the so-called 'phenomena' need the prayers and application of the remaining members of the White Order upon the Earth, for they are literally eating into their own etheric bodies and their vital prana, which could be used for something much greater than the floating ectoplasm and manifestations at séances in the outer physical world.

Beloved ones, your life has one purpose, and that is to fulfill your Divine Plan here on the Earth. Some of you dabbled, through the ages, with black magic; some of you enjoyed the results and the harvest for the time being. But at inner levels, when you came again before the Karmic Board and saw the results of the misuse of your misqualified energy upon yourself, your soul growth, and the effluvia that such incantations caused upon the planet Earth, you foreswore the use of that practice. Thanks be to Almighty God, and it is to you who have foresworn incantations of a lower order, that we look for re-establishment of the White Order upon the Earth again.

Be assured, as a Teacher who has watched all guardian spirits, every Angel that took embodiment, and every human being that belongs to the Earth's evolution, I shall make it my personal responsibility to stand with the Karmic Board and ask that those of the White Order, who have proven beyond question of a doubt as to their spiritual integrity and sincerity, be given first opportunity to embody, and those who are already embodied be given every God Assistance of the Seventh Ray to dissolve every memory of imperfection of any kind.

Archangel Zadkiel