Rays of Spiritual Illumination

Beloved Saint Germain


In each two thousand year cycle a Religion is evolved by the Intelligences who represent the Godhead for that period. This Religion is based on the natural tendencies of the life-streams who are to be the focal point for the establishment and maintenance of the spiritual culture of the era. The religious worship is also based on the specific beneficial outpouring which the Chohan of the Ray desires to release to and through the evolving life intelligences in this period. 

As we have entered the two thousand year cycle of the Seventh Ray, we are beginning to set into motion the type of religious worship which will become the predominant activity of the masses in the future. This worship will include all the best expressions of previous religions as well as the fresh, new impetus of the Chohan under whose direction the New Era will move to fulfillment (In this case, my humble Self). 

At its inception, those blessed lifestreams who have volunteered to assist me are among the first to respond to the New Vibrations, and later when the foundations have been well laid and the beautiful rituals and ceremonies developed, a greater number of people will enjoy participating in these uplifting and inspiring services. 

Ceremonial Worship is the balanced use of all the faculties, powers and vehicles of the lifestream - harmoniously blended and utilized to draw, focus and direct energy to create new Causes for Good and dissolve those of an inharmonious nature. 

The primal requirements for an efficacious service are: 

1.         The quieting of the inner and physical bodies of the participants through carefully chosen musical compositions of a soothing and inspirational nature. (This enables the members of the Angelic Host to prepare the inner bodies of the students to receive the greatest possible blessings from the meeting and also raises each individual to his own highest potential service to the group and the Master Intelligence, who is presiding and working with such a group.)

2.         The purification of the bodies and auras of the students, the director and the atmosphere which is to form the focus into which the spiritual energies are to be drawn through the invocation of the Powers of the Sacred Fire in decrees.

3.         The protection of the students and the location which are to be the chalice for the direction of those spiritual energies from the Higher Octaves. This protection is drawn forth by the use of the creative centers (thought and feeling) of each individual, focused and concentrated by the director's audible directions.

4.           Recognition of the God Power focused through each participant, which is the authority by which energy is set into motion and directed toward ultimate good effects.

5.           Acceptance of the Presence of and access to the Ascended Host of Light, the Angelic, Devic, Cherubic and Seraphic Hosts, as conscious co-workers in the Activities of the group work. 


The part that music plays in quieting the feeling world of the individual, relaxing the physical body and stopping the rapidly revolving thought patterns in the mental bodies, cannot be over emphasized. By this means the atomic structure of the students’ bodies is re-polarized, and the vessels through which the God-Self of each individual will endeavor to cooperate in the service are prepared for their part in it, during this musical service. 

The Angelic Host, then, begins to weave the spiritual structure under the direction of the Presiding Master out of the very substance and energy of the individuals in the group. 

The type of music used will determine the class of Invisible Helpers drawn into the atmosphere of the Meeting, which will form the unseen but palpable audience of Divine Beings whose energies and assistance are without limit in elevating the consciousness of the unascended members of the group, as well as condensing the energies drawn by themselves to render specific service for the good of Life. 

Beautiful thought forms are built by these Invisible Beings, and where the audience participates in vocal accompaniments to the music, the inner forms are clothed in the physical energies of each singer and become a potent power in sublimating energies of a lower nature in the bodies of the participants as well as in the locality in which the service takes place. 

These musical forms are greatly amplified by the Angels, the Devas of Music and the Builders of Form, and are then carried into hospitals, asylums and other places where there is great need for the assuagement of physical, mental and emotional distress. 

You will see that where instrumental music gives assistance at inner levels, the group singing is most efficacious in lowering the spiritual forms into the substance of the physical world, in the same manner that the decrees lower the mental forms of the visualizations into the condensed energy of the third dimensional plane. 

At inner levels, the great Music Temples are established in each of the Seven Spheres and, through the Music Devas, these Cosmic Temples often connect with a particularly fine presentation in the physical world and pour through such a musical presentation their Cosmic Outpouring of the particular God Quality and the God Power which is their Gift to Life. 


The actual specific powers of the Sacred Fire are endowed by some Intelligent God Being, this means that some Spiritual Intelligence drew the Fire of Creation from the Heart of God and qualified it to act in a certain specific manner. 

Dedication to such qualification through the centuries has created momentums of the Powers of the Sacred Fire to Heal, to Purify or Transmute, as the case may be. The Intelligences who have endowed the Sacred Fire with specific God Qualities, as well as the full gathered momentum of these Qualities held in the consciousness of these Beings, are always at the command of the Sacred Fire which is the heartbeat of each individual when invoked by the directive intelligence of the lifestream, because it is all the same element acting. 

Therefore, when a group of individuals gather together and, in the Name, Power and Authority of their own Immortal Flame of Life command any Activity of the Sacred Fire to come into their presence, it must obey. This is the Power of Invocation invested in the individual by the very nature of his own Immortal Fiery Heart Center. 

As the nature of the Seventh Ray is to purify the Substance and Energy of Life, and as the Chohan who is the Authority for this Ray (myself) has endowed it with the Merciful Transmuting Power of Love Divine, you will see the use of the Sacred Consuming Fiery Flame of Freedom's Love is the privilege and opportunity of all life to benefit by its Presence and Activity in and through the Group Work. 

The magnetic power of the Fire Element within the heart cannot be denied by any Intelligence or Power of the Sacred Fire in any realm, human or divine. This is irrefutable law. We move forward then on the premise of certainty of accomplishment. The way and means by which this Sacred Fire may be drawn, focused, molded and directed will differ according to the individual development of the student as well as the natural Ray to which the student belongs and the requirement of the current hour in local, national or world happenings. 

In order to fully develop the Invocative Powers within himself, the individual must first recognize that within his own heart is a focalized Ray of the Presence and Power of the Godhead, containing within itself the pattern of his own future greatness, even as the seed contains within itself the pattern of the future flower. 

This focus within the heart is referred to as the Immortal Three-fold Flame of Life, In the unawakened man it is but a 'Spark of Divinity', but when the individual self-consciously places his feet upon the Path, this small Spark takes the form of the God Presence or Christ in miniature, and begins to grow and expand in size, finally emerging from the 'airless cell' in which it has abided (bursting from the tomb) and takes Its rightful Command of the physical body as the Master Presence and Power of Christ. This is the 'Second Birth' referred to so often in the spiritual teachings of the past. 

The recognition and acceptance of this God Presence within the heart, and the conviction within the feelings, that through that Presence and in the Authority of Its Power he may invoke and draw from anywhere in the Universe whatever power and powers may be required to render assistance in the environment in which he is presently functioning, makes the individual a Conscious Priest or Priestess of the Sacred Fire, who is capable, with increasing efficacy, of invoking and directing its Flaming Presence for the upliftment of his fellowman and the greater freedom of Life everywhere. 


The power to think that lies within the consciousness of man is one with the Creative Faculty by which the Godhead molded the unformed substance of the Universe into stars, planets and systems of worlds. As soon as man thinks a thought - a form is made. The degree of development of his mental body determines the clarity and perfection of the thoughtform. 

The Life which fills the thoughtform and makes of it a living, breathing, palpable presence is released through the feeling body of the individual. The quality, nature and development of the feeling body determines the purity and strength of the energized thoughtform. 

These creative centers of Thought and Feeling are energized by the Director of a group in cooperative visualizations, whether for the focusing of certain activities of the Sacred Fire, such as the Cosmic Fiery Flame of Freedom around the individual, group or nation; or the establishment of the mystic 'ring-pass-not' which forms the protective shell around anyone's aura. 

The ability of the Director to create a clear thought-picture and to stimulate the cooperative feeling nature of the assembly will determine the efficacy of this portion of the Service. 

Builders of Form and Angelic Beings assist in this portion of the Service. Into these very same thoughtforms are poured the actual substance and essence of the spiritual energies released from the blessings of individuals serving in their particular locations and gathered up by the Masters and the Silent Watchers of different localities who utilize these meetings toward this end. 


The Universe is built on rhythm, precision and harmonious expansion and contraction. In decreeing, in singing, in breathing, in walking, perfect rhythm is the balanced activity of Life, and when it is incorporated into the Ritual of the Seventh Ray, there will be no sense of exhaustion or depletion. 

When the energies of the lifestream are off center endeavor becomes effort. 

The different vibratory action of the various colors is a subject in itself. Suffice it to say that the Colored Spheres that surround the Presence and form the Spiritual Aura, or Causal Body, are representative of the Natural Color Vibration of the Seven Spheres. 

Each lifestream on the planet has proceeded from one particular Ray, and his Archetype or Presence dwells in the particular Sphere to which he belongs. It must be understood, however, that this Individualized Presence is not confined to any sphere, but may visit any one of them at will. 

The unascended lifestream will respond most favorably to the color which is representative of his particular Ray. If he is in doubt as to the Ray or Sphere to which he belongs, he may, through contemplation of his habits and tendencies and through meditation on his own Presence, arrive at the correct position his lifestream holds by right in God's Kingdom. He will also find that he is almost irresistibly drawn to a certain color, which may be taken as an added confirmation of his Ray and Sphere. 

As the Outpouring from the Godhead emphasizes the Color and Ray of each successive sphere in the course of the seven days of the week, when the individual knows the Ray to which he belongs, he will usually find his vital forces more stimulated on the day when the color and radiation of his Ray and Sphere are honored by the Cosmic Light. 

The Vestments which are to be incorporated into the Rituals of the future will be designed to emphasize these particular daily outpourings, as well as any specific Power or Activity of the Sacred Fire which is being utilized for the benefit of the Race through a particular Service in the Temples and groups. 


Down through the centuries, since mankind fell from his natural estate of spiritual perfection, one could almost count on the fingers of one hand the incarnate lifestreams who worked with intensity to turn the attention of the human race to its Divine Plan. Then, almost invariably, these dedicated spirits graduated from the wheel of birth and death through their own self-conscious endeavors, leaving the scene of Earth's struggles to the remaining few who had seen their vision and endeavored to follow it. 

All spiritual endeavors on the part of the 'Shepherds' of the race are only as efficacious as the feeling of love within them. The sole purpose for rules and regulations in any endeavor is to assist the groping lifestreams up the ladder of evolution, but so often it is found that 'the letter killeth' where the Spirit should give Life. 

The Masters of Wisdom always endeavor to inculcate the desire within the student of Life to comply with certain laws, for then the progress is joyous and fruitful, and this is the True Way to lead the 'sheep' out of the cavernous shadows of human appearance into the Light of God's awakening. 

It is commendable to hold aloft a lighted taper that its comforting beam may illumine the dark and tortuous pathway that leads from the world of shadows into the Light, but when the 'oil of the spirit' is poured into a 'New Lamp", wise are they who fill their individual lamps at its source, lest the 'wick' run dry in times of greatest need. Then, with what shall we light the way for the lesser Sons of Men? Many an individual stands with an empty lamp in the hour when its light is needed most; he has not then the sustenance (light) to guide those who look to him for the Way. 

It is truly worthy of a Spirit Guardian to choose to remain with his people, but even we, of the Ascended Host who live in Harmony's Heart, visit often the Sun of our System to be replenished, that we may better serve. 

Beloved Saint Germain