Peace is essential to your Victory

Beloved Victory

March 4, 1971

Looking into the hearts of the chelas I find some have been feeling some consternation as to their own progress on the Pathway of Victorious Accomplishment in the Light. I say, be of good cheer, dear ones, for the very fact that you are examining your consciousness and are not content with your present state of spiritual expression is an indication that you are preparing yourselves for greater spiritual unfoldment. 

The individual who is satisfied with his own development has entered into a lethargic state of mind, where the pride of the outer self bolsters the ego and seeks to impede his progress on the Path. You are well acquainted with the fact that the Forerunners in the progress of evolution were not contented with their evolving state of God Illumination and have delved deeper into their beings, submerging the outer self unto the Christ Presence within, developing complete control, and they graduated from the schoolroom of Earth experience into the Inner Realms of Perfection. 

Many times I have invited you to come into Victory's Garden. What do I mean by that? When one thinks of a garden, his thoughts turn to a place of beauty and relaxation, where there are expressions of the unfolding bud into the blossoms as set forth in the perfect pattern by the Devas who are in charge of a specific area. The Beings who serve with the Nature Kingdom, desire always to see manifest the glorious pattern of the Silent Watcher of that locality! Your own Christ Self holds the pattern for your lifestream and I wish to assure you that the petals of those blossoms are opening and they shall express the maturity of your God Plan, as you humbly turn your lower vehicles over to your God Directing Intelligence. 

Now, all life requires nourishment - it is not static, and when the soul thirsts for Divine expression, if one raises his consciousness and imbibes the Essence in the Chalice of the Cosmic Consciousness, every sip of the Elixir brings refreshment, and the soul desiring God Illumination will receive the sustenance which will flow through the lower vehicles and raise their vibratory action, causing the acceleration of the radiation of the electrons in all the vehicles. You see, beloved ones, my garden is in the Cosmic Consciousness of God's Heart, and when that Cosmic or Ascended Being invites a chela to come into this dwelling place, that Perfected Being sees the requirement for the attainment of a particular Virtue, and through the heart desire of the chela, the Master can immerse the vehicles of the chela in his or her gathered momentum of a particular Virtue which will forward his progress! Thank the Almighty there are many who have invoked my Presence and assistance! 

May I humbly suggest that you seek an invitation from the Beloved Surya - the enfolding Spirit of this Year! This mighty one has such a tremendous momentum of Peace within his Causal Body, and he can only use a certain amount as permitted by Cosmic Law, unless there is a demand on this Energy by unascended beings. 

If one is thirsty and a friend offers him a cup of crystal clear spring water, surely he would take that cup from the hand of the one desiring to assuage his thirst. As the cool water would bring refreshment to him, in like manner to a greater degree of course, would the Living Waters of Light quench his thirsty lower vehicles and assist them to the sanctuary in the Heart of his own Christ Presence! 

The Spiritual Law is exact to the minutest detail, and requires that you dispense the pure Essence of Life to your fellow traveler on the Path! How do YOU nourish him? Do you offer refreshment or do you temporarily contaminate this living Essence by forcing it to wear the vibratory action of your lower self? 

Please be assured that I have come to counsel, not to chastise you. I have come in Love wearing my robes of Victorious Accomplishment, desiring to place my Mantle of Victory about you. Yet I can give you only that portion of Blessing which you are willing to accept. To attain your own Victory in the Light, it is expedient that you have Peace in your lower vehicles, for a jarring vibration of discord repels the God Quality of Peace! 

"I AM" the God Expression of VICTORY IN THE LIGHT, and as certain demands are placed upon me by the Cosmic Law, it is my responsibility to awaken the consciousness of the chelas to the point where they will realize, within their feeling worlds particularly, that ALL LIFE IS ONE - that they are accountable to the Cosmic Law for their every action and must become Radiating Centers of Peace to this blessed Planet and her evolutions! 

Let us take an example of the elementals when they go on rampages in storms and other destructive action - do the chelas realize that the elementals in their four lower garments are tied into this action and when they are releasing a harmonious radiation, that serenity is their protection? 

When a child sees his brother or sister being pummeled by another child, if he has love in his heart, he endeavors to free the one attacked from the offender. Often there are outbursts in the feeling world and I tell you the fury of the elements for the mistreatment of their brothers and sisters which are the imprisoned members in the vehicles of mankind is due to the discordant vibrations that man has placed upon them! 

Just use your own common sense - take a moment and at least give credit to the Cosmic Law in its great Wisdom for selecting the Sponsors for the Year. These great Beings, like the Members of the Karmic Board, are embodied Divine Love, filled with compassion and when they are given an assignment by the Cosmic Law, it is their responsibility to have outpictured the Divine Plan for the specific period; that embodied in the Thought Form which is given to help in giving assistance to the Earth and her evolutions. 

I tell you with emphasis that it is expedient that you learn to love these Beings, not with a surface feeling when the thought occurs to you, but daily, hourly, realize that you have been given the privilege of conscious communion with the Members of the Spiritual Hierarchy through printed Releases to assist you to come to terms with your lower vehicles by letting the Christ within be the Doer! Cooperation is essential, not sometime today, or maybe tomorrow, but I say with the full authority and power of my Being, RIGHT NOW and that in knowing that ‘NOW' is present with your every breath that sustains you right now - an hour ago has sped and every moment is NOW! Who knows in the lower consciousness if tomorrow will come for you individually! 

Do I seem strict in my counsel? Well, there is a statement that one is "frightened out of his wits", that is not what I am endeavoring to do, I am pleading with you that something must be done, NOW, to bring Peace to your feeling worlds, for in that loving Peace is the salvation of this Earth! Each individual who knows of this Law is required to release the Flame of Cosmic Peace NOW!!! 

Oh, my brothers and sisters on the Earth, this Planet groans with dissention and we, your Elder Brothers and Sisters, must have channels of Light upon whom we can depend in the great crises which is upon your shoulders for you have been contributing factors to the rampant chaos on this Sphere. Balance your books by using the Sacred Fire - wipe your slates clean of imperfection and serve side by side with the Spiritual Hierarchy in accomplishing the true purpose for which you were given embodiment! 

Ask the Beloved Surya to take you to his Temple of Peace, and feel the cascading Waters of Living Light flow through your lower garments; let them be washed clean in the substance of Peace, and remember PEACE is not PASSIVE, it is a powerful Protecting Quality of Pure Divine Love, and it has been truly said that "Love makes the world go round"! It is the cohesive power which keeps the components from flying off into space. 

Come into the Garden of my Heart and all of us in Heaven's Realms extend you an invitation to come to them for true spiritual nourishment. Do you wish to enter and fulfill the responsibility that is yours to raise the vibratory action of this Earth and her evolutions? Enter the Flaming Presence within your own hearts and find the answer NOW! 

Offering you my Mantle of Victorious Accomplishment in the Light, "I AM" 



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Hail Victory!

Our Love to Thee!

Tread we the pathway to

Earth's own New Day! 

Gone are the tears,

All doubts and fears!

Tread we the pathway to


Rend now human veils!

God's Love does prevail!

Call we now to Thee!

Victory, Set us free - ONE with Thee! 

Hail Victory!

Our Love to Thee!

Tread we the pathway to







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