Ascended Master Consciousness

Beloved Ascended Master Jesus

January 7, 1971

The Consciousness of the Master, likes great effulgent Sun of Light, is constantly and continually radiating in the Universe to which he has dedicated his Life Expression. 

The trend of the Master's Consciousness follows his own particular Cosmic Service, but within that great Illumined Awareness of all Good is the specific and potent quality which identified him among all the God Virtues as an exponent of Beauty, of Peace, Purity, Happiness or Freedom. 

As the Light of the Sun floods the portion of the Earth particularly blessed by its Presence during a number of hours in each twenty-four hour cycle, so does the ever-present Substance of the Ascended Master Consciousness flood forth universally on 'the just and unjust alike'. 

We will see, therefore, that the great reservoir of God's Substance represented by every Ascended Being is ever-present. Man in the unascended state may aspire toward union with this Cosmic Consciousness, and in the very act of aspiration will he then connect with the Divine Cosmic Impetus of the being towards which his thought or feeling has risen. There is no unascended being therefore who need dwell in outer darkness, for within every heart is the capacity to aspire. 

Aspiration is the longing in the heart for greater understanding, peace, health, or any of the numerous experiences that the outer consciousness would like to manifest and express. Aspiration rises within the heart by reason of privation, suffering, ambition, discontent, as by mercy and devotion of the evolving peoples of Earth, and the desire of the unselfish heart to ease the burdens of the world. 

Whatever the cause that sends the spiritual aspiration heavenward, the natural effect is the drawing of the Ascended Master Consciousness back toward the heart from whence the initial wave of aspiration has risen. It is said that man receives according to his capacity to aspire. Let, then, the hearts of mankind be constantly moved toward aspiration, and let the wise see that even suffering, disillusionment and pain, when they probe the inert soul toward aspiration, are instruments of God. 

There is a great Celestial Being, whose Presence has ever enfolded every neophyte upon the Path - the Goddess of Aspiration - whose Spiritual Breath has stirred the coals and embers of the heart, keeping hope burning and ever prodding the heavy-eyed outer consciousness toward effort by the upreaching requisite to Cosmic return. 

In my service to mankind, I have walked with the Goddess of Aspiration; and many hearts who have the breath of her Spiritual Fire kept their soul search pointed heavenward, that I might return on the wave of their own call to bring the Peace, Illumination, and finally, their Freedom in the Light. 

Blessed chelas invite this Beloved Goddess into your Heart and Consciousness and call that you may radiate this glorious feeling of God Aspiration to all who may pass your way. 


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O blest Flame of Resurrection,

Blaze through all our worlds today;

Let thy joyous, raising Presence

Now and ever with us stay.

As thy purifying essence

Thou dost to each one impart,

God's great Plan Divine so perfect

Is revealed in every heart. 

Help us use thy Sacred Power

On those friends who cannot hear;

Now restore that gift of hearing -

Ever perfect - crystal clear.

May thy Pow'r of Resurrection

Bring its balance to each mind

That's confused and lost the Pathway

'Mid the shadows of mankind. 

Thou art e'er the Resurrection

And the Life of all we need;

Thy great Presence manifesting

Here as money, word, and deed.

Thus thy Pow'r of Resurrection

Is to all God's Gift of Love;

O Beloved Christ within us,

Raise us now to Realms above. 

MELODY: What a Friend we have in Jesus







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