Nature and Man

Beloved Lady Hope

January 19, 1971

Since it is my privilege to serve with the Resurrection Flame Activity, I would like to direct your attention to the Nature Kingdom. The process of Nature is such a marvelous study for the alert lifestream who chooses to advance upon the Spiritual Pathway and seek a workable knowledge which may act as a lever for his awakening consciousness. 

With the coming of the spring you find the various flowers, plants and shrubs and trees bursting into bloom at their appointed season in some seemingly miraculous manner without a conscious line of connection. Every daffodil, every crocus, every tulip and lilac making their appearance upon the stage of life within a certain cycle of time corresponding to the appearance of their kin the world over in zones and climates similar to their own. 

What is the Creative Intelligence behind such orderly procession of unfolding beauty so exact in its manifestation? From Godhead to elemental, all manifestation occurs through the use of energy. The Beings who direct the unfoldment of the Nature Kingdom send vibrating through the Universe certain tones and harmonies which represent the keynote of every flower, bush, plant and tree, and when that keynote is sounded, or the energy in that music begins to vibrate, it passes through every bulb and seed corresponding to that rate of vibration and awakens the dormant Life within tree, seed and bulb, and so their unfoldment and fulfillment occur in a natural sequence. 

Thus, all creation takes place through music and it should be a tremendous encouragement to man to realize that if the great Beings of Nature, through conscious direction of energy, can precipitate Spring, that in like manner, the Great Beings directly concerned with the Planet Earth and its humanity can precipitate God Flowers through the projection of the Cosmic Keynote representative of their type or species. As the Cosmic Currents sound through the inner atmosphere, they vibrate through the inner bodies of those who invite them and who try constantly to attune themselves to the Harmony of the Spheres; and besides one's own conscious effort for unfoldment and freedom one can rise on the crest of Nature's pulse much more rapidly than could possibly occur were not the Cosmic Impetus behind the growth and unfoldment. 

Certain flowers, shrubs and trees precede the spring and they are of a hardy variety, and in their being exceptions to the rule, their efforts are entirely beyond the ability and capacity of the average class. In the same manner, certain lifestreams have anticipated their destiny and fulfilled it prior to the Cosmic Impetus and unfoldment, such as the Lord Gautama Buddha, Jesus, and many others. 

When we say the "Cosmic Moment has struck", we mean that the Seven Elohimic Builders, the Solar Logoi, the Maha Chohan and his Seven Chohans have begun the Vibratory action within the inner currents that form the Keynote of mass unfoldment, and if the individual can so harmonize and balance himself as to receive the fullness of that Cosmic Impetus, through his aspiring consciousness, he can rise on the crest of the wave of Godliness even as the flowers rise.






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