The Temple of Truth

In the Etheric Realm over the beautiful Island of Crete, which lies on the blue bosom of the Mediterranean Sea, pulsates the Temple of Truth, Focus of the Chohan of the Fifth Ray, Beloved Hilarion, and the Brotherhood of Truth who serve with him in this particular branch of the Spiritual Hierarchy. 

Beloved Hilarion is the Director of Scientific Development, and the Guardian of the many lifestreams belonging to the Earth's evolution who have styled themselves as 'materialists', 'agnostics' and 'skeptics’ with relation to the belief and faith in spiritual survival, Divine intercession and God assistance upon the journey through the world of form. 

The endeavors of Hilarion and his Brotherhood are to draw the interest and cooperation of the scientifically minded lifestreams of the Earth into the exact science applied by the Creator of this Universe and his Messengers and workers in the Kingdom whereby form is created and sustained, and order is maintained throughout each Galaxy, Universe and Planet belonging to the Divine Plan of God himself. In previous lives, Hilarion was known as Iamblichus, the Neo-Platonism writer, and Saint Paul, the Christian Apostle and follower of the Master, Jesus. 

This Brotherhood is also the Guardian Presence of those blessed children of Earth who have devoted their lives to furthering the cause of scientific treatment and healing of disease, the doctors, nurses and missionaries, and those interested in research to determine the physical causes of the afflictions to which mankind are heir, as well as the vast army of unknown heroes and heroines who work in the research laboratories and privately within their own homes to develop and perfect inventions, formulas, and the many, many improvements which, added to the present developed comforts and conveniences of mankind, will hasten the freedom of the race from limitations and privations of every kind and description. The minds and hearts of the bold explorers into the realm of the unknown are the recipients of the developed perfection of this Brotherhood, and many an earnest life-stream who has endeavored in vain to draw forth the secrets of nature has been the beneficiary of the concentrated rays of energy from a Member of this Brotherhood who chose to endow such an incarnate lifestream with the privilege of presenting that blessing to his fellowmen. 

The Retreat of this Brotherhood pulsates in the ethers over the Island of Crete. In design, it is like the early Grecian Temples, many columned, gracefully curved, and of extremely large proportions. It is similar to the beautiful Parthenon, erected so long ago to the Beloved Pallas Athena, the Goddess of Truth who is the Cosmic Patroness of this Brotherhood and those devotees who are desirous of finding and externalizing Truth for the blessing and illumination of all mankind. 

The robes of the Brothers and Sisters are pure white, and embroidered over the heart is a Lighted Lamp, similar to the old fashioned oil cruet, which symbol was incorporated into the activities of the Brotherhood of Diogenes, in 412 B.C., at which time he was among the active members of this Order. This symbol signifies, of course, the relentless search for Truth which is the vow and pledge taken by all members of this Brotherhood. 

Within this Retreat is one of the most ancient schoolrooms, dedicated to the training of chelas in the magnetizing of the Universal Life, and the creating of consciously directed rays by which form may either be created or dissolved, according to the requirement of the God Intelligences so invoking and directing them. Here is taught the mathematical precision by which suns, planets and individual atoms are created and sustained. Here also the lifestreams are shown how, by controlled thought and feeling, the speed of atoms, the motion of the electrons and the duration of form itself, may be governed. Here precipitation and etherealization becomes the developed faculty of the brother or sister desiring such a gift for the use of the forwarding of the progress of the race. 

The Great Archangel Raphael, who is the Angel of Consecration, also has the Focus of his Flame of Consecration in this Temple. Individuals who dedicate their lives to a specific beneficial service to mankind are blessed by this Beloved Archangel and the Beloved Chohan Hilarion, before taking embodiment. The primal life which is magnetized by the soul into the heartbeat is consecrated to service by the Archangel Raphael. He pours the Green Flame of Consecration through the electrons that flow from the White Fire Body as the Silver Cord into the physical heart. This life is, therefore, predestined to flow forth as channeled energy to bless the race. All through the course of an incarnation, lifestreams who are so foresworn, to vocations of service in fields of governmental affairs, education, artistic endeavors, ministry, medicine, missionary endeavors, etc., are guided, guarded and protected by either a member of the Angelic Kingdom of Lord Raphael's Legions, or by a member of the Brotherhood of Truth at Crete. 

In this Retreat is a great Audience Chamber where the Master Jesus and Representatives of the great Religions that have blessed the race are given the opportunity of addressing those many lifestreams who either do not believe in God, as such, or who through disillusionment and bitter experiences with teachers of religion in whom they trusted, not wisely but too well, have lost their Faith and Conviction in the Supreme Intelligence, the continuity of consciousness of the individual unit, and the important part that each such self-conscious intelligence is to play in the Great Eternal Scheme of Things. 

It is suggested that if the gentle reader knows any individuals presently in embodiment, or who have passed from this Earth plane in confusion of spirit, they petition the Beloved Hilarion to seek out such a soul and draw that soul into the Aura and Presence of his Retreat and give back to such an one Faith and Hope. 

Further, if the invocation to this Brotherhood of Truth could be made on behalf of the blessed doctors, nurses and individuals whose lives are dedicated to alleviating the distress of mankind, a Member of this Brotherhood will conduct such an one to the sanctified Aura of this Retreat and bless him or her according to his particular requirement and according to the particular channel of service to Life.







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