Rays of Spiritual Illumination


The capacity of the consciousness to refuse to seek escape both from present obligations and present opportunities either in the enjoyment of past glories or in the anticipation of future greatness is the key to self-mastery. Every individual is a result of his past and is creating momentarily his future. The tendency of the outer mind is to shrink from the application of the spiritual law to both change and develop the present. When the chela begins to use the opportunity of each day to create a more pleasing tomorrow, he has begun the final ascent of consciousness into mastery and freedom.

Beloved Ćolus 

When an earnest soul looks back through the glamorous folds of time to a previous era of spiritual opportunity, such an one often wished that he had been there, he visualizes the glorious assistance, strength, loyalty and constancy with which he would have defended Truth and its brave exponent. Alas, while he thus visualizes himself as a 'hero' by his own wishful thinking, today's opportunities to use the vital energies of life to forward the same Truth, lies unnoticed on the threshold. The progress of the planet and its evolutions requires a steady outpouring of spiritual nourishment and truth in every age. The consciousness of mankind is usually a cycle behind in its endeavor to cooperate with the requirement of the current spiritual hour. It is only the few discerning, alert, receptive and practical men in every age who walk abreast of today's opportunity and vitalize it with their own life energy.

Beloved Maha Chohan 

Primal life, issuing out of the bosom of the Eternal, provides opportunity each day for the development of the Kingdom of Heaven through the individual. This beautiful, unformed life is so often wasted to refill the cups of past mistakes or to caress wishfully a 'sweet by and by'. The practical man seizes the opportunity of each new day, and builds with this life something of merit to himself and his evolution. These practical saints are few and far between, but upon them depends the actual manifestation of our visions, hopes, aspirations and the Divine Plan itself upon the planet Earth.

Beloved El Morya 

Man takes the gift of a new day too lightly. When one perceives that creative thought-force and energizing feelings can and will mold out of today's life whatsoever that one wills, such an individual realizes that he is no longer the victim of yesterday's errors or the unconscious creator of tomorrow's chains. TODAY is the Day of Opportunity! The experiences of yesterday may be the measure of wiser use of life and the experiences of tomorrow can be anticipated with certainty as days and years filled with the peaceful, opulent, beautiful, harmonious manifestations which are the result of the conscious creations that were built today.

Beloved Kuthumi 

Complete honesty with oneself is a requisite to real spiritual progress. The spiritual law which requires that a man give of his own energies in some impersonal benefaction to life, while yet developing his own personal mastery, applies to the layman as well as the chela in the Retreat. The seekers upon life's pathway, who wish to rise above metaphysical dabbling into adepts of power and control, must seek out the spiritual movement of the current hour which stirs the lower atmospheres of Earth. Then they must give of the energies of their own lives to the nourishment and development of this endeavor of the Hierarchy as a balance for more than ordinary instruction on the application of the Laws which bring freedom. 

Here, although man can and often does fool his fellowman, he does not fool the Laws those talents, momentums, gifts and particular God-controls of substance, energy and virtue which are his, must be personally evaluated and then offered, as Abraham offered Isaac, to the Law to further the movement of the hour. It is all well and good to offer something that requires no particular sacrifice of time, energy, substance or individually developed talent and virtue, but those advance most rapidly who offer that which is dearest to the secret heart. The Father who watches in secret rewards such a one openly.

Beloved Serapis Bey 

Developed momentums of energy rise and become the power of the Causal Body. The natural rhythmic release of the gifts, powers, talents and substance from the Causal Body into the conscious use and governing power of the outer self is regulated by the Holy Christ Self. The lifestream who evaluates his own particular worth to spiritual progress of the race is wise to use that which he has developed, for then he shall receive from that storehouse more of its gathered stockpile of good. The lifestream who, like Ananias and Sapphira, holds back that which is already developed within him, and which would nourish the Masters' endeavors, should never look with self-deluded longing upon the spiritual pageantry of Lord Buddha's mission nor Jesus' mission because such individuals probably lived in those days also and the tendencies of selfishness manifest today were equally manifest in recalcitrance of endeavor in the yesterdays. Always there are the few with their hands to the plow and the many singing the ‘Hallelujahs' over yesterday's saints and martyrs!

Beloved Hilarion 

"What shall I give the Master?" This question has issued out of many sincere hearts. Innumerable stories, plays and parables have been written on the acceptance by God of the simplest gifts from humble and sincere hearts. Every man has something of merit to give to the Cause of world unity, world peace, and world brotherhood. It is so often the desire to wait until some great gift can be evolved that holds back the soul's progress. It is the giving of honestly dedicated life daily, 'beyond the call of duty' to help make this a better world which marks the true soldiers and servants of Christ. The evaluation of one's own capacities, developed momentums, talents and the present opportunity to serve life will reveal to the spiritually honest, earnest and sincere individual how rich is his present store of potential influence for good, in his home, his community, his business and our Endeavor.

Beloved Jesus 

The permanent Golden Age will be externalized through conscious students. 'GOD NEEDS A BODY.' No good manifestation has come to this Earth except through the consciousness of some individual willing to be an Open Door to the Perfected Realms where such good naturally doth abide. Magnetizing this good is the opportunity of the students. Each consciousness has already a storehouse of developed good which is partially manifest in the talents and developed capacities used by the outer self in daily living. A portion of this developed good can become the personal 'tithe' of the individual to the spiritual Hierarchy. The sincere will give of their present store and to them that so give will the added store be given. Those whose talents are cautiously buried in the promises of tomorrow's use - fool no one but themselves. Today is the Day of Opportunity and NOW is the hour when we require the presence of the practical men and women willing to utilize their own energies as best they can and to develop better control of their energies for the future.

Beloved Saint Germain