The Beauty of God's Plan

Beloved Vista

Beloved chelas, you are acquainted with the fact that the Elohim are the Cosmic Builders of the Planet, and I, as Elohim of the Fifth Ray, would like to elaborate a little on our Service. 

The pressure of Light behind evolution that surges through the consciousness of mankind as the upward arc expresses as the Ascended "I AM" Presence. 

When an individual enters the conscious pathway toward Perfection, he enters the stream of Electronic Force, which is a conscious gift of the Elohimic Builders. 

As the Divine Plan fulfilled is the Ascension, and as the Elohim represent the Divine Intelligence directing the Ascension, They are very closely connected with each individual's endeavors to attain the Ascended Master Consciousness. 

As the Light is released into the earthplane daily through a downward surge of Electronic Force, so is there daily an upward flow of electronic Light that carries with it all the aspiration and all the consciousness of mankind that is looking upward: One can consciously tune in to this River of Ascending Force, and thus be drawn into the full gathered momentum of Godly directed energy. This River of Force is a requisite for that part of Life which has been bound by human thinking, in order to strengthen the aspiring God Flame to a point where it mal, be disconnected from the earth pressure and thus flow freely into the higher or ascending stream of energy. 

The Beloved Master Jesus and every Master who has achieved the Ascension consciously tuned into this River of Force which the Elohim have provided as a conveyor of man's consciousness back to God. It is as though you stepped on a cosmic escalator and were carried by the Love of the Elohim upward toward the Goal which your heart desires. 

The pressure of this surging sea of force is essential because the mass of mankind are constantly pouring forth their energy in a manner opposed to the Divine Plan, and unless they get into the rhythmic pulsation of the Divine Plan, as released by the Love and Light of the Elohim, they are still a part of the outer mind or consciousness. 

How we long for artists with esoteric vision to convey to canvas the Beauty of these Cosmic Truths. Sometimes a painting can convey through the senses enough of the Truth to awaken the sleeping soul, and in the world and realm of the future - the New Age - Beloved Serapis Bey will spread the Light through canvas, through sculpture and various other media of art, the dance, the song, the melody and so on. 

The Great Divine is so beautiful, it contains such exquisite harmony, happiness and rhythm - that it is truly a tragedy to see millions of people creating 'straw houses' built of their own human imaginings of what Life should be, when above and behind their caricatures of Life stand the most exquisite edifices awaiting the wind of adversity that will blow apart their human designs - and when they find themselves among the ruins, will they look up and see the true pattern upon which they should build. 

For centuries the Elohim have waited and now is the hour of fulfillment. With the speed of Hercules' Blue Lightening, mankind will be forced to look to the Divine Architect, and then build with the Forces of Nature according to the Divine Plan. 

It would be opportune if the beloved chelas who know of and use the Sacred Fire of Transmutation and Purification would call for the purification of all lifestreams on this planet who have built a momentum in artistic endeavors so that the magnificent Gifts in their Causal Bodies could readily flow through their consciousness and express in this world of form something for the upliftment of all mankind. I assure you that Beloved Serapis would welcome any invocation for the God-expression of Beauty on this Earth. 

All of the Elohim are so desirous of assisting in the precipitation of God's Perfection in the world of form, and you, beloved ones have but to turn your attention to us, rhythmically, to witness the results of the simple instruction which I have lovingly presented to you today.





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